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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Now that eveyone is too F---ing scared to speak up:

Started by John, January 29, 2008, 11:39 AM NHFT

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Quote from: ThePug on February 03, 2008, 02:56 AM NHFT
Quote from: Bald Eagle on February 01, 2008, 06:44 PM NHFT
Had they only resisted earlier.

They did. They lost. Resistance doesn't always result in victory, even if it's your last hope.

If you don't even have enough people where everyone knows what your viewpoint is, you're not going to have enough people to make a Bunker Hill out of the Warsaw Ghetto.

Hence "live free or die".


or should it be "live free or let them kill you"?



Quote from: penguins4me on February 04, 2008, 03:07 PM NHFT
Quote from: ThePug on February 03, 2008, 02:56 AM NHFT
Quote from: Bald Eagle on February 01, 2008, 06:44 PM NHFT
Had they only resisted earlier.

They did. They lost. Resistance doesn't always result in victory, even if it's your last hope.

If you don't even have enough people where everyone knows what your viewpoint is, you're not going to have enough people to make a Bunker Hill out of the Warsaw Ghetto.

Hence "live free or die".

I'm not disputing that. Just the claim that the Poles didn't resist.

Bald Eagle

I have never rejected a nonviolent solution.  I still don't.

I just won't give up my rifles, or leave my pistol(s) at home when I want to visit the Statehouse.
However if they come at me or mine with ill intent in the here & now, I'll try my best to get a whole lot o' love flyin'.

I wrack my brain as much as I can to come up with nonviolent suggestions, and ways to jimmy out of the tough spot we're in without resorting to option #4.  I try to have fun doing it. 
And they just keep on making it harder every day.

I do a lot of things on that list of 198 things, and at some point I'll figure out what the ones I didn't understand are.
But I like to make it clear that JFK was right, and that maybe the legislators and fascist pigs ought to yield to the first 3 boxes before another shot is heard 'round the world.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

I'm willing to listen to you, brother, I really am.  Just keep on talkin'. 
Maybe we can get that game and have some game nights.

Tom Sawyer


The opportunity is presented by the fact that abuses are getting more visible and folks might be aroused from their slumber.

We are just further along on the curve than the average person. We should not despair or burnout, with the chance to show others that they can resist and we can lead the change.

In our personal lives we have influence over others, we are the ones that must be the hope for the better future... no one else will do it for us.


Change relies on the help of many people who want liberty, live liberty, but are stuborn(rightfully so) to jump n board with strangers. This is the Yankee mentality, always sceptical...even if it means doubting an ally.

Bald Eagle

... I'm not sure I trust your assessment of the situation...


Lloyd Danforth

For some reason, I seem to have little faith in your opinion about his assesment


The NA Indians tried to live in peace with white settlers. For a short time (in some regions) it worked.

After enough torment and abuse of their land and their people they ran out of options.

Study history and see how drastic positive changes came about.



I' ve lived  here  forever...and thats how it is. You can trust it or not...they say the same as you. These connections of families and small business operate similar to how they did 300+ years ago. WE hate gov intervention, permits, town meetings where nosey neighbors get involved and make a mess of simple solutions. The resentment toward newcomers is this, and as newcomers yourselves, you will find the reluctance of the local guy (who wants just to be left alone) to join the cause, but his thoughts and perspective is not that far from these views of liberty and Independence. The main difference is that local connection to town services. Brothers, cousins, neighbors, and friends work as cops, as firemen, as road agents and many run small businesses without paying taxes...and not getting permits and just do whatever the hell we want to cuz when its said and done there isn't anyone to give a rats ass, most situations with zoning and planning only get dragged out by litigation and in the end it usually works out.


