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Any roleplayers out there?

Started by ancapagency, September 10, 2007, 04:32 PM NHFT

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There is a young woman I am trying to convince to move to NH (she's currently in IN).  She was active with the LP in NC, and is somewhat active with them in IN at present.  She has a BA in Art (specifically small metal design), and is a gifted artist.  She is not opposed to the move, but she's also not quite ready to do it yet.  I've got her convinced to come visit some time, and I'm sure she's almost ready and a good visit will pull her in all the way.

One of her hobbies (in addition to shooting--so I will be linking her up w/ the SAS) is roleplaying.  I'm not sure which games she plays--all I know is she's not into LARP.  If there are any roleplayers out there, especially if you have an active group that might have room for one more, I'd like to hear from you.  I know that if she could hit the ground running w/ a good Porcupine gaming group, it'd be a big incentive for her to move sooner rather than later.  Of course, the thing that would clinch the deal would be a good job, but I'll post on that elsewhere.


If she needs a roleplay group to convince her to move perhaps she's not one of the people we'd want?

I'm dramatically reducing my involvement in RPGs as part of my move, far better things to be spending time on which promote freedom.  That's not to say that RPGs are bad by any stretch of the imagination, but hobbies of this nature are a distraction.


She doesn't need it to move.  It's just something I know she's interested in (apart from the Liberty Movement) that would be an added enticement.  I'm sure we're covered on the Liberty Activism side, as far as folks for her to meet and projects for her to get involved in.  But if I can show her something OTHER than "here's a bunch of work for you to do" then I think it would be a little easier to get her here sooner rather than later. 

I'm not a roleplayer--never have been.  I don't jump on others for how they use their time though--as it is theirs.  But activists (which she definitely is) need decompression hobbies as well.  Since I know this is hers, I thought it would be a good idea.

So, if you're reducing your RPG involvement, great--more power to you.  Think you might be able to help me by pointing me to some porcupine role players who might still be interested?


Quote from: ArcRiley on September 10, 2007, 05:16 PM NHFT
If she needs a roleplay group to convince her to move perhaps she's not one of the people we'd want?

I'm dramatically reducing my involvement in RPGs as part of my move, far better things to be spending time on which promote freedom.  That's not to say that RPGs are bad by any stretch of the imagination, but hobbies of this nature are a distraction.

Hmmm...  Am I the only one scratching his head here?



I'm a gamer.   Would love to find a table for an occasional game.  (twice a month?)

There is Gamey Porcupines -- but it seems to be inactive.   MeetUp is the default place to find tables. 

A game in the A Song of Ice and Fire universe would be be interesting.


For those who don't know what a roleplay game is we're talking about Dungeons & Dragons and the thousands of other games of that style.  It's people sitting around a table with lots of expensive hardcover books and strange dice with little miniature figurines on a map talking about doing stealth checks and casting fireballs.

Quote from: ancapagency on September 10, 2007, 05:23 PM NHFT
So, if you're reducing your RPG involvement, great--more power to you.  Think you might be able to help me by pointing me to some porcupine role players who might still be interested?

I've been involved in a type of game called Mind's Eye Theatre.  It's a global chronicle set in modern time where you play various supernatural creatures which the regular people aren't aware of.  IE, lots of "secret society" stuff going on.  There's a sizable group operating out of southeastern NH and eastern MA that I'll be playing in should I continue in that club.

That system (published by WhiteWolf Games) doesn't work well, though, involving a lot of head math and drawing cards.  I've been working on an alternative - sort of a mini-business.  Lots of art needs to be done, too, as well as creative writing.  Have fun while doing something that can bring in income.

You mentioned she's not into LARP.  LARP is people running around the woods with padded swords and bags of glitter doing what they'd otherwise only be talking about doing around a table, full costume and all that.  Sort of a cross between paintball and D&D.  Very few women are into it since it favors testosterone and people often get hurt, not to mention boffer larpers being downright scary.

If she's not into that she's unlikely to be into the improv theatrical games either, which is sort of between (we do costuming but use cards/chips/dice instead of physical weapons).  We have the highest female-to-male ratio of the three types of games (generally more women than men) but it does come down to personal taste.

I'm not aware of any porcupines doing this.  I have seen on various sites (rpg.net, craigslist) various non-freestaters in New Hampshire doing their own tabletop RPG groups.  There was even a posting in Manchester for some all-female group.  I think you'll have much better luck with these websites.


Yeah--those acronyms get me every time.

RPG--Role Playing Game?  I always think Rocket Propelled Grenade

Several people I know talk about they or someone they know having been at the CIA--by which they mean the Culinary Institute of America--but that's not what I think of when they say it.

When I heard people talking about "LARP" I thought they were talking about LRRP--Long Range Recon Patrol

There are definitely others...


Quote from: ArcRiley on September 10, 2007, 07:17 PM NHFT
For those who don't know what a roleplay game is [...]

Bzzzzt - wrong. Let's try again:
Find the reasons for head scratching in this this statement, slightly modified:
If she needs <whatever> to convince her to move perhaps she's not one of the people we'd want?


If she needs a roleplay group to convince her to move perhaps she's not one of the people we'd want?

Because a gaming table can become a close-knit group of friends? almost like a second family?

If you ignore the social aspect of the game, you're missing the point.


PM the Seth Lord.. I think he started a yahoo group.

Maybe she could help start an RPG (I too think Rocket Prop.. first)?

If you put the word out there might be many 'closet RPGers'.


Quote from: muni on September 10, 2007, 07:27 PM NHFT
Bzzzzt - wrong. Let's try again:
Find the reasons for head scratching in this this statement, slightly modified:
If she needs <whatever> to convince her to move perhaps she's not one of the people we'd want?

RPGs are not a <whatever>.  If it was "She needs to know other vegans in New Hampshire" or "She needs to know other Quakers in the area" my response would have been different.

Those are lifestyle/society things which people often need to feel welcome and make a decent life for themselves.

Roleplayers who view it as such a high priority that they consider the RPG scene where they're moving to as a consideration as to wether they'll move, in my experience, have let it become part of their lifestyle.  It consumes.  People who are that into a hobby are unlikely to have the time to be an activist working towards a free society.


It's very possible to play in moderation. I was in a game once a week in Atlanta and I miss it. Would love to get into a game up here. I might even be coaxed into running a game. If I do, it would probably be a fantasy modern game- kind of Buffy the Vampire Slayer style of game.


People who are that into a hobby are unlikely to have the time to be an activist working towards a free society.

Worst case -- if she moves here and does nothing but roll dice and vote -- what have we lost?


Jeez...I'm looking for folks who share a hobby with my friend--something she used to do once every other week or so.  Not a cult or an addiction.

Just an FYI:

She's a very talented artist, she loves shooting (thus far only rifles--she'll be in the market for a pistol probably after she gets here and has her feet under her), she spends most of her non-work and non-activism time working out and practicing Bujinkan.  She was active with the NC Libertarian Party while she was going to college full time and working part time.  She moved to IN and is working full time and is active with the LP there--she just organized a monthly movie night and a monthly shooting event.  She ran for state legislature in NC when she was 21.  She's highly intelligent, talented, and very active.  She's got the strongest work ethic I've ever seen.


She's an intelligent, talented, skilled, hard-working, highly-pro-Liberty, friendly, kind, funny, and all-around honorable woman.  She is already interested in the FSP--and was when I signed up back in the beginning of the FSP.  She's single, very good looking, 26, AND SHE'S A LIBERTARIAN!

I'm trying to find some folks who share ONE of her hobbies, not because it will get her to move, but because it may help me convince her to move NOW rather than a few years from now.  I can pretty much guarantee that she will, whenever she does move here, be active with the Second Amendment Sisters, most likely with the NHLP, probably with the NHLA, and I wouldn't be surprised if she linked up with the Manchester Free Press as well. 

Now, please pardon me if I offend anyone with this comment, but here it comes anyway:  I'm not trying to get some social misfit who lives in Momma's basement and spends all their time eating junk food and playing video games, and can't be bothered to go out or take a shower, let alone get involved in anything, to move here against their apathetic inertia.  I'm trying to get a highly intelligent, young and good-looking female (I think she looks like Emma Thompson, everyone else says Liv Tyler), athletic and active, Libertarian Activist to move here ASAP rather than waiting a few years.