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A challenge

Started by Kat Kanning, September 01, 2007, 06:17 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Good lord, I was teasing her.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Friday on September 01, 2007, 08:06 AM NHFT
Why, Kat, how could you say such a thing??  :o  There are so many other topics to choose from:

  • I hate the U.N.
  • I hate Democrats
  • NH is being overrun by illegal immigrants/baby killers/unregistered voters
  • Too many Free Staters are left-wing pinko commies who are enabling the U.N./the Democrats/illegal immigrants....
  • This movie I've never seen sucks

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Dreepa on September 01, 2007, 09:25 PM NHFT
Infighting only helps the enemy. :'(
having fun ... helps the revolution :)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: AmerTownCrier on September 01, 2007, 10:22 PM NHFT
Jane does a whole lot more then you Kat. When people ask me why I'm leaving this state I'll refer them to this thread. A bunch of egotistical motor mouths. And yes...a lot of infighting. The Free State Project is a bust!
you attacked my wife ... I am leaving this state ... I can't take it anymore ... this movement is doomed :)

Pat K

Oh sure first Russell ruins it for every one,
then he leaves.


Quote from: Friday on September 01, 2007, 08:06 AM NHFT
... so many other topics to choose from:

  • This movie I've never seen sucks


Tom Sawyer

Quote from: d_goddard on September 02, 2007, 06:22 AM NHFT
That's it... only one way to handle this now...
AmerTownCrier and Kat, 20 paces, revolvers of your choice, at dawn

or, you could wrestle in Wesson oil.

Either way, video goes on YouTube

Perv... ;D

I think this thread contributed to my dream last night.
Fantasy or Reality?


My wife isn't even here yet and somehow I am offended now.

That's it...I'm done.

I mean...all you free staters do is go to fairs, build homes out of rammed earth, pick up trash along the side of the road, run for office, tilt at windmills, lounge in parks, vote in straw polls, play with guns, participate in civil disobedience, and generally make yourselves nuisances to the status quo.

Oh ... and post in forums. I swear, there must only be 2 of you porcs/undergrounders posting in here as multiple people. Waaaayyyy too much time on your hands. I also find it suspect that the two of you are also infighting and picking up trash on the weekend. What do you do, hurl the roadkill at each other while flaming/spamming?

*shakes head*

I think I'll wait another year or two here in my apt and see if there REALLY is anything to this so-called "freedom movement". I have my doubts...

/sarcasm (just in case someone takes any of this seriously)


Quote from: Pat K on September 02, 2007, 07:32 AM NHFT
Oh sure first Russell ruins it for every one,
then he leaves.
Quote from: Pat K on September 02, 2007, 07:32 AM NHFT
Oh sure first Russell ruins it for every one,
then he leaves.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: shyfrog on September 02, 2007, 08:16 PM NHFT
My wife isn't even here yet and somehow I am offended now.

That's it...I'm done.

I mean...all you free staters do is go to fairs, build homes out of rammed earth, pick up trash along the side of the road, run for office, tilt at windmills, lounge in parks, vote in straw polls, play with guns, participate in civil disobedience, and generally make yourselves nuisances to the status quo.

Oh ... and post in forums. I swear, there must only be 2 of you porcs/undergrounders posting in here as multiple people. Waaaayyyy too much time on your hands. I also find it suspect that the two of you are also infighting and picking up trash on the weekend. What do you do, hurl the roadkill at each other while flaming/spamming?

*shakes head*

I think I'll wait another year or two here in my apt and see if there REALLY is anything to this so-called "freedom movement". I have my doubts...

/sarcasm (just in case someone takes any of this seriously)

Go back to Utah Mormon boy.  :o   

Did I really say that...it wasn't me it was one of my 37 personalities.


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on September 02, 2007, 10:44 PM NHFT
Quote from: shyfrog on September 02, 2007, 08:16 PM NHFT
My wife isn't even here yet and somehow I am offended now.

That's it...I'm done.

I mean...all you free staters do is go to fairs, build homes out of rammed earth, pick up trash along the side of the road, run for office, tilt at windmills, lounge in parks, vote in straw polls, play with guns, participate in civil disobedience, and generally make yourselves nuisances to the status quo.

Oh ... and post in forums. I swear, there must only be 2 of you porcs/undergrounders posting in here as multiple people. Waaaayyyy too much time on your hands. I also find it suspect that the two of you are also infighting and picking up trash on the weekend. What do you do, hurl the roadkill at each other while flaming/spamming?

*shakes head*

I think I'll wait another year or two here in my apt and see if there REALLY is anything to this so-called "freedom movement". I have my doubts...

/sarcasm (just in case someone takes any of this seriously)

Go back to Utah Mormon boy.  :o   

Did I really say that...it wasn't me it was one of my 37 personalities.

Dems fightin' words  :icon_pirat:

In all seriousness, Utah "WAS" the place the Mormons escaped to to live their lives free of the fed and government intrusion. In so many ways the Mormon doctrine, as it was taught back then, promoted a libertarian view of "live and let live". They gave way to pressure to join the mainstream and not be so peculiar. Ever since circa 1890, in a bid to gain statehood, they've given way to more and more intervention and control.

Glad to be out of there :D
errr...I mean...off I go, cya losers :p

Tom Sawyer

Glad you took it in the right why... or maybe next time I saw you and your clan, your daughter would wop me with that fancy twirlin' stick and you would finish me off with that slow motion killin' thing you do.

I'm really glad ya'll made the move. Now what can we do to get the rest of your clan and even your band to come and join the fun?