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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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civil dis at state house RE milk tax?

Started by Dave Ridley, August 22, 2007, 08:14 AM NHFT

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Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 28, 2007, 02:12 AM NHFT
Second draft, not ready for release, but close.  suggestions?

Members of your party claims the levy is small, meant to help dairies. B, but taxes like this have a way of growing once the camel's nose is in the tent.  And You've placed a lot of noses in a lot of tents this year..., the inevitable outcome of your uncontrolled spending increases.

Don't start a sentence with a conjunction. There's another "but" later. Also, the frequent use of ellipses (...) is confusing. This is normally used when you're quoting someone and you've removed a section of what they said. Alternatively, it's sometimes used when quoting to show a pause in someone's speech or to show that they trail off without finishing a sentence.

I think it's better that you're no longer specifically anticipating an arrest, but I think you should omit any predictions about how they may choose to react (use of force). I think the quote from Ghandi is good though. It shows that you are aware that you may get arrested and that's not going to stop you.

I would add something about how this is a sneaky tax that many people will not be aware of and you're planning to draw attention to it.

I like it. I'll try to think up some cartoons. Maybe one for the milk tax and another for the protest based on what happens.

Tom Sawyer



First and foremost, I love the notion of drawing attention to Democrat overspending!! YES!!!!

Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 28, 2007, 01:35 AM NHFT
btw is it hb 407 we're talking about?
I assumed we were talking about HB407, but I don't think you were.
HB407 is a milk subsidy, and so is probably not the bill you're thinking of.

Then there's SB235, also from this year, that *also* creates an "emergency relief fund" for milk producers.

Dada, check your facts! Neither of these bills creates a new tax!!!!
In both cases, the money for the subsidy comes from the "general fund". If I read correctly, the State is spending money here and not accounting for how to raise the revenue. HB407 appropriates $2.1 million; SB235 doesn't even mention an amount  ::)

I'm not sure how to "break" either of these laws.
They simply guarantee profits to milk farmers :puke:

Dave Ridley

so is it legal or illegal to sell milk without applying the tax?  where does the tax come from, and what RSA requires its application? anyone see any other errors?


Quote from: (V) on August 28, 2007, 07:34 AM NHFT
This just in

Oh, a milk mustache! Thanx V! Let's see. Kid drinks some milk and gets a mustache. Cop stops him and drills him about whether he drank some milk and whether he paid the tax.

Guess I better hold the presses until you guys figure out if there really is a tax or if it's something else.

Dave Ridley


I just got off the phone with a very nice lady at the DRA, and a very nice Mr. Uncles at the NH Dept. of Ag,  and Mr Uncles tells me the 2.5 cent per gallon tax failed to pass into law, and that it would violate no tax laws were I to sell milk without adding the 2.5 cents.

A tax could ocurr later, as the senate committee or commission is still studying how to fund dairy aid.   For now it is apparently purloined from an existing fund.

So we have civil dis dud on our hands. 

I'm sorry for the ado over nothing, but I continue to welcome your ideas for the best possible act of civil dis.

Dave Ridley

since the reps are inbound that day for various ill doing.... and may not be there again for a while....can anyone think of other ways to take  advantage of their mass presence?


Hey! +1 for the team for not doing a foot-in-mouth by protesting something that didn't, in fact, happen :)

The Dems are raping our state's good economy, putting the public into debt in a zillion ways and subsidizing everything they can. That really, really needs to be made clear to the people they "represent"

They were smart enough to do all the spending out of the "general fund" -- so, no new taxes for any particular bill, but of course still trying like hell to break the bank so the State is "forced" into enacting a sales or income tax. The unadulterated bastards.

As for the 5th... what about having an educational presence, rather than a Civ Dis protest?
Perhaps, big signs with quotes by the Founding Fathers that make people uncomfortable these days? (my fave is Washington's "Government is FORCE")

Hey... how about a PRO-RON PAUL rally, to let the Reps know what kind of "politician" their constituents can really get behind and support?


Quote from: d_goddard on August 28, 2007, 03:45 PM NHFT

As for the 5th... what about having an educational presence, rather than a Civ Dis protest?
Perhaps, big signs with quotes by the Founding Fathers that make people uncomfortable these days? (my fave is Washington's "Government is FORCE")

Hey... how about a PRO-RON PAUL rally, to let the Reps know what kind of "politician" their constituents can really get behind and support?

I like the idea of it being a motivational thing, like, hey remember why you are hear fight for liberty and freedom, but very much with a we will be watching you type of thing.  What if all wore V masks and held signs saying that we are watching and freedom will be coming to NH.

Also i would like to point at that the State house is a very BAD place to hold an act of civil disobedience or an act of activism.  The court yard that surrounds the steps makes the prime area for action very hard to see from the street, where the people we really want to effect are.  When i was scouting it out i didn't really see a way of getting to the sidewalk, however if you were to turn everything towards the side street visibility would really go up.  After all what good is it unless she sheeple see.  (also the back of the building holds much more promise as the entrance is right on the street and that is where all the fancy reserved parking spots are.)

Ill be there on the 5th if i can but will be out of communication till Im in the free state on Monday. 

Dave Ridley

again:  civil dis on the 5th is cancelled for lack of a direct tax to break
however it's kind of inspiring how many people i've had to contact who were planning on being there even after i spread the news that its cancelled.
should bode well for the one we *do* commit

Dave Ridley

as denis suggested, how about a ron paul sign wave that morning at 8:30 a.m. before we go in and testify on bills.  i can have someone put it on meetup.

hearings start at 11:00 a.m.  but reps will be arriving around 9 a.m. for caucuses, so this will get more RP signs in front of gop insiders.

Dave Ridley

Quote from: DadaOrwell on September 01, 2007, 08:59 AM NHFT
as denis suggested, how about a ron paul sign wave that morning at 8:30 a.m. before we go in and testify on bills.  i can have someone put it on meetup.

hearings start at 11:00 a.m.  but reps will be arriving around 9 a.m. for caucuses, so this will get more RP signs in front of gop insiders.

wrote rp meetup group 15 hrs ago requesting this as an event, no response yet.   until they're on board i'm not goin to schedule an RP event sept 5 a.m.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on September 01, 2007, 08:59 AM NHFT
as denis suggested, how about a ron paul sign wave that morning at 8:30 a.m. before we go in and testify on bills.
There is no public testimony until next year.
There are subcommittee meetings that are open to the public, and it is extremely good for people to attend, both to let "them" know They Are Being Watched, and (more importantly) for one's own learning who the players are and what makes them tick -- go to a few such meetings and your public testimony will be much more likely to actually make a difference!


Hey, this is the RP meetup organizer.  I didn't post it on our meetup since there is so much going on, and we are trying to stick to big stuff on the meetup group.  The 5th is the big day for Ron Paul supporters since it's the debates, so it's a tough day for something like this.  I definitely think it's a great idea though, if people are going to be there anyway.  I forwarded the event to dreepa, who coordinates the Concord area, but he seems to be MIA (probably at all the gun show events).