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Free to good home: pots and pans

Started by MaineShark, June 21, 2007, 09:19 AM NHFT

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I have some pots and pans that my brother had from his first apartment, before he and his fiance got some nicer stuff.  We were storing them for him, but he realized that he won't want them back, so they're either getting trashed, or going to someone who can use them.

There's nothing wrong with them; just a basic set of some items that he got at a yardsale.  I figure they would be useful to anyone who's moving here on a budget.  We'd certainly rather they go to some Porc in order to help them make the move, versus tossing them at the dump.

If anyone's interested, I'll inventory what's there.



Interested!!  What kind of pots and pans are they (i.e. stainless steel, non-stick, copper, cast-iron, etc.)?



Sorry for the delay... I've been a bit busy...

They look to be aluminum, with enamel on the outside.  There are also some plates and cups and such in ceramic.  All are earthtones.

I'm going to make an effort to be at Murphy's tomorrow, so if anyone lets me know ahead of time and wants to see them there, I will bring them along.  But make sure to let me know, because I don't keep them in the car, and won't have them otherwise.
