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Seat Belt Creep

Started by LiveFreeOrDie, May 23, 2005, 01:28 AM NHFT

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Seat belt creep:
Big Brother is still watching NH


QuoteNASHUA POLICE to conduct seat belt checkpoints" was a small headline in our state edition one day last week, but it caught our eye nonetheless.

The story said checkpoints would begin today and are an effort to improve "compliance with state seat belt laws."

New Hampshire's law covers minors only, ours being the last state in the union that believes adults ought to be able to make their own decisions about buckling up. So we will be interested to see just how intrusive the police are in administering their "checkpoints."

The New Hampshire Police Chiefs Association tried again this year to pass a law taking away this adult decision. The chiefs insisted that they wanted a "secondary" seat belt law for New Hampshire drivers. This, they claim, means that drivers could be cited for a seat belt violation only if they were first stopped for some other offense...


I thought checkpoints were illegal.


Quote from: Erethizon on May 23, 2005, 01:41 AM NHFT
I thought checkpoints were illegal.

How many moons does your world have?

Sorry to be trite, but checkpoints, while clearly unconstitutional, have been upheld throughout the court system as acceptable, so long as they are narrowly targeted towards drunk driving, "drivers license checks", "insurance checks" (N/A in NH, hallelujah!), and even seatbelt compliance.

Just because something is unconstitutional and/or illegal doesn't mean you have any protection against being subjected to it by your local or state law enforcement agencies. Don't expect SCOTUS to help you out.



Just got my paper and signed on to post this . . .
WTF?  They just don't stop!
Rally at the Vermont sign Saturday?


From the same article

QuoteIn fact, the real Big Brother in the seat belt battle was already at work in Washington last week, where the U.S. Senate voted to bribe more states into becoming "primary" by giving them 500 times the highway safety money they normally get. This was the handiwork of Sen. Elizabeth Dole of North Carolina who has been pushing for mandatory seat belt laws ? and punishing states that resist ? ever since she was secretary of transportation.

They gave Vermont 24,000 for that bill board too...

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: John on May 23, 2005, 04:50 AM NHFT
Just got my paper and signed on to post this . . .
WTF?? They just don't stop!
Rally at the Vermont sign Saturday?

Where, exactly, is the sign?
Is there more than one?
Are they on privite or state property?
Who protects them?

I see these signs as an opportunity for us, if, we go at it right.



?Buckle up in Vermont. It?s the law,? read the large billboards on Interstate 293 near the Manchester-Hooksett line, and on Route 9/202 as you enter Hillsborough.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Kat Kanning

Nice photo...includes the tree stump.

Lloyd Danforth

You mean a New Hampshire Tree had to DIE for that vermont sign?


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 23, 2005, 04:18 PM NHFT
You mean a New Hampshire Tree had to DIE for that vermont sign?

Dozens, if not hundreds, of New Hampshire trees had to die for those signs, in fact.



QuoteTwo Nashua police officers dedicated three hours yesterday afternoon to enforcing the state's seat belt law, part of the city's first day of a seat belt crackdown that will continue for the next two weeks.

QuoteThomson said most police departments are eager to start writing tickets, rather than issue warnings as they have done in the past.

QuoteIf people appeared to be under 18 and were not wearing a seat belt, the car was ordered to pull over, a tactic called "directive enforcement," Forgione said.

Quote"We're directly looking for a specific violation . . . but it's not like a road block," the detective said, noting that not all passing cars are stopped.

QuoteThomson said. The enforcement is not technically a roadblock. But police slow traffic down enough so an officer can observe the motorist and passengers without stopping the car, Thomson said.


QuoteThomson said most police departments are eager to start writing tickets, rather than issue warnings as they have done in the past.

That's just sick


"Thom$on $aid mo$t police department$ are eager to $tart writing ticket$, rather than i$$ue warning$ a$ they have done in the pa$t."


Quote from: mvpel on May 25, 2005, 04:29 PM NHFT
"Thom$on $aid mo$t police department$ are eager to $tart writing ticket$, rather than i$$ue warning$ a$ they have done in the pa$t."


Kat Kanning

Don't laugh!  Don't you know that it's only the safety of......THE CHIIIIIIILDREN....that they are concerned about.   >:(