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Fridays Blog

Started by Pat K, July 30, 2007, 10:24 AM NHFT

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Pat K

Since she is to modest to post it herself.

I just thought I would let every one know Sandy
is blogging again.

The blog is smart and funny.

You can find it here=http://www.freestateobserver.com/

Lloyd Danforth

Yes. All of the 'Real' Men are going there!


Why, thank you.  :blush:

Your checks are in the mail.  ;)


Now stop writing and start (finish) reading the Deathly Hollows! ;)


I like Friday's blog quite a bit--it's a breath of fresh air. Of course I am particularly impressed with the controversial entry entitled "Reichstag  9/11" http://www.freestateobserver.com/?p=116  :)