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Public School (ConVal)

Started by shyfrog, August 28, 2007, 11:40 AM NHFT

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This is my rant today.
Previous to last year, my 14 year old daughter had been homeschooled since 1st grade.
Per her decision, we placed her in public school. You know...we're trying to teach her that choice is a good thing.
So now we've moved to NH from Utah and today was her freshman orientation.
Regardless of repeated requests to have her put into Geometry, they have placed her in Algebra I.
Because, even though my daughter passed the class with a C, Utah calls "Algebra I" by a different name: Elementary Algebra. It has the same (if not more) requirements and itinerary (I even sent them a spreadsheet).

But no...I had to drive to the school, which took all of my lunch break, to talk to the guidance people, sign papers, have her tested, etc, etc. I managed to call them bureaucrats several times. I don't think that word leaves them feeling warm and tingly. *shrugs* or maybe it does?

Yes, I am tempted to yank her right back out due to this unnecessary, time-wasting, soul-sucking and generally stress-inducing exercise in futility that is Public School (ConVal).  >:(


I have to include a statement made by the principal in the "Parent Orientation" I attended last night. I will try to quote verbatim:

"We believe in student individuality and that there is no 'one size fits all' approach to education. Tomorrow at the freshman orientation assembly we hope to have all our students chanting the school mission statement"

Kat Kanning


Both of those sentences in the same breath? Talk about two-faced.


I don't think I made any friends there today ...


well...just got a call from the "Math Head" at the school. She didn't "test" so well and they're recommending holding her back in Algebra I again in order to make sure she has a "solid foundation" before moving on to things like Calculus and Trig

I could rant some more...but I'm tired


Let me know if there is anything I can do to help -- tutoring, loaning Saxon books, etc. If your daughter is amenable, there's no reason she can't continue homeschooling in addition to ConVal. If we do have any kids in a traditional high school, I will definitely track their parallel progress in what is really important.

I passed out of Algebra as an entering Freshman, but was put in a "normal" Geometry class instead of an "advanced" section. Most of the other students were Juniors, and thought I was a transfer student (which was kinda cool). I got an A, but was told I would have to repeat in advanced geometry as a Sophomore because that was the only way to "track" into Trig and Calc. I threw a fit, and was "allowed" to go to trig as long as I turned in all the homework from the 10 or so chapters that the "normal" group didn't cover. Long story short -- that next year  I took a competitive math test as a Sophomore with all the "smart" Juniors and Seniors -- and had the highest score in the school. The teacher actually didn't tell me until the final assembly, where I got called up front for the award.

And this was at a private parochial school. All traditional schools are bureaucracies focused on control.


Thanks for the offer for help :)

Her brother (the math wiz) will be here tomorrow and will stay until Dec, or beyond if we can convince him it's better here.
He was tutoring college students in college algebra when he was 15. The key is getting the two to get along ;)

We're looking at all options for her right now, including homeschooling.
Her real passion and focus is in the arts. She loves theater and music.
Not having a piano in close proximity has been painful for her.
She enjoys writing a great deal as well...stacks of notebooks filled.

We'll make this work  ;D


1.  Do you have room for a piano?
2.  She is only 14?  She acts very mature for her age.
and my son likes her.  he told me all about her on the way home on Sat.

Kat Kanning


Quote from: Dreepa on August 28, 2007, 11:30 PM NHFT
1.  Do you have room for a piano?
2.  She is only 14?  She acts very mature for her age.
and my son likes her.  he told me all about her on the way home on Sat.

Not really any room at this point, especially since we'll have a 3rd person in the apt. It's also an upstairs apt.
I'm doing some research on synth/piano/workstations right now. I think I can find her a decent one for around $500 with weighted keys and lots of other options that will help her with music composition etc.

Yes...14. She gets that often. I'm glad they got along. I know she misses her little brothers and sister a lot.

porcupine kate

Rosie the Riveter teaches at a private drama school she maybe able to help you guys find something.


Quote from: porcupine kate on August 29, 2007, 08:35 AM NHFT
Rosie the Riveter teaches at a private drama school she maybe able to help you guys find something.

Eli met her at Murphy's and talked to her a bit. She's considering it as well. My main concern would be the drive and my job is in the opposite direction. Lots to think about, ponder, and consider. For now, she's accepted her current situation and is at ConVal enjoying her first official day of prison life...err, public school.


Quote from: porcupine kate on August 29, 2007, 08:35 AM NHFT
Rosie the Riveter teaches at a private drama school she maybe able to help you guys find something.

I need actors!
