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What the heck is going on with Daddy Long Leg Spiders around here

Started by Raineyrocks, September 05, 2007, 08:36 AM NHFT

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I've got them all over every door, window,and siding, it's like they are waiting for a weak spot to get into the house!  They remind me of the raptors in Jurrasic Park! :o

I've watched some of them that hang around on the siding above the doors, they drop down real quick to try to get in to the house when the door is opened.  Now I'm terrified of walking out the door and having one of these suckers drop down on my head so I've been running out of the door real fast but I wonder is it going to fast enough every time? :-\

Rick wants to kill them but I don't because as scary as they are to me they are just living their lives so I've been having the kids go out before me and moving them away and off of the door.  The kids are getting mad at me but I'm really getting scared! :help:

Kat Kanning

What do you think will happen to you if one drops on your head?  I like the daddy long legs.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 05, 2007, 08:38 AM NHFT
What do you think will happen to you if one drops on your head?  I like the daddy long legs.

I'm going to feel it's long legs crawling on me, yuk!  I have severe insect, frog, snake, etc. phobias.  I'm nuts! :)

J’raxis 270145

They're not really harmful. Maybe if you put up with them around for a while it'll help lessen your phobia of them.

Lloyd Danforth

There was one climbing up my leg the other day.  I tried to get the cat to look at and thought she was going to when she, unaware of the spider,  mashed it rubbing  her head on my leg :P


I learned from Mythbusters that they can actually bite. It's just very unlikely because they're so non-aggressive. Adam had to put his arm in a huge tube packed with the things. The bites are extremely minor of course. All they did was cause a very minor amount of itching; prolly not even comparable to a skeeter bite.


Too many spiders in or around a house is an indication of jealousy, potential conflict, confusion or possible bad health forecoming. If in doubt, study the spiders behaviors. If they act aggressive, be forewarned.

Do not fear the warning but prepare and take action to prevent the occurance.



Too many spiders around the house indicates too many bugs, a.k.a. "spider food".

Jealousy, conflict, turmoil, etc., building up could lead to poor housekeeping, which leads to more bugs, which leads to more spiders.


Wow, I didn't expect my post to be this popular and speculative.  :)

If the spiders are around the outside of the house eating bugs I'm glad as long as they don't drop on my head when I'm going out or coming in.

As far as them being there for confusion, hell they'd stay all year long and they don't, I'm always confused about something.

Thanks Dalebert, that makes me feel so much better knowing they can bite. :o

Harvestmen I'll have to look into that even though no matter what they're called they scare me.

This has been a very interesting discussion I must say! :)  + for all!



My son likes them... he says he wants to keep them around so that they eat the mosquitos.


Quote from: Dreepa on September 05, 2007, 10:48 PM NHFT
My son likes them... he says he wants to keep them around so that they eat the mosquitos.

My sister picked one up in kindergarten and gave it a kiss, she used to love them!

I think I know how they are getting in the house here and there.  The weatherstripping is gone from the bottom of the front door.  Yikes!  Number 1 project for Rick tonight! :o


Well, the kids had to do battle again this morning and are mad at me for being scared again!  There were 3 lined up trying to get in the house thru the crack under the front door!  Good website on them if anyone is interested: http://spiders.ucr.edu/daddylonglegs.html  and this site mentions them being referred to as Harvestmen too.

Other strange occurrences also; remember last year when I thought the house was haunted?  Well I've been trying to blow a lot of sounds and stuff off so I don't drive myself crazy but the other day I had my bedroom door closed and I saw the doorknob turn and the door open.  I said, "Who's there?" , thinking it was one of the kids; absolutely no one was upstairs!

Now I can see a door opening because of the wind but the doorknob turning?  A little too weird for me. 

Yesterday I went to check the mail, the mailbox was wide open, my first thought is that someone stole the mail or something.  One of the kids said, "Maybe the mail lady just didn't shut it."  I would think though that she has a very repetitious job and it would come second nature to close mailboxes, wouldn't you?  So  of course I checked for mail and there were 2 pieces of mail, one being a credit card offer, wouldn't someone have stole that if someone was up to no good?

So anyways when Rick got home hours later and he asked me if I left the mailbox open.  I told him what happened and said, "No way I have ocd when it comes to stuff like that."  The mailbox was opened up again when he got home.  Weird, huh?  It couldn't have been the mail lady unless she came back in 6 hours and opened it.

There's more!  Rick's bureau drawer was open, the top one and I had a weird feeling about it like something was taunting to me to go look in but I didn't touch it.  I have to ask Rick if he left it open, I forget with all the mail stuff going on.  Then this morning, it's open but not as much, the same drawer.  That one might be explainable except for the odd feeling of being taunted.  I'll ask Rick. :-\

I won't even get into the weird noises, lights being on when I know I turned them off.  The darn tv came on by itself.  I'm not crazy, weird yes, crazy no!


QuoteToo many spiders in or around a house is an indication of jealousy, potential conflict, confusion or possible bad health forecoming. If in doubt, study the spiders behaviors. If they act aggressive, be forewarned.

Do not fear the warning but prepare and take action to prevent the occurance.


I know it may sound crazy but please keep your guard up. Please observe their behavior and use your awareness.


Quote from: kola on September 06, 2007, 08:47 AM NHFT
QuoteToo many spiders in or around a house is an indication of jealousy, potential conflict, confusion or possible bad health forecoming. If in doubt, study the spiders behaviors. If they act aggressive, be forewarned.

Do not fear the warning but prepare and take action to prevent the occurance.


I know it may sound crazy but please keep your guard up. Please observe their behavior and use your awareness.

It doesn't sound crazy to me at all and believe me I'm keeping my guard up. Thanks! :)

The problem is I'm not sure what I'm dealing with here.  If you've ever read some of my past posts I've had stranger things happen but this is different and I don't know what it is.  I do carry lots of fear and negativity around because of my phobias and the the negativity because of the way the world is.  I already did a sage cleaning of the house and outside but it didn't seem to make much of a difference.  I also have a blessed eagle feather and used that along with the sage cleanse.

I'm not as open to this kind of thing anymore because of my fear and other reasons but I know I'm not imagining "this".  My awareness seems to be and I say seems to be because I'm not as connected to it as I used to be that something is watching me and playing with my head. 

In my real old house before we moved here I saw shadows and heard things but they were much more positive than this.

I talked to a good friend of mine and she says that because this is a new house there shouldn't be any presence here but there is. :-\