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Not that it makes any difference...

Started by shyfrog, September 10, 2007, 06:17 AM NHFT

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...but I left my 2 cents on the latest Union article about the smoking ban.


In Denmark, noone abided the law. Everyone smoked defiantly in pubs and bars, providing the owners agreed, of course. Not so here, everyone loved the smoking ban.

Judging by the comments it seems most of these have similar serf Masshole attitudes, though.


Good one, Lou!

I have to shake my head at some of those comments. Check this one: "NH wants to hang on to the past, fewer taxes and nobody telling citizens how to live their lives. I say, grow up."

That's right, "grow up", join the modern age, pay more taxes and have someone tell you how to live your life.  ::)


Quote from: shyfrog on September 10, 2007, 06:17 AM NHFT
...but I left my 2 cents on the latest Union article about the smoking ban.

I think the comments were 2 to 1 in our favor. But I really liked this one:

Perhaps those blaming the 'nanny state' exclusively on the democrats should do a bit of research. This bill passed the house by a vote of 224 - 117 with 47 republicans voting yea and another 17 not bothering to vote. If those 64 republicans had voted nay, and protected us from the big bad government, then this wouldn't have passed.
- jon, hooksett, nh

We need to kick those RINO butts out of there....


"I'm really sick and tired of going camping, only to have it ruined by people in the next campsite over burning their logs and twigs. The smoke is dangerously unhealthy, makes my eyes water, and leaves my clothes smelling horrible. I go camping a lot and am having a difficult time finding good places to camp due to this despicable practice. Seeing people stand around a campfire, socializing and breathing those toxic fumes is enough to make one...errgh. Have you ever hugged a campfire loiterer? It's like hugging a fireplace log. Blech. I call for our legislators to enact a ban on campfires. Think of the savings in laundry soap, time cutting and gathering wood, and health costs associated with breathing *sputtercoughsputter* firewood smoke.
Nobody likes it. Nobody should have to put up with it. Especially me. But honestly, we need to get to the root cause of the problem: fire..."


One more thing, if anyone lights one of these poisonous campfires anywhere in NH. The authorities should clock them in the back of the head with a firelog, then take all their money.  It's for their own good. 


LOL! Ban campfires!


Don't give'em any ideas...


You already need a permit for campfires.

If you are camping on a camp ground however, they more then likely have the permit (and the fee is covered in your camping fee).

So essentually campfires are band unless the government gives you permission.



I don't feel putting a ban for no smoking in publics places a bad thing but I do think you are discriminating when you say Bingo Halls, Private Bars and etc. are exccempt. A place where the public goes should apply to all not just a few selected places. Freedom of choice no longer belongs to Americans because our lives are being dictated.
- Diane, Manchester, NH

See Diane your misguided, freedom of choice does belong to Americans. All of them, the ones that own business and make choices for there business and property and those that are customers.  unless a building has a government seal it is private property and you have no god given right to enter without the premision of the property owner.  now if the door is open thats a good sign that you have premision especially if your going to spend money but if they kick you out you have to leave.  if you don't like what that business owner is deciding i suggest you use your freedom of choice to go somewhere else and get your laws and violence off my property.   
This i own the world everyone must bow to my BS is getting real old...