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Indoctrinate U

Started by dalebert, August 31, 2007, 01:50 PM NHFT

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The first public screening of "Indoctrinate U" is set for the
Kennedy Center in Washington, DC! On the evening of September 28th,
the legendary venue that routinely hosts presidents and world
dignitaries will turn its screen over to "Indoctrinate U".

The event is being sponsored by the American Film Renaissance with
assistance from the Moving Picture Institute and the American
Council of Trustees and Alumni.



There is also an after-party at the infamous Watergate Hotel across
the street. If you buy tickets for the after-party, the screening
tickets are included. You can buy the screening/after-party tickets


(If you can't make it to Washington, don't worry. Although nothing
is ready to announce, we're optimistic that we'll be able to add a
number of other cities to our schedule.)


Also, in case you missed it, at the beginning of the month we posted
the first of several outtakes from "Indoctrinate U". You can watch
the video here:


More about the film here:


The trailer:



A clip:



An interview with the filmmaker:




Hey! How did you get the same e-mail!  :D

I am very interested in seeing this documentary.


Quote from: Puke on August 31, 2007, 03:28 PM NHFT
Hey! How did you get the same e-mail!  :D

I'm on the mailing list. *shrug*


Well...that was fun.

Here's a random smiley.   :fish:


Cool. I remember reading about it and seeing some of his early promos. Glad he got it finished.

Little Owl

Is this a movie version of the book "Indoctrination U"?


As someone who'll be looking at colleges in just a year or so, this sort of thing is definitely something that will go into my decision making process. Are there many student libertarian organizations out there? If there's one on campus, they'd definitely be the people to ask about this. From what I've heard "College Republicans" (the group, not just in general) is infested with neocons, so I'd take whatever they have to say with a grain of salt. Some of them are just as eager to have "victim" status as some are to push it on them. In fact, the only problem I have with people raising this issue is that people like Hannity love to twist it into an "evil libruls!!!!" sort of thing, when the reality is much more complicated than that. From the trailers, it doesn't look like that's what this filmmaker did, though, and it certainly is a real problem.


My impression of Evan is that he's sort of a libertarian leaning conservative. He's definately not overtly neocon but it could be well hidden. As a for instance, I recall him talking about war protestors. He didn't rag on them for protesting the war. He just exposed all kinds of generally anti-military sentiment and the war was just a cover for that. Same thing for when they claimed to want ROTC off campus due to DADT. Once again, he specifically said some disclaimers that made it seem that he wasn't homophobic but that these issues were just being used to be anti-military. He doesn't seem to be out to promote a particular political agenda so much as to call people out who have a particularly extreme leftist agenda on campuses who tried to hide it as something else so that it doesn't SEEM like leftist politics.


Quote from: dalebert on September 01, 2007, 10:25 PM NHFT
My impression of Evan is that he's sort of a libertarian leaning conservative. He's definately not overtly neocon but it could be well hidden. As a for instance, I recall him talking about war protestors. He didn't rag on them for protesting the war. He just exposed all kinds of generally anti-military sentiment and the war was just a cover for that. Same thing for when they claimed to want ROTC off campus due to DADT. Once again, he specifically said some disclaimers that made it seem that he wasn't homophobic but that these issues were just being used to be anti-military. He doesn't seem to be out to promote a particular political agenda so much as to call people out who have a particularly extreme leftist agenda on campuses who tried to hide it as something else so that it doesn't SEEM like leftist politics.

If that's the case, then it sounds like I would enjoy his movie. I believe that this issue (a particular brand of leftism suppressing speech on campuses) is certainly a real issue, I've just seen too often that it has been forced into the "liberals vs. (neo-)conservatives" false duality by people like Hannity.

Edit: When you say "anti-military" I assume you mean the sort of irrational, vitriolic hatred of those individuals in the military that is common amongst this strain of leftism, and not just general opposition to a standing military as is common among libertarians, correct? Because I can honestly see opposition to military recruiters being motivated by either.


Quote from: ThePug on September 01, 2007, 10:34 PM NHFT
Edit: When you say "anti-military" I assume you mean the sort of irrational, vitriolic hatred of those individuals in the military that is common amongst this strain of leftism, and not just general opposition to a standing military as is common among libertarians, correct? Because I can honestly see opposition to military recruiters being motivated by either.

Yes, that's the sort of thing he finds. However, I didn't say Evan was a libertarian. I called him a "libertarian-leaning conservative". Though I've never heard him speak of it directly, I suspect he's sort of your typical pro-military sort of conservative. He just doesn't strike me as right-wing neocon. I guess that's all relative of course. In his films, he seems more defined by what he's against. Does that make sense?

Like the examples I gave- He didn't come out and say "I'm against the Iraq war myself, but...." But what he did do was point out that he wasn't criticising them for protesting THAT. He was pointing out that the war protest was just a cover-up for broad anti-military sentiment, including the vitriolic hatred that you speak of. If I had to bet money on it, I would guess that he's not against the Iraq war.  :-\

I think if you decide to go see this movie, you'll be able to empathize a great deal with what he's talking about. The root is about the suppression of free speech on college campuses, basically any views that don't fit the liberal mold. It also addresses how people disguise their politics rather than being honest about what their real goals are, a classic leftist tactic. His goal is to point out real bias and I think he does it very well. It's about free speech and free expression on campuses more than anything else. Don't expect it to be a libertarian movie or you will be disappointed.


Quote from: dalebert on September 02, 2007, 07:51 AM NHFT
Quote from: ThePug on September 01, 2007, 10:34 PM NHFT
Edit: When you say "anti-military" I assume you mean the sort of irrational, vitriolic hatred of those individuals in the military that is common amongst this strain of leftism, and not just general opposition to a standing military as is common among libertarians, correct? Because I can honestly see opposition to military recruiters being motivated by either.

Yes, that's the sort of thing he finds. However, I didn't say Evan was a libertarian. I called him a "libertarian-leaning conservative". Though I've never heard him speak of it directly, I suspect he's sort of your typical pro-military sort of conservative. He just doesn't strike me as right-wing neocon. I guess that's all relative of course. In his films, he seems more defined by what he's against. Does that make sense?

Like the examples I gave- He didn't come out and say "I'm against the Iraq war myself, but...." But what he did do was point out that he wasn't criticising them for protesting THAT. He was pointing out that the war protest was just a cover-up for broad anti-military sentiment, including the vitriolic hatred that you speak of. If I had to bet money on it, I would guess that he's not against the Iraq war.  :-\

I think if you decide to go see this movie, you'll be able to empathize a great deal with what he's talking about. The root is about the suppression of free speech on college campuses, basically any views that don't fit the liberal mold. It also addresses how people disguise their politics rather than being honest about what their real goals are, a classic leftist tactic. His goal is to point out real bias and I think he does it very well. It's about free speech and free expression on campuses more than anything else. Don't expect it to be a libertarian movie or you will be disappointed.

That all sounds fair enough. Like I said, I have no doubt that it's real issue and it's one I'll quite possibly have to deal with myself before long.



Deroy Murdock: The new film 'Indoctrinate U.' diagnoses academia's PC cancer


THIS BRAND NEW school year brings brand new opportunities for academics to talk like this:

"Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity," says former Harvard instructor Noel Ignatiev. "Whiteness is a form of racial oppression . . . My concern is doing away with whiteness."

Ignatiev happens to be white.

This jaw-dropping comment appears in "Indoctrinate U.," a fascinating and jarring new film by first-time documentarian Evan Coyne Maloney. Premiering Sept. 28 at Washington, D.C.'s American Film Renaissance festival, "Indoctrinate U." CAT-scans the politically correct cancer that gnaws away at American higher education.

Maloney is the un-Michael Moore. Unlike the notorious left-wing filmmaker, Maloney is thin, groomed, handsome, and conservative.

He reports that 91 percent of campuses restrict student speech. Brown University banned words that cause "feelings of impotence, anger, or disenfranchisement." West Virginia University instructed students that "instead of referring to . . . "girlfriend" or "boyfriend," they should "use positive generic terms such as "lover" or "partner" One can get into trouble without saying a word. The University of Connecticut prohibited "inappropriately directed laughter."

Even more chilling, Maloney introduces us to numerous victims of the PC disease.

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo College Republican Steve Hinkle's 18-month nightmare began when he scheduled a speech by black conservative author Mason Weaver. Hinkle promoted the event with a poster that showed Weaver beneath the headline, "It's OK to Leave the Plantation" -- his book's title. When Hinkle posted these flyers, students called the cops. When the police arrived, they complained further that the authorities' appearance itself was disruptive.

Administrators called the handbills "literature of offensive racial nature." Hinkle's white skin, blond hair, and blue eyes made him, they said, "a flashpoint" for racial tension. They urged him to see the campus psychologist. Hinkle later endured a seven-hour disciplinary hearing and months of expulsion threats.

After he sued in federal court, the school offered a $40,000 settlement.

At the University of Tennessee, meanwhile, five white students from Jackson, Tenn., nicknamed "The Jackson Five," attended an off-campus Halloween party as the Motown quintet -- complete with costumes and dark makeup. After several black students bristled, UT de-certified the fraternity that hosted the "offensive" masquerade party.

"If three black guys had chosen to paint their faces white and dress up as the Bee Gees, would everyone have gotten offended?" UT's Erich Mecherle wondered. "I doubt it."

While UT seems safe from Caucasian Michael Jackson impersonators, it remains potentially lethal for turban-wearing conservative scholars. Sukhmani Singh Khalsa wrote a student newspaper column criticizing the school's uniformly liberal guest speakers. One left-wing student-government member reacted by e-mail: "If you see one of those ragheads, shoot him right in the f---ing face." School administrators took no action against the student behind this ethnically charged death threat.

Conservative university journalists cope with the campus left's neo-Stalinism. The Yale Free Press has seen entire print runs thrown into the garbage, prompting yawns among university executives. After editions were dumped en masse, staffers handed out the conservative UC Berkeley Patriot to individual students. Leftists taunted Patriot writers as "racists," "Nazis," and "Hitler Youth." One coed recalls when "a guy came up to us with a bull horn and said, 'The only good Republican is a dead Republican.'" As the Patriot's Vanessa Wiseman distributed one issue, another student spat on her.

"I've been learning in geography class that gender is socially constructed," says Tennessee's Sukhmani Singh Khalsa. Adds Oliver Wolf of Bates College: "I really don't know why issues such as global warming, globalization, and militarism are brought up in a class on German literature."

Is there an antidote to this venom?

Supporting freedom-oriented scholastic organizations -- such as the Institute for Humane Studies, the Leadership Institute, and the Young America's Foundation -- bolsters students who resist such evil.

Political correctness has sickened many American universities. The good news is that filmmakers like Evan Coyne Maloney and brave, conservative and libertarian campus activists are dragging this ailment into the open where it should dissipate beneath the sun's disinfecting rays.


The film is now available for download. Maybe we could split the cost and burn a DVD for a porc viewing party.



Quote from: dalebert on February 24, 2008, 11:34 AM NHFT
The film is now available for download. Maybe we could split the cost and burn a DVD for a porc viewing party.


Why can't I buy a real DVD I wonder?