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"We The People" foundation being forced by feds to place websites offline.

Started by Nicholas Gilman, August 30, 2007, 02:21 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

thanks for posting the number .   i called it today, talked to a nice gentleman in the judge's office.  left my name/number/location and asked him to take down the following msg word for word:

"I respectfully object to your shutdown of we the people's website"

he said he'd deliver it to the judge.   

Nicholas Gilman

   I'm calling and sending correspondence that states,
"Please leave We The People alone."  Pun intended.  ;D


Russell Kanning

Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on August 31, 2007, 10:35 AM NHFT
Why do they have people's SSNs on file in the first place? And for a company selling this kind of information, why are they even storing customer records at all after they've received payment?
who says they do? ... the judge could just be hoping or spouting off ... lets not forget who the bad guys are in this situation also. :)

btw ... this is the official nytimes reporter for scaring people into the welcoming arms of the irs.

Nicholas Gilman

   The "court" is no longer demanding the personal info of blue folder recipients.
The next action for appeal will convene in about 2 1/2 weeks regarding the
WTP site and other issues regaring the injunction.  Now begins the foot


Cool it would be nice to have a ruling in Dec or Jan... in time for some news for the Liberty Forum.


When a judge does something as stupid as this, he or she should never be allowed to work in any public office again.  Ever.