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Terror attack by Sept 21st?

Started by Romak, August 28, 2007, 10:05 AM NHFT

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While I dont necessarily support everything Alex Jones says its worth noting that some people made some very serious money immediately after 9/11. Whether or not you believe 9/11 was an inside job or not its important to be prepared in case something does happen. As the old saying goes follow the money.


I saw a sidescroller bulletin on the news today that 'U.S. intelligence has information about a new al-qaida attack targeted against the west'. (the west meaning north america, ANZ and europe, not Western US)

I guess it'll be up to personal belief whether or not that attack will be AQ or 'false flag' as the popular term goes.


Right, and did you see the Kennebunkport Warning posted on another thread? - also can Google it to find reporting on it.


Curious,   Hmm.  Now.  I'm new to this conspiricy stuff (clearing of throat) but, if I was Iran and I wanted to not get my ass kicked, would I attack America or take out a Carrier by stratiegic nuke?  This would be a bad idea if I wanted to avoid war with the west.  So....  who would attack a western target to start a war?  Any ideas?  I'll start with the X presidents club, the Carlyle Group.


Silly, you.  Trying to think logically and apply that thinking to an utterly insane man (Madman ImADinnerJacket of Iran) is just plain silly.


Quote from: grasshopper on August 28, 2007, 10:54 AM NHFT
Curious,   Hmm.  Now.  I'm new to this conspiricy stuff (clearing of throat) but, if I was Iran and I wanted to not get my ass kicked, would I attack America or take out a Carrier by stratiegic nuke?  This would be a bad idea if I wanted to avoid war with the west.  So....  who would attack a western target to start a war?  Any ideas?  I'll start with the X presidents club, the Carlyle Group.

That the terror acts are actually committed by those accused of them is dismissed by "deep politics" analysists.

For theories, read how Webster Tarpley describes "how this stuff works", comments by a reviewer below:

QuoteThis book provides an urgent answer to the failure of the US intelligence agencies, the Congressional Joint Inquiry, and the Kean-Hamilton 9-11 Commission to discover the basic facts in the September 2001 terror attacks.

The author starts from the official myth of 9-11 - nineteen Arab hijackers, al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, the laptop in the cave in Afghanistan - and shows how this myth was fabricated during the ten days after 9-11 by media leaks from George Tenet and Richard Clarke, remarks by Colin Powell, and Bush's September 20 address to Congress. In the meantime, each of these figures has been repeatedly caught blatantly lying about Iraq and other subjects, and it is high time their lies about 9-11 be exposed.

After a reality check to establish that no proof for the official account of 9-11 has ever been forthcoming, the author develops a theory of international terrorism based on the experience of the Kennedy assassination, the Red Brigades, the Baader-Meinhof group, and other recent cases. International terrorism - including 9-11 - is overwhelmingly the product of intelligence agencies, he argues, pointing out the roles of patsies and fall-guys, of networks of moles inside the government and the media, of anonymous professionals who actually carry out the atrocities the public sees, and of secret command cells in privatized paramilitary settings.

Using this framework, Tarpley proceeds to analyze a score of points at which the official account of 9-11 is absurd, contradictory, highly suspicious, or just physically impossible. Answering objections, the author shows that such vital ideas in American history as the Declaration of Independence, Lincoln's House Divided Speech, and the 1860 Republican Party platform would be classified as conspiracy theories by the self-appointed neocon guardians of orthodoxy today.

Tarpley outlines the long history of terrorism as a tool to manipulate public opinion in favor of war and dictatorship, from Guy Fawkes to the Maine to Operation Northwoods. Through his famous spot resolutions which rejected the Polk administration's official account of the outbreak of the Mexican War, the figure of Abraham Lincoln emerges to exemplify the classical American demand for truth and rejection of government manipulation.

The book concludes with a survey of the November 2004 presidential election in the U.S. and the geopolitical struggle between U.S. expansionist neo-cons and the Russian federation; it is the first book to place 9/11 within an ongoing Cold War context.

I'm sure Carlyle fits nicely into this thesis.


Quote from: Ogre on August 28, 2007, 10:57 AM NHFT
Silly, you.  Trying to think logically and apply that thinking to an utterly insane man (Madman ImADinnerJacket of Iran) is just plain silly.
This is true. The dictators of Iran are not thinking rationally and logically, as one would expect any ordinary despot to do.

The religious ruler class in Iran are not regular dictators in that their main goal is not to stay in power for as long as possible, their main goal is to bring the coming of the 12th Mahdi. Handily enough, the scriptures say that he will only reappear once the entire world has been thrown into civil war and collapse.

Don't make the mistake of applying rational thought to irrational fundie religious fruitcakes.



its not even the actual terror attack that scares me in any way...its you know, the way jackass members of government will act.


Quote from: lawofattraction on August 28, 2007, 11:02 AM NHFT
Anybody familiar with the webbot project? It is predicting something much bigger than 911 for this fall. Hmm...

I read it but I don't understand it.  What part of it addresses the bigger terror attack?  Sorry, it just seems confusing to me. :)

Nicholas Gilman

QuoteAnybody familiar with the webbot project? It is predicting something much bigger than 911 for this fall. Hmm

    The Princeton EGG Project shows a red dot which ="significant".
That means the random-number generator (RNG) in many of the network
stations are showing a low probability anomaly.  The analysis of data during
Sept 11 2001 showed a direct correlation between the physical events and
the outcome of random number generator matches in the network.


QuoteThe Global Consciousness Project, (GCP) also called the EGG Project, is a long-running science experiment maintained by an international collaboration of about 100 research scientists and engineers. It is based on technology developed at Princeton to study interactions of consciousness with physical systems. The GCP has been collecting data from a global network of random event generators since August, 1998. The network currently maintains about 65 sites around the world running custom software that reads the output of physical random number generators and records a trial (sum of 200 bits) once every second, 24/7, continuously over months and years. The data are transmitted over the Internet to a server in Princeton, NJ, USA, where they are archived for later analysis. The result is a database of synchronized parallel sequences of truly random numbers. The research question is whether there are deviations from randomness correlated with major events that engage the attention of large numbers of people. Such correlations are interpreted as reflecting the presence and activity of consciousness in the world.

The research examines the output of some 65 networked hardware random number generators located around the world. The remote devices have been dubbed Princeton Eggs, where EGG is short for electrogaiagram, a play of words on electroencephalogram and Gaia[1]. The general hypothesis holds that events that have a significant human impact may affect the randomness of the data from these generators in a statistically significant way.

    Besides, when the gov is power hungry and gains more power with each attack, its
not a question of "if", but "when".



Quote from: Nicholas Gilman on August 28, 2007, 02:02 PM NHFT
QuoteAnybody familiar with the webbot project? It is predicting something much bigger than 911 for this fall. Hmm

    The Princeton EGG Project shows a red dot which ="significant".
That means the random-number generator (RNG) in many of the network
stations are showing a low probability anomaly.  The analysis of data during
Sept 11 2001 showed a direct correlation between the physical events and
the outcome of random number generator matches in the network.


QuoteThe Global Consciousness Project, (GCP) also called the EGG Project, is a long-running science experiment maintained by an international collaboration of about 100 research scientists and engineers. It is based on technology developed at Princeton to study interactions of consciousness with physical systems. The GCP has been collecting data from a global network of random event generators since August, 1998. The network currently maintains about 65 sites around the world running custom software that reads the output of physical random number generators and records a trial (sum of 200 bits) once every second, 24/7, continuously over months and years. The data are transmitted over the Internet to a server in Princeton, NJ, USA, where they are archived for later analysis. The result is a database of synchronized parallel sequences of truly random numbers. The research question is whether there are deviations from randomness correlated with major events that engage the attention of large numbers of people. Such correlations are interpreted as reflecting the presence and activity of consciousness in the world.

The research examines the output of some 65 networked hardware random number generators located around the world. The remote devices have been dubbed Princeton Eggs, where EGG is short for electrogaiagram, a play of words on electroencephalogram and Gaia[1]. The general hypothesis holds that events that have a significant human impact may affect the randomness of the data from these generators in a statistically significant way.

    Besides, when the gov is power hungry and gains more power with each attack, its
not a question of "if", but "when".

Quote from: Russell Kanning on August 24, 2007, 02:16 PM NHFT
10 more posts like that and rainy will melt into a puddle

I hate to admit it but Russell might be right I'm getting really scared!  I feel my guts starting to melt.  :blush:


Quote from: Romak on August 28, 2007, 10:05 AM NHFT

While I dont necessarily support everything Alex Jones says its worth noting that some people made some very serious money immediately after 9/11. Whether or not you believe 9/11 was an inside job or not its important to be prepared in case something does happen. As the old saying goes follow the money.

Mike Ruppert did some stellar reporting on the insider trading that happened right before 9/11 at http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/index.shtml#inside

There is also an excellent page on OilEmpire.us about the insider trading http://oilempire.us/put-options.html

Nicholas Gilman

QuoteI hate to admit it but Russell might be right I'm getting really scared!  I feel my guts starting to melt.

   Uncertain events are a sure bet over the next year or so.  As long as you have plenty of food stored for your family,
a way to purify water, and a way to heat your house without electricity you should be fine.  I bet you arent
as scared as the federal employees, who realize their house of cards is falling.  This report by the General Accounting Office (GAO)
was done last year and in bureaucratic terms states the federal government is or will be bankrupt in the not too
distant future.   He says by 2040, 100% of tax revenues will go towards national debt. 

Comptroller of the US:



  Please quit your job.  They will not pay you the retirement benefits
you have been promised.  If you are a recent college  graduate, the
likelihood of being downsized by the fed gov is at an all time high.
Further, you are working for a system which imprisons and kills
innocent HUMAN BEINGS every day.  Get out and find honest work in
the private sector.   The clock is ticking, and hope is not a course
of action.  Don't say we didn't warn you. 

