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What's that thingy on the highway?

Started by coffeeseven, August 01, 2007, 02:01 AM NHFT

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I've seen any number of deely bops and doo whangles on cell phone towers when I travel. One thing I saw when I took the East/West highway to NH was what looked like a "reader" suspended on a pole over the highway and 100 or so feet later a camera. I was told by an unverified source that the "reader" was a scanner that looks for certain kinds of metal. I'm sure the camera is to capture your slave plate number. Anyone know for sure about this device?

I'm sure it's a violation of DHS secret rules to ask about this device. Double plus good!!!


Could be transponders for commercial trucks. The weigh stations that I pass regularly have signs directing "transponder equipped trucks" to stay on the highway instead of exiting to the weigh station. The transponder system communicates info about miles driven, fuel load (and fuel taxes paid), etc.



Thanks for that. Anyone know for sure about this device?


Quote from: coffeeseven on August 01, 2007, 02:47 AM NHFT
Thanks for that. Anyone know for sure about this device?

Of course not. Your description is too vague. Got pictures?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: coffeeseven on August 01, 2007, 02:47 AM NHFT
Thanks for that. Anyone know for sure about this device?
the only things I have seen right over the freeway are for big rigs ... you can have a special thing in your windshield like a ezpass for the tollroads. It lets them know who you are and they can decide to let you skip the weigh station by having a little light blink on the box. They are white rectangular tubes, sometimes over just the right lane .... sometimes over both.
If you saw something else, I don't know about it.