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Defender of Liberty: everything okay?

Started by KBCraig, September 11, 2007, 02:59 PM NHFT

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I got Tim's Porc-411 messages. Just checking if he's okay.

I got them out of order, though. I got the second one last night, saying he'd already found a ride, and had no idea what he was talking about. This morning, I got the first one, saying he'd been in a wreck and could use a ride.

Kat Kanning

Oh no!  I treid to listen and couldnt get them to play.

Nicholas Gilman

     Yeah, Give us an update.  I must of logged off just before those messages were
sent..hope you are okay.  I had an accident at 0 dark thirty once and it took
two hours to get someone to pick me up.  At least your motor didnt burst
into flames along the tollway.    Who knew the state run liquor store would
be good for a fire extinguisher?  :_fire__by_zacthetoad: