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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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civil dis at state house RE milk tax?

Started by Dave Ridley, August 22, 2007, 08:14 AM NHFT

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There is the Farmers' Market on Capitol St. every Saturday from 6:00AM to 1:00PM through Oct 27.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 24, 2007, 11:19 PM NHFT
whoa that is fast

doubt we'd have time to  find a cow by then
where can i get raw milk?

Tell me how much you need and when I might be able to get you some.

Dreepa Farm does NOT own a cow (yet)


I've noticed that often you refer to a law as immoral.....and I think it is the wrong choice of words.....with regard to effectiveness on the people you're trying to effect anyways. It always sounds peculiar to me and makes whoever is involved sound more "fringy" when often the issue they are bringing to light is actually very acceptable to the mainstream.

Unjust, unconstitutional (whan applicabel) - I don't know. Immoral just sounds weird to me.

Just my 2¢ - take it or leave it. :)


Quote from: Dreepa on August 25, 2007, 08:41 PM NHFT
Dreepa Farm does NOT own a cow (yet)

Which begs the question on everyone's minds...

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: ny2nh on August 26, 2007, 06:09 AM NHFT
I've noticed that often you refer to a law as immoral.....and I think it is the wrong choice of words.....with regard to effectiveness on the people you're trying to effect anyways. It always sounds peculiar to me and makes whoever is involved sound more "fringy" when often the issue they are bringing to light is actually very acceptable to the mainstream.

Unjust, unconstitutional (whan applicabel) - I don't know. Immoral just sounds weird to me.

Just my 2¢ - take it or leave it. :)

"Immoral"—or simply "wrong"—is a perfect appellation for many laws. It's the whole argument that what is legal vs. illegal is not necessarily the same as what is right vs. wrong.

Dave Ridley

one question i dont know the answer to:

has the law gone into effect yet or is it still legal to sell milk tax free?


Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 26, 2007, 10:50 AM NHFT
one question i dont know the answer to:

has the law gone into effect yet or is it still legal to sell milk tax free?

"Effective: July 1, 2007"

Francois Tremblay

"Immoral" is precisely the word that must be used. Morality is the alpha and the omega of any argumentation against the State and its actions. Morality, after all, runs the world.

Dave Ridley

arright thanks for the answers.

more questions:

When is the next time the state house meets after sept 5?   and what time would be best to do this if we did it sept 5?

who can be there that day if we do it?


Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 27, 2007, 08:23 PM NHFT
When is the next time the state house meets after sept 5?   and what time would be best to do this if we did it sept 5?
Sept. 5 is a bit of an anomaly; the (R)'s and (D)'s both have their caucuses that day. They start at 9:30 AM so by then all the Reps will be inside and pow-wowing. Expect Reps arriving en masse 8:15 till 9:15. They'll finish up around noon and after that a bunch of them will be in subcommittees, so there will be a trickle-out.

After that, it's all special-interest and subcommittee sessions until some new Bills get submitted -- several months, at least.

By the way -- if you want to repeal any legislation, Sept 10-21 is the time to call your Rep! They will submit just about you request. They may speak against it when the time comes, but if you write the text, they'll almost certainly enter it as a bill for you.

Dave Ridley

also, on sept 5....how many reps and senators will be around ?  Is it just a couple hearings and/or subcommittees or are they out in full force?

whoop i see you answered most of the question.   so a civil dis event would need to be around 8:45


kevin didded bad. not find cow for dada protest.  :'(

Dave Ridley

btw is it hb 407 we're talking about?

the nhla says only 30 or so voted against it, but the monitor says 130 voted against it...any idea why that is?


Dave Ridley

Second draft, not ready for release, but close.  suggestions?


NH Milk Tax Rebellion

What:        Civil Disobedience against Democrat Milk Tax
Where:      NH State House, _____ , Concord, New Hampshire
When:       _______  (As legislators enter State House)
Who:         Dave Ridley, 41, of Manchester + roughly 20 milk tax opponents
Why:          Draw attention to Democrat overspending in Concord
How:          Ridley will distribute untaxed milk outside legislature, in violation of new Milk Tax Law.  Sign will read "Dems Tax Milk"
Contacts:  Dave Ridley (number)
More info:  http://newhampshireunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=10366.0

"Civil disobedience is the assertion of a right which law should give but which it denies."
  - Mahatma Gandhi

Dear (dem politician)

Earlier this year, you were complicit in a crime of theft.   Your victims:  The innocent citizens of New Hampshire.   During this legislative session, you imposed a sales tax upon our struggling families.   It is a penalty which affects nearly all of us, all who would purchase the most basic and innocuous of staples.  Though some turncoat Republicans voted for the tax, most of its support came from Democrats, and you (signed/voted for) it.  So let's call it what it is:  The Democrat Milk Tax.

Members of your party claims the levy is small, meant to help dairies.   But taxes like this have a way of growing once the camel's nose is in the tent.  And you've placed a lot of noses in a lot of tents this year...the inevitable outcome of your uncontrolled spending increases.  In this case, does the end justify the means?  No matter how much we like farmers....does anyone have the right to siphon money from the wallets of housewives, funnel it through a bureaucracy, and deliver the shrunken remainder to dairies?   How much paperwork must the farmers endure in the process, and how many sales will they lose as a result of higher prices?  Does the law hurt poor consumers more than the rich?

New Hampshire residents have the right to safely buy and sell milk without your interference.  At 8:45 a.m. on Wednesday, September 5, I will exercise this right.  While you and your fellow Democrats gather inside the State House to plot new misdemeanors against hungry children...I will peaceably stand outside and sell tax free milk to your victims.   This will directly violate the Milk Tax Law, RSA _____ (?) 

I will not impede traffic and will treat all government personell with kindness, just as I have treated you the many times we have met.  But if you and your enforcers wish to stop me from selling the milk, you will have to use force.

Meanwhile, I request New Hampshire residents boycott or reduce their consumption of taxed milk.   You can probably do this by obtaining your milk directly from the nearest small dairy, or from any distributor who is boycotting the tax.  See _____ for a list of options.


Dave Ridley