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broke butt beth to broke head beth

Started by Beth221, August 13, 2007, 12:03 PM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Beth221 on August 13, 2007, 10:59 PM NHFT
  They took another ct scan, along with a dye ct scan to look for broken blood vessels, all normal. 

It appears that they looked in your head and.....didn't find anything :P


   Holy shit! 
   I have a friend, whos wife has a horsie that is in a contest to see who the Alpha is.  She was a little shakey with her and when she was jumping some stuff in a competition the horsie decided that it was too easy and fell on her after not making the jump.  Please be carefull with these animals.


my swelling is falling onto my eyes! do you know how hard it is to boss dan around, and read nice replies online, with one good eye?


You could shave your head and incorporate the scar into a sweet tattoo, maybe...


Quote from: Beth221 on August 13, 2007, 12:03 PM NHFT
Yes, i hurt myself again...  got kicked by my horse in the temple area.. 

My left elbow took most of the kick, but he did make contact with my head, and scalped me!

17 stitches, and  interior stitches to tack my scalp back to my scull. 

It is all in my hair, so the scare will not be to visible! 

It never ends with me!! 

No concussion, or broken bones, thankfully!   :P

and Yes, the laceration is horse shoe shaped!    I am very proud of my stitches, never had them before! 

I'm glad your okay.  It could've been worse I guess but it still sucks! :hug:


that is what every doctor and nurse has said to me, inches lower, it would have been my eye, sinuses, and i  would have broken thin facial bones, and possible brain injury.  scary crap, when the reality hit me..   

The swelling is settling, and having a swollen face is a wierd feeling!

PM me or Dan for creepy pics!   dont want to post them, I think its nasty to look at!


Quote from: Beth221 on August 14, 2007, 03:01 PM NHFT
that is what every doctor and nurse has said to me, inches lower, it would have been my eye, sinuses, and i  would have broken thin facial bones, and possible brain injury.  scary crap, when the reality hit me..   

The swelling is settling, and having a swollen face is a wierd feeling!

PM me or Dan for creepy pics!   dont want to post them, I think its nasty to look at!

No way to the pictures but thanks anyway!  I had an accident when I was little and had 3 stitches about 1/8 inch from my eye.  Right now I'm on pain pills too Beth so I'm probably "out there" with you, damn the keyboard gets so retarded like all of the letters move around and screw up my spelling. I hate when that happens!  Simple root canal turned into bloody surgical extraction. ::)

porcupine kate

Beth you are very lucky.  I know a lady who was hit right between the eyes.  she broke most of the bones in her face and has a new personality due to the brain damage.  even after plastic surgery you and see the bottom of the horse shoe dent between her eye brows.  It took 6 months for her life to start to get back to normal. She is very happy she isn't dead.  She still owns and rides horses.

I'm very glad you are going to be all right. 

Soooo. When are you two moving? >:D