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moving to nh

Started by umbcpaleoconservative, September 21, 2007, 07:42 AM NHFT

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Hello all I am seriously considering moving up to nh and living/working in the manchester area. Does anyone have any suggestions on places where I can get really cheap rent? I have a degree in public administration and have much office experience. If someone can help me out with finding a job in NH I would really appreciate it.



My maxim with respect to employment is simple: "The best time to look for a job, is when you have a job."

In other words, step one is to get Any Job; step two is to get the job you Really Want.
Check Monster.com, and of course the FSP Job & Info page.

Good luck!

Little Owl

How eager are you to make the move?  I moved here with an awesome job.  No need for me to look further.  I could have taken lesser employment, but changing jobs sucks.  If you can hold out, try to get a winner at the outset and don't settle for "any job".


There is a cost to "holding out". Not being in NH. For many, that is a big cost. Especially those of us who made the move and know the difference between activism out there and activism here. Can't quantify it. Hard to even express it. Visiting helps.

I don't think anyone here went longer without a means of support than we did and I never, ever regret it. The benefits of being in NH far outweighed the costs.



I moved without a job, and wound up with the best job I have ever had, after taking interviews at an OK job and a real SUCK job.  We (my wife and I) saved up quite a bit to move here (she stays home to take care of the kiddies now that we are here), something like 5 or 6 months rent and money for food, electricity, gas, etc. 

Or you can come up with no plan, no place to stay, and no money.  Take a few day jobs for cash, look for more permanent employment.  I don't know what your personal situation is, but I always wanted to go this route.  My wife, on the other hand, wouldn't budge until we had the $$ to move.


I am seriously considering moving too within a year. I am looking for work on craigslist. I wonder what kind of licenses you need to open a beer brewery/bar in the Nashua area.


Quote from: enloopious on September 21, 2007, 01:24 PM NHFT
I wonder what kind of licenses you need to open a beer brewery/bar in the Nashua area.
Easiest way to find out is just to call the City Clerk's office and ask them. They either know, know who to ask, or will send you some info:
603) 589-3010

Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: umbcpaleoconservative on September 21, 2007, 07:42 AM NHFT
Hello all I am seriously considering moving up to nh and living/working in the manchester area. Does anyone have any suggestions on places where I can get really cheap rent? I have a degree in public administration and have much office experience. If someone can help me out with finding a job in NH I would really appreciate it.


Get your name on the "wait list" for a room at Alec's. It is the cheapest housing around although his prices may have increased since this thread.

You may also find something in the Union Leader online classifieds (Manchester's largest newspaper).

and of course check nh.craigslist

Good Luck with the search


Quote from: freedominnh on September 21, 2007, 03:04 PM NHFT
 Cheap but priceless.   

At at the rate taproom tuesday is filling out... Nashua will need a hangout soon.