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broke butt beth to broke head beth

Started by Beth221, August 13, 2007, 12:03 PM NHFT

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Yes, i hurt myself again...  got kicked by my horse in the temple area.. 

My left elbow took most of the kick, but he did make contact with my head, and scalped me!

17 stitches, and  interior stitches to tack my scalp back to my scull. 

It is all in my hair, so the scare will not be to visible! 

It never ends with me!! 

No concussion, or broken bones, thankfully!   :P

and Yes, the laceration is horse shoe shaped!    I am very proud of my stitches, never had them before! 


Good job sticking that arm out there!  :)

Is the arm ok?

Good to hear you're not too hurt.  Horsefeet and heads do not go together well.

Kat Kanning

Bald Eagle

"My left elbow took most of the kick, ...."

Oh, whatever.  It's the thick skull that saved you.

When the busybodies propose helmet legislation again, you should be first in line to testify - "we don't need no steeenking helmets!"

Much love and relief, to you from Kate and I.

See what happens when you send Dan off to the Shire with the hot blonde to drink with us at Murphy's and stay home with a male that's hung like a horse?  Naughty Beth.  Now sell the horse and move to New Hampshire.

Dave Ridley

still good to have u back on forum stitches or no


Oh wow!  Glad to hear you're okay!  I used to work at a summer camp that had some horses.  I never trusted horses.  I don't hang out with things that could beat me up without any problem.  Needless to say, I spend a lot of time by myself  ;)


hahah!!  I hated making the call to dan and sharon..  "sharon I need dan bad, i had an accident, I am at the hospital!"

my arm is bruised, and scraped.  Nothing broke, i thought for sure i fractured it, because that was hurting more than the 5 inch U-shaped laceration to my temple. 

I didnt have a helmet on because I was not riding.  I was getting ready to spray him for flies, and he was eating his breakfast.  I think i sneaked up behind him, and scared him.  I was in and out of his paddock about 4 times previously, so i didnt think i was going to scare him.  He is protective over his food too, so he might have thought i was another horse trying to sneak in on his grain.  His hoof just knocked the skin off my head.  Nasty as that sounds!  I dont *think it was a direct blow to my head.  but i saw sky, and was on the ground in a split second!  I got up as fast as possible, saw the blood, and held my hand onto my head, knowing it was cut.  I concentrated on walking to the house, occasionally yelling for help, in fear i was going to pass out!  But, i didnt!

went to the hospital, and got a good dose of morphine and oxygen!  It is a very refreshing combo!! 

So, that is my near death experience!  Yes, the horse has a new name "For Sale" 

I wont be riding, well, at the least, until i can get my riding helmet back on my big swollen face! 

I think i am going to spend the rest of the year in a bubble!   :_hamsterball__by_Ugghhzilla:


Damn that sucks :(

The funny thing is that when I first saw the thread title I thought you were talking about how you were broke ass...and just didn't want to use the word ass ;)


haha!  well it goes back to January when I broke my tailbone, and adopted the name "Broke Butt Beth"

Now, Dan calls me spaulding, or wilson.  the stitches reminds him of a baseball.  It looks real nasty, Frankenstein looking!




Quote from: ivyleague28477 on August 13, 2007, 08:33 PM NHFT
Beth has taken a small downturn.  Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

:-\ Keep us updated, please


Man I hope it's not bad  :-\ Let us know how she's doing!


I just came back from RI Hospital.  "Post concussion syndrome"  I was having blurred vision, and uneven pupils, and a low fever.  All signs of head trauma.  They took another ct scan, along with a dye ct scan to look for broken blood vessels, all normal.  They said I should expect the blurred vision, headaches, and swelling for a few days to a few weeks!  The swelling is now moving because of gravity, pulling it around my left eye, and I should expect a black eye!

I am very proud of the horse shoe shaped stitches i have!  Walking out of the ER tonight, a lady stopped me, asked if I was the one who took a horse hoof to the head, apparently I am the talk of the town!  She said how sexy i am going to look with a scar!  HAH!  Luckily, if it does scar, it will be hidden, in my hair, unless I start going bald!


Quote from: Beth221 on August 13, 2007, 10:59 PM NHFT
I just came back from RI Hospital.  "Post concussion syndrome"  I was having blurred vision, and uneven pupils, and a low fever.  All signs of head trauma.  They took another ct scan, along with a dye ct scan to look for broken blood vessels, all normal.  They said I should expect the blurred vision, headaches, and swelling for a few days to a few weeks!  The swelling is now moving because of gravity, pulling it around my left eye, and I should expect a black eye!

You mean scrambled brains! ;D Glad to hear you're going to be fine.