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Miss Teen: Stupid (youtube)

Started by Lex, August 26, 2007, 10:31 AM NHFT

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Little Owl

I thought it was a brilliant answer.  She answered, by personal example, just how bad public education in America has become.  Her teachers probably couldn't have done much better.  No doubt educrats in South Carolina will use this as a call for more money to "attract and retain the best teachers".

If I remember correctly, South Carolina was featured in Stossel's "Stupid In America" as being one of the worst (and that says a lot!)


Quote from: kola on August 26, 2007, 09:08 PM NHFT
Quote from: lawofattraction on August 26, 2007, 05:36 PM NHFT
I wonder how much MSG and Aspartame she has consumed throughout her life.

.. you forgot to mention all those heavy metals in vaccines, law of attraction.

That poor  girl was nervous as all hell.

Being stupid and nervous is hard on a young american bimbo..tsk

Imagine how she acts when shes drunk??? EGADS!!

If anyone does try to imagine how she acts when she is drunk, do not post it here as this is a family friendly forum.   ;D


Being nervous is one thing stupidity is another.. But most of all why the heck is the whole country worrying about this girl and not worring about real issues that are important. Like our dictator president, our screwed up congress people, the terrable atrosities the pending war with Iran, etc..

Oh yeah most are just sheeple, dont care, and are generaly idiots.


There's a right way to answer 'non-sequitir' style, and a wrong way.  This young woman chose the wrong way.  She should take a tip from young Jonathan on how to pull out a non-sequitir that will totally turn the tables and make the interviewer feel ill at ease:



Quote from: Dreepa on August 26, 2007, 05:04 PM NHFT
aye carumba.... someday she can vote.

Actually she was merely emulating the answer Rudy gave when he was asked the very first question in the very first debate.... it was all over the map and did not make sense.

Original Rebal

for public education all around...

And even better flop for all the women and men
who idolize outter beauty over everything else.

But the answer to her question is quite ironic
since 'sitting, watching, idolizing and concerning
one's time with the padgent (and other crap TV)'
is a major part of the exact reason why 20% of
American students can't find the U.S. on a map.

Quote from: margomaps on August 29, 2007, 02:14 PM NHFT
She should take a tip from young Jonathan on how to pull out a non-sequitir that will totally turn the tables and make the interviewer feel ill at ease:


Too funny!

Little Owl

QuoteBut most of all why the heck is the whole country worrying about this girl and not worring about real issues that are important. Like our dictator president, our screwed up congress people, the terrable atrosities the pending war with Iran, etc..

Because this girl represents a far more serious problem than the issues you listed.  With the demise of the American mind, all of the other atrocities become inevitable.  We need more attention on the catastrophe of American education, not less.


If she'd been running for Miss Teen France, she might have won!




Anti Federalist

money dollars

Reminds me of Amanda Phillips on June 19 2004 at the Grafton meeting.

Original Rebal

Quote from: KBCraig on August 30, 2007, 02:08 PM NHFT
If she'd been running for Miss Teen France, she might have won!



With the audience voting like that,
I'd have to assume that most of
France still believes it!

...With limited knowledge like this,
it's easy to see that they'll be
under the influence and control of
'authorities' for centuries to come.
