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Two "conspiracies" that are turning out to be true

Started by Anti Federalist, August 30, 2007, 10:50 PM NHFT

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Anti Federalist

Pan Am Flight 103

Man claims key Lockerbie evidence was faked

August 28 2007 at 01:37AM 

Zurich - A Swiss businessman on Monday claimed that a key piece of evidence in the Lockerbie trial was faked, following a French press report that one of his employees had lied to Scottish investigators.

Edwin Bollier, head of the Swiss-based Mebo group, told reporters that one of his employees had supplied Scottish investigators with a stolen timing device, which was then presented in the trial as having been found amidst the plane's wreckage.

Mebo makes electronic equipment for the security forces.

In fact, Mebo employee Ulrich Lumpert has now admitted that the device he handed over to Scottish investigators was one he himself had stolen from the company, rather than part of a batch delivered to Libya in the 1980s.

"The exhibits were manipulated and used to make a link between Libya and the attack," Bollier told reporters.

Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over the Scottish town of Lockerbie in December 1988, killing 270 people in what was Britain's worst terrorist atrocity.


And TWA Flight 800:

FBI suppressed video of TWA explosion

Posted: August 30, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

More than six years after retired United Airline captain Ray Lahr launched his Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, petition into the fate of TWA Flight 800, the FBI has shown him –likely by accident – one seriously smoking gun.

The Boeing 747 blew up off the coast of Long Island on July 17, 1996. One of the FBI documents received recently by Lahr and his attorney, John Clarke of Washington, D.C., details a communication that took place six days after the crash:

"On Tuesday, July 23, 1996, a representative from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) advised [the FBI] that after a visual analysis of both the videotape as well as a number of still photographs taken from various portions of the tape, the phenomenon captured by [name redacted] appeared to be consistent with the exhaust plume from a MANPAD [Man-portable air-defense] missile."

"The FBI guy who looked at this must not have read it, or not have realized what it would reveal," says Lahr. "Otherwise he would have redacted most of it as before."

Adding a new level of intrigue to the investigation is the fact that the video in question appears to have been shot on July 12, 1996, five days before the crash.

The earlier, unedited FBI document reports that a fellow and his friend on Long Island were attempting to videotape the sunrise when they saw and recorded "a grey trail of smoke ascending from the horizon at an angle of approximately 75 [degrees]."

So compelling was the visual that the fellow made a comment to his friend, heard on the tape, "They must be testing a rocket." The fellow calculated that object was heading towards the Atlantic Ocean.

On the document Lahr first received, the story of the video ends right there. The next two paragraphs had been fully redacted.

This current unedited version shows that the FBI took the video seriously enough to bring in the DIA for further analysis. As mentioned above, the DIA found the video image to be "consistent with the exhaust plume from a MANPAD."

What is shocking is that the authorities not only removed all reference to this video from the official record, but they also removed just about all reference to the DIA.

For the record, the DIA is a Department of Defense combat support agency and a serious player in the United States intelligence community. The agency has more than 11,000 military and civilian employees worldwide and describes itself as "a major producer and manager of foreign military intelligence."

Full story:


Dave Ridley

are u the antifed i remember from the early days of the fsp?

Anti Federalist

DadaOrwell wrote:

Quoteare u the antifed i remember from the early days of the fsp?

Yes, at least I'm 99% sure of that, NH resident over in Wolfeboro.

I made some contacts then and offered a "hot and cot" to any potential FSPers that were traveling to NH, checking out their options.

Also met Russell and Kat, briefly, at an anti-Kelo ruling protest in New London back in 2005.

Been busy in the trenches ever since.

Thought I'd pop back in here and see how things were going, hoping everbody's on the Paul bandwagon.


Some of us are on the Paul bandwagon. But it seems you're on my bandwagon. ;)

Kat Kanning