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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Kennebunkport, Maine Rally and March for Peace

Started by jaqeboy, August 20, 2007, 12:40 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Beavis on August 29, 2007, 06:43 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on August 29, 2007, 06:10 PM NHFT

Wow, some of Kate Rick's Ron Paul HQ signs made it all the way to Miami!!

Oh yes she's sent those to every state in the union just about. I've seen them in videos from CA to FLA.

Same for the ones I designed with the word president on them which was what you saw in the video of the guy who was made to take it off his lawn - that was in MD was it?

Tonight I saw one of mine, second iteration blue (corrugated) standing proudly on a lawn in Bedford near the Manchester line and don't even know who it was -- must have been one of the many I have given out when I do my booths each weekend.

There is also a 'who is Ron Paul' tshirt too!


Quote from: CNHT on August 29, 2007, 07:00 PM NHFT
Same for the ones I designed with the word president on them which was what you saw in the video of the guy who was made to take it off his lawn - that was in MD was it?

That was Claremont, Fla., not too far from Orlando.


Quote from: Beavis on August 29, 2007, 07:25 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on August 29, 2007, 07:00 PM NHFT
Same for the ones I designed with the word president on them which was what you saw in the video of the guy who was made to take it off his lawn - that was in MD was it?

That was Claremont, Fla., not too far from Orlando.

OH you're right... well the people in other states that are not early primaries didn't get on the sign bandwagon until later so they either had us send them our designs or made homemade ones. There are three other designs out there and I want them all for my collection. :-)

There's the HQ, then the PRESIDENT, then the corrugated PRESIDENT, then the ones from Texas that match the 4x8 blues, then the ones with the red outline and then another one with some red under the name and small lettering... (that was in the video too)

Then of course we have the white ones...which don't help identify him as a candidate because they don't say president on them or show the website large enough for people to read at any distance. The 2x4s are double-sided but the corrugations go the wrong way and the wickets won't work with them. At least the small ones can be used with the wickets very easily...but they are very odd shaped.

Speaking of wickets they just delivered 600 to the Bedford HQ LOL so come and get'em if you haven't gotten any for your signs yet. Whether the sign is blue or white, I have your wickets babeeeeeeeeeeee.


Quote from: Beavis on August 29, 2007, 06:43 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on August 29, 2007, 06:10 PM NHFT

Wow, some of Kate Rick's Ron Paul HQ signs made it all the way to Miami!!
I have shipped signs and shirts to most states:
Also Iraq, Canada, and New Zealand.

The guy who made this video is also the guy that got kicked out of the baseball game.


Quote from: lawofattraction on August 28, 2007, 12:44 PM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on August 28, 2007, 12:07 PM NHFT
Looking for, as usual, a good list of suggestions for "what to do" re the Kennebunkport Warning, that don't make one look really stupid afterwards if nothing happens  :)

I think the subject is important enough to have its own thread. The subject is being touched upon in the "Terror attack by Sept. 21st" thread and the "Crash of 1929" thread. Maybe we need a "What to do about all this stuff" thread? Or maybe one exists already?

Law, I wonder if we can consolidate the issues in the threads into a "What to do about it thread", somehow, like you say, 'cept, of course, it depends on what your worldview is, but I think it would be a good thread.


Kennebunkport - What Really Happened and how this march was anything but peaceful (and why it would have been crazy to think this was a valid campaign venue for a candidate who is pro-America, pro-capitalism and pro-freedom, and supportive of veterans)

No surprise the press did not cover this since they seem pro-socialism. There were 1,700 people there...but still, seems like this would be hard to have missed.

Here is a write-up from a casual attendee:

My apologies to Bill Chapman and the Knox County GOP Committee. I was scheduled to visit the Union Fair Saturday, but another event ended up consuming the entire day. I swung by Kennebunkport early Saturday on my way to Union to say hello to Byron Grant and lend some support to the Gathering of Eagles. For those not familiar with GOE, they are American Veterans who stand in support of the fallen and those on active duty by standing in quiet dignity, offering silent opposition to the professional anti-war activists that routinely protest around the country. I was looking forward to meeting Bill Scarborough and the folks who were setting up around Walker's Point to "welcome" Cindy Sheehan and her minions. As events progressed, it quickly became apparent that I couldn't leave. It was important that I stand shoulder to shoulder with those committed to the cause. I grabbed my sign and waited in the August heat for the protestors to approach. They eventually arrived, like some kind of angry circus.

I was shocked at what I saw and heard. There were some in the Sheehan/Kucinich crowd that were civilized in their civil disobedience. They should be commended and respected for exercising their freedom of speech. Peaceful protestors, however, seemed few and far between. The group that approached us at Walker's Point was rowdy, raucous and rude. On more than one occasion they invaded people's personal space as they sought to provoke an irrational response. I am proud to say that not once did any of the men and women I stood with stoop to the level of the protestors. They were deliberately attempting to incite violent confrontation, and we refused to take the bait. We stood proudly and silently with our signs knowing full well that a dialogue with these people was not possible. One young man chastised, teased and ridiculed the young and the old among us as he clanged some kind of instrument. He made profane comments about our children, our spouses and our lives in general. He was pejorative and presumptive about who he thought we were. He was brash, insulting and seemingly without remorse. I couldn't help but consider the irony of his comments, how steeped in his own biases they were. The media accounts of the day suspiciously neglected to mention the aggressive bent of the protestors. What I witnessed will forever stay indelibly etched in my mind.

On our walk back to our vehicles one protester insulted and badgered a 15-year old girl who attended the counter protest with us. Of special note was the colorfully, inflamed speech of one of the group's "grannies." She had a mouth that would make a sailor blush and the lungs of a lumberjack. She was loud, boisterous and unapologetically vulgar as she dropped multiple four-letter remarks in sequence. She's lucky my father wasn't around to hear her! Another "highlight" was the chant lead by the folks from the "Socialist Party of Massachusetts" - "Fight the rich, not the war! Fight the rich, not the war!"

The motivation of these folks is perplexing. The war seems to give them an opportunity to promote all their other Anti-American views. In that regard it seems politically disingenuous and intellectually dishonest in so many ways. They do not seem able or willing to participate in a dialogue about national security. Instead, these folks are simple contrarians, seeking to deconstruct freedom and capitalism one step at a time. In attendance were many different fringe groups, demanding everything from impeachment to socialism. Quite a colorful spectrum of groups that range from the anti-globalization coalition to the so-called "9/11 Professors for Truth." They offer a startling contrast to mainstream Americans, those of us that are pro-family, pro-business, pro-America. These folks are not. The contrast was palpable. It is radically different from what we know and love.

I would encourage everybody to participate in a Gathering of Eagles counter-protest so you can see for yourself. If you are like me, you will leave more motivated.

Many thanks to those who turned out and stood with us - Mr. Byron Grant and the 'Gathering Eagles', Mr. Bill Scarborough, Gary and Trish Koch and their two daughters, (Gary was featured on the front of the Portland paper yesterday!) Ignacio and Nancy Sosa and their son Nick, Jens Bergen, Jane Faulkner and the ever reliable and able counter-protester Dan Schuberth.



That's unfortunately how these things all too often end up. Which is why I completely refuse to go to them.


Quote from: Beavis on August 30, 2007, 12:59 PM NHFT
That's unfortunately how these things all too often end up. Which is why I completely refuse to go to them.

Being for 'peace' does not mean having to be anti-capitalism, or anti-American, or a member of a communist party, or using such violent tactics on others.

People should be free to criticize people all they want, but to be physically uncivil doesn't make them look very good.

Amazingly there are people still arguing with me (not on this forum) about how this would have been a 'great' place to 'campaign' for our fave candidate.



Quote from: lawofattraction on August 27, 2007, 08:01 PM NHFT

McKinney, Sheehan, Tarpley Warn Of New Cheney 911
The Kennebunkport Warning

There is apparently some controversy over who signed the K'port Warning, which Tarpley tries to clarify by posting a scan of the doc here: http://www.rense.com/general78/warning.htm


QuotePeople should be free to criticize people all they want, but to be physically uncivil doesn't make them look very good.

What does "physically uncivil" look like?


Quote from: EthanAllen on August 30, 2007, 01:42 PM NHFT
QuotePeople should be free to criticize people all they want, but to be physically uncivil doesn't make them look very good.

What does "physically uncivil" look like?

Swearing at people, calling them names, shouting at them, intimidating them...trying to incite violence as described in the first hand account.

As for this "Kennebunkport Warning" -- it's laughable that you accuse ME of believing in conspiracy theories. Talk about fear mongering...terrorism comes in all forms. This is one of them.


Quote from: CNHT on August 30, 2007, 03:05 PM NHFT
Quote from: EthanAllen on August 30, 2007, 01:42 PM NHFT
QuotePeople should be free to criticize people all they want, but to be physically uncivil doesn't make them look very good.

What does "physically uncivil" look like?

Swearing at people, calling them names, shouting at them, intimidating them...trying to incite violence as described in the first hand account.

As for this "Kennebunkport Warning" -- it's laughable that you accuse ME of believing in conspiracy theories. Talk about fear mongering...terrorism comes in all forms. This is one of them.

Freedom of speech can be pretty ugly at times. Typically if a group applies for a permit to use the road to demonstrate, the assembled crowd uses their voices and instruments to project more support than what is visually evident and what can be read on signs. Because it is a crowd, individuals get emboldened to take out their frustrations verbal on what they perceive as an injustice - that is what protests are for...redress of greivances - even though they may never be loud and obnoxious in public as an individual. There is a different psychology that takes over in a crowd. Just as some people get a rise out of performing in public. Others fear it like the plague. Street demos are not my cup of tea. I use to perform athletically in front of crowds of 5K to 10K people that was quite a rush as everyone's eyes were on me judging my performance (it was immediately apparent whether I was successful).

Now if counter protesters are using the same road via a permit - the two groups should be separated by distance and police to keep any physical or extended verbal confrontations from happening.

If counter protesters are on the sidewalks they have to keep moving and can't stand three abreast so as to block any other individuals equal right of way. There should also be police between the protesters in the street and counter protesters on the sidewalks.

Once the demonstration is over the two sides should disperse to normal right of way uses as individuals. If they encounter each other, anyone can say anything they would like to each other passing on right of ways, as long as they do not infringe on any individual's rights or property.

There are specific laws against individuals threatening other individuals or an individual inciting a crowd though.


I often campaign at events where there are those working for candidates who are diametrically opposed us.

However I would never think of swearing or intimidating anyone.

As a matter of fact, the three guys that were helping me at my last booth went over and helped the Rudy and Hillary people when they were having trouble with something that needed physical strength like a heavy canopy or the stuff being blown away in the wind.

As Jack will tell you, I stood right next to a candidate I really don't like but after I said hello nice to meet you did not say one word although inside I am thinking a whole lot of things.

People are far too offended at words and ideas but not offended enough at this kind of uncivil violence. For example I'm supposedly insulting to political neophytes who thought that would be a good place to campaign for RP, when I was just acknowledging and expressing concern that these kinds of things can and will happen and so why not go someplace where the event itself is noncontroversial and you can still reach out to people of all stripes.



QuoteI often campaign at events where there are those working for candidates who are diametrically opposed us.

However I would never think of swearing or intimidating anyone.

You are not in a crowd. You may be suprised to find yourself behave differntly in a crowd depending on the circumstances.

QuotePeople are far too offended at words and ideas but not offended enough at this kind of uncivil violence.

Violence has a specific legal meaning. Usually the bodily harm of another person or their property. Threatening language has to be very specific to be unlawful and is hard to prove otherwise it is just offensive behavior typically addressed in society by shunning.

QuoteI'm supposedly insulting to political neophytes who thought that would be a good place to campaign for RP, when I was just acknowledging and expressing concern that these kinds of things can and will happen and so why not go someplace where the event itself is noncontroversial

Left libertarians have as a strategy to reach out to the left around certain issue. Even Ron Paul when asked by a "truther" on tape about 911 said "he doesn't believe anything the government says" (paraphrasing). There are folks on the left and right who don't trust the government no matter who is in office.


Quote from: EthanAllen on August 30, 2007, 04:46 PM NHFT
You are not in a crowd. You may be suprised to find yourself behave differntly in a crowd depending on the circumstances.

Uh no, I would never let crowd mentality cause me to shout at anyone or throw things at them...no...never happen.

Quote from: EthanAllen on August 30, 2007, 04:46 PM NHFT
Left libertarians have as a strategy to reach out to the left around certain issue. Even Ron Paul when asked by a "truther" on tape about 911 said "he doesn't believe anything the government says" (paraphrasing).

Sure but 'reaching out' is not this kind of behavior...that's the whole argument. Shouting at people is not campaigning! LOL

Quote from: EthanAllen on August 30, 2007, 04:46 PM NHFTThere are folks on the left and right who don't trust the government no matter who is in office.

Goes without saying but not cogent to this point...which is...certain behavior at certain types of events is not considered outreach or campaigning. Standing quietly on the sidewalk and handing out literature would be...but inciting violence isn't.