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Live Free or Die Festival in Jaffrey -- Aug. 25

Started by Rocketman, August 04, 2007, 06:24 PM NHFT

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Correct.  I have an airport pickup in the morning and then I am going to the LFOD event 'unofficially'.

I will have RP signs and palm cards but no official booth.


Quote from: Dreepa on August 23, 2007, 07:29 PM NHFT
Correct.  I have an airport pickup in the morning and then I am going to the LFOD event 'unofficially'.

I will have RP signs and palm cards but no official booth.

OK, this means I'll likely do Pembroke for you then.

I've been to Cheshire County 4 or 5 times already and so I felt I'd be either duplicating efforts and/or preaching to the choir at the LFOD...


So... does this mean that the event organizers are OK with a person (or several people) could just start handing out flyers, advertising... like, oh, say... Free Talk Live ?


Quote from: d_goddard on August 23, 2007, 09:15 PM NHFT
So... does this mean that the event organizers are OK with a person (or several people) could just start handing out flyers, advertising... like, oh, say... Free Talk Live ?
I have a stack!

Dave Ridley

i'll probably be running around shooting edited-in-the-camera videos .   if you kno of anything interesting and visual that might be good to shoot, lemme kno.

right now i'm planning to shoot

- story about the festival generally
- story about people's thoughts on the brown situation
- story about the ron paul activism there
- story about rep. tancredo's invasion hint
- story about the Keene litter pickup on sunday

The videos, whichever ones I shoot, won't need editing after I've shot them.   if all goes as planned the Keene Free Minds guys will  dump the stories to youtube and air some or all of them on FMTV. 

Dave Ridley

can someone bring white or yellow masking tape....the wide kind?  not sure it will be easy for me to find in the morning

when I get there I want to tape it to my forehead with "NHfree.com" written on it....so i look crazy just like last year :)

plz call me to let me know if you're doing this:  721 1490
that will save me a trip to the store


I showed up about 2pm... was there til the end.
Saw at least
20 people that I knew.

Good crowd.

My son liked the band (Pokerface)

Handed out about 20 FTL flyers.
Gave away about 20 RP buttons and about 20 RP signs.



Thanks to everybody who came.  From my perspective, the event was a total success.

Perhaps the best part was meeting so many NH people who are into freedom but aren't necessarily libertarians (yet).  I was personally involved in more good conversations than I could count, and they lasted well into the night...

For me it was just an awesome experience personally, and NH Common Sense made a number of new, good friends as well.   :)

J’raxis 270145

It was great. I got there right at the start and stayed for the whole thing. I loved the anti-racism quote on the banner they stuck up on the stage to keep last year's nitwits away.

Who was the old man wandering around trying to get people to sign a petition for Arnold Schwarzenegger?


How many people attended, approximately? How were the speakers and entertainment? Any other pictures?


Quote from: Insurgent on August 26, 2007, 06:00 PM NHFT
How many people attended, approximately? How were the speakers and entertainment? Any other pictures?
I am guessing 50 -75ish (when I was there)
Speakers that I remember:

Matt Simon (pot)
J Perry (pot)
ANother guy I know his name but forgot (pot)
911 guy
Poker Face played

Katherie A and Joel spoke but I didn't hear them I got there too late.


The official guess was that about 150 people were there over the course of the afternoon.  They did a lot better than last year, and they're already optimistic about next year.

To anybody who missed the after-party, I'm sorry for you.  It was kind of like a little PorcFest, except over half the attendees were not free staters.  Poker Face also played at the party, along with Rich Angell and a very talented girl named Lauren. 

I had a great, great, great time and met some truly remarkable people.   :)


Quote from: Rocketman on August 27, 2007, 06:50 AM NHFT
Poker Face also played at the party, along with Rich Angell

Hey wait a second... I was just talking to him yesterday at the NHLA meeting.  Is he the guy who knew Tom Lehrer's entire repertoire at PorcFest last year???