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The Police State is here now.

Started by Pat K, September 21, 2007, 12:30 PM NHFT

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Pat K

Warning Warning to sensitive folks this view is
from the left! but I think it sums up things well.




I agree the police state is here...heck, even Boy George is spying on us..just look!

err...well he is trying, huh??



Yes, the police state is here..   I love that pic to show that just about any idiot can become a dictator


Hmm... who hasn't lifted binoculars up to their eyes before with the lens caps still on? The rest of that photo series shows Bush realizing it immediately, and taking the lens caps off. I'm no fan of Bush of course, but I hate to see unfair attacks/insults against even him.


I don't recall ever doing that with binoculars... done it with the camcorder one or twice however :)

However, this fact still doesn't help with the fact that Bush is a great example of a idiot being in charge of the country.. does it  ;D


I dunno if Bush is an "idiot" compared to the general population, but I certainly believe that he allows himself to be controlled by his handlers a lot more than has been the norm for Presidents, and his critical reasoning skills are obviously lacking. I think he really wasn't prepared for the stress of the office, and it's taken its toll on him mentally over the years. That's why he takes such a hands-off management style, which is in turn largely responsible for the amount of power those close to him have been allowed to wield. It doesn't excuse any of the things he's done, but when I look at Bush I see a misguided man too dependent on bad advisors rather than active malice on his part.

Anyway, the thing with the binoculars was just a nitpick. I read about it on Snopes.  ;)