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more homemade cop videos

Started by mackler, September 12, 2007, 11:41 PM NHFT

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Not sure what the whole story here is, but there's definitely a bunch of cops tackling some citizen who was trying to get into a congressional hearing in the Capitol.



The Capitol Police say, on the video, that he was not standing in line.  He disagreed.  The movie shows that he was asked to move to the end of the line of citizens waiting to get in to the hearing.  He refused to move to the end of the line.  He was told he was going to be arrested.  He then said, "I'm not being arrested!" and tried to push his way through the officers, knocking one over in the process.  He was then subdued by the officers.  In the process, the officers hurt his ankle (though he claimed initially that they broke his leg, later reports said his ankle was hurt, and he was on crutches but was not in a cast).
