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Putin dissolves his government

Started by Nicholas Gilman, September 12, 2007, 07:44 AM NHFT

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Nicholas Gilman

   No good can come from this:

QuoteRussian news agencies cite the Kremlin as saying that President Vladimir Putin dissolved the government Wednesday.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov asked the Kremlin to dissolve his government, Russian news agencies reported, with less than three months remaining before parliamentary elections.

Fradkov made the decision based on "the approaching major political events in the country and a desire to give the president full freedom in making decisions, including personnel," Fradkov was quoted by ITAR-Tass as saying. A Kremlin spokesman could not immediately comment on the report.

     What the hell are they planning over there?




We're awaiting a reply from the Sverdlovsk Ministry of Education on our next adoption, hopefully things a thousand miles east of Moscow are a bit more settled.


US economy collapsing as the USSR rises again, oh the irony. ;)