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New Radio Show Potential in NH

Started by Gard, July 13, 2007, 03:21 PM NHFT

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Hi, Guys,

I just got back from a trip and got word that the new owners of a group of stations in NH are interested in bringing me in for a daily program from 1 to 4 pm, m-f. We will meet to discuss their proposal next week, but from our intermediary, it appears to me that they want to have "backers" that I bring in, which could be problematic. I HATE to try to collect potential advertisers, because I just don't like that sales pitch thing, and I prefer to concentrate on the content of the material being aired. The content and aural soundscape are key for me.

I want to approach you all here to see if you can think about people to approach, or ways to garner some potential backers for this project. I will have specifics next week, but for now, suggestions and ideas volunteered would be great to see. I think I will really need to find "backers", as they are calling them.

Talk to ya all later!  -- PS. Thanks to some great people associated with FTL, I got to see "Spamalot" and the Cirque de Sole show in Vegas -- WOW~!!


Three ideas come to mind.

Voluntary donations
I for one would voluntarily pay to help support any show where the majority of that show's content comes from El G Grande, aka Gard Goldsmith.
In other words, if you had something like the FTL "AMP" program, I'd donate money for it.
It's very easy to set up a recurring donation in PayPal.

Porcupine Businesses
You might want to hit up all the businesses owned by Porcupines to see if they'd be interested in advertising. You might want to send mail to NHPorcupines-Announce for such a solicitation.

Pro-liberty organizations
Approach various liberty-oriented organizations and offer them sponsorship opportunities: plugs, live reads, etc. For example, if you were able to make such an offer, I would suggest to the rest of the NHLA Board that we seriously consider such outreach -- it would be a great way for us to pick up more members.
NHLA, RLCNH, GO-NH, LPNH, SAS, and a bunch more, all want to increase their memberships and may well be willing to pay money for live reads.

Rosie the Riveter

Congratulations on the meeting!! I hope that everything works out-- I love listening to you on the radio!! I will keep my eyes open for possible businesses.


Good stuff Gard, can't wait hear ya more regularly.


What areas would the stations be covering?  It might help if someone here knows of a business in that area.

Dave Ridley

ideas off the top of my head:

murphy's tap room
state rep candidates from this board

great to here there's potential for new sho....

"against the grain."...the talker that wouldnt die!


Thank you all!

We had a meeting yesterday, and it looks promising. There will be coverage on FM in the Concord, Hooksett, north & west Manchester area, and more in Lebanon, New London, Claremont, etc plus it looks like we could be on in a few months in the Keene area. The owners have made great strides in getting towers to spread over a wide area of the state, probably the widest potential for the program so far... BUT, it isn't a done deal yet. I'm in the running against two other people, and there has even been some speculation that I should do the program (three hours a day from 1 to 4 pm mon thru fri) with one of those others, who is, as you might suspect, VERY leftist and difficult to work with. This, some think, could generate a lot of "buzz", but I think the "PR" portion of that would be swiftly overtaken by the practicalities. I don't want to speak too soon about anything, or color anyone about a third -- even unnamed -- party, so I'll just say that I woudl much prefer to be able to shape the show based on what I think the three hours can fit, and what the audience and advertisers respond to. We'll see.

Right now, the business owners at this station are interested in seeing if I can show them any potential advertisers, and I am going to try to get in touch with some of the folks you suggested. If I can show the business people at the station that there are people who really are dedicated to this, then they will see the advantages of going with classical liberalism and our kind of ideas.

I really appreciate all the suggestions. I've been flat out and also sick, but it's great to be in touch, you guys.

By the way, we need to do  a regular feature on NH and federal police abuse.

See you later. Drop me a line in e-mail any time!



Quote from: Gard on August 01, 2007, 03:34 PM NHFT
t looks like we could be on in a few months in the Keene area.

As I suspected.   8)

QuoteThe owners have made great strides in getting towers to spread over a wide area of the state, probably the widest potential for the program so far... BUT, it isn't a done deal yet. I'm in the running against two other people, and there has even been some speculation that I should do the program (three hours a day from 1 to 4 pm mon thru fri) with one of those others, who is, as you might suspect, VERY leftist and difficult to work with. This, some think, could generate a lot of "buzz", but I think the "PR" portion of that would be swiftly overtaken by the practicalities.

I suspect the leftist candidate is Arnie Arensen.   It might be interesting having the two of you on the same show.  The philosophy of liberty is infectious.  Study up on your persuasive techniques and perhaps you could even convince Ms. Arensen (or whoever) to reject coercion and join us.   8)