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Serve New England ?

Started by John, August 14, 2007, 12:25 AM NHFT

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Anyone got knowledge/opinion about "Serve New England" food co-op/voluntary service?  I think they may be private, but not sure.
I just talked to a man/neighbor who had recently been looking for (temporary) "government" help . . . He came up with Serve New England . . .


Perhaps visiting their web site would help.

From 1991 - 1997 we were an affiliate of World SHARE and we were known as SHARE New England.  In 1998, we became an independent nonprofit corporation known as Serve New England.

Our founding in 1991 was made possible with support from several private citizens from the Boston area, by significant private contributions, the sponsorship of the Glastonbury Abbey in Hingham, MA, and the direction of the founder, Joseph Vaughan.  Soon after its inception, Serve expanded to encompass the six New England states.

After a quick look I couldn't find anything to suggest government funding.


Quote from: Beavis on August 14, 2007, 12:37 AM NHFTAfter a quick look I couldn't find anything to suggest government funding.

Thanks. Same here.
Anyone else know anything about Serve New England?

My neighbor was so happy to find some TEMPORARY "government" help (I think that is all he knows), but he is so ill-informed re. private help (he didn't seem to trust that) . . . I SOFTLY told him how (and why) private is so much better . . . He thinks this program is pretty cool . . . He thinks helping others is good (and he is willing - and able - to do that) . . . He asked me if I could find out more . . . I told him I think he may have found a very nice program and that I (also) might be willing to help . . . I asked him where we might help localy . . . there are lots of local places . . .
