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What the WSJ thinks of Rudy's NRA performance

Started by Seamas, September 27, 2007, 08:22 PM NHFT

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On top of disrespecting gun owners; he is just questionably weird.  I suspect that getting rid of wife #3 is a non-starter at this point so he will take her calls no matter how bad a light they put him in. 

Even the WSJ has pointed out how compromised he is by this issue.  This is the "best chance" to defeat the Clintons?  I think not.

Calling Rudy
For Mr. Giuliani, it's more than his wife that's on the line.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT

Most Americans understand it takes an extra chromosome to run for President, but there are some limits on odd behavior. Which makes us wonder what Rudy Giuliani was thinking last Friday when he accepted, and even flaunted, a phone call from his wife Judith in the middle of his speech to the National Rifle Association.

This was no emergency call. His cell phone rang in his pocket during his speech, which is itself unusual; most public officials turn theirs off during events, if only out of courtesy for the audience. Mr. Giuliani went on to answer it and carry on a routine "love you" and "have a safe trip" exchange with Mrs. Giuliani while the crowd (and those of us watching on C-Span) wondered what in the world that was all about.

His campaign aides spun the episode as a "candid and spontaneous moment" illustrative of the couple's affection. We might believe that if we hadn't heard stories of similar behavior by Mr. Giuliani as he has campaigned around the country. During one event in Oklahoma, we're told he took two calls, at least one from his wife, and chatted for several minutes as the audience waited. That episode followed Mr. Giuliani's eye-popping disclosure earlier this year that, if he's elected, his wife would sit in on Cabinet meetings. He later downplayed that possibility.

Mr. Giuliani has run an impressive campaign so far, especially on the issues. He has a record of accomplishment in New York, and he projects the kind of executive competence that many Americans want in a President. The rap on his candidacy, however, is that his personal history and behavior are simply too strange for someone who wants to sit in the Oval Office. Voters will decide whether that's true, but if nothing else Mr. Giuliani ought to be aware of this vulnerability and do nothing to compound it.

"That was just weird," one NRA audience member told the New York Post about the phone interruption. Mr. Giuliani doesn't need more weird.

J’raxis 270145

Since he's had three wives, this is probably some staged nonsense to demonstrate how solid his current relationship is, for the family-values voters.


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on September 27, 2007, 09:28 PM NHFT
Since he's had three wives, this is probably some staged nonsense to demonstrate how solid his current relationship is, for the family-values voters.

Exactly.... I can't imagine Ron doing something like that...no need to.
It was so phony and made me sick.


On lewrockwell.com , they are now calling him Benito.  As in Benito Mussolini.  ;D  I am shocked that he is even a front runner.  He is not even conservative.  Either the religious right is already sitting out, or they were never as influential as people thought they were.


Quote from: David on September 28, 2007, 01:10 AM NHFT
On lewrockwell.com , they are now calling him Benito.  As in Benito Mussolini.  ;D  I am shocked that he is even a front runner.  He is not even conservative.  Either the religious right is already sitting out, or they were never as influential as people thought they were.

They seem to like Huckabee although he only polls at 1% in NH while Ron is polling at 4%-5% among GOPers...

Huck is a minister, but that doesn't mean he's good on taxes and such...
