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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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A Stateless Society By 2020

Started by srqrebel, September 23, 2007, 02:44 PM NHFT

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Ron Helwig

Quote from: PowerPenguin on October 01, 2007, 02:39 AM NHFT
Let's get back to the topic: What did YOU do today to advance liberty?

I spent two hours working on the range and spent a couple hours editing an interview Matt Simon did.

I also made soup, from scratch, for dinner.  :P

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: PowerPenguin on October 01, 2007, 02:39 AM NHFT
Let's get back to the topic: What did YOU do today to advance liberty?

Put more information up on this website, and prepared to go to another Manchester aldermanic meeting tomorrow, in order to get them to kill (or at least table for another month) this bill.


Do y'all think promoting liberty is a moral imperative, or is it just sort of like a hobby?

Ron Helwig

Quote from: Braddogg on October 01, 2007, 08:54 PM NHFT
Do y'all think promoting liberty is a moral imperative, or is it just sort of like a hobby?

Its a lifestyle choice  ;D


Right, but it is a moral imperative?  If I decided to give up the liberty activism thing, drop away from the libertarian scene, just started working at a McDonald's and reading books on theoretical physics instead of starting a newspaper, posting here, and reading LewRockwell, would I be acting morally, immorally, or neutrally?


I continue to push forward on my business, The Ancap Agency, which provides non-governmental solutions (i.e. non-coercive conflict resolution, security consulting, etc.)

I continue to increase my self-sufficiency via adding to my skills, in particular I am learning machinist skills, which will come in hand to myself and the freedom movement in any number of ways in the near future.

I continue to try to recruit some good people for the Free State Project.

I continue to run contingency planning in my head for various possibilities, so as to be prepared should any of them occur (prefer not to be more specific at this time).

I exchanged FeRNs for Liberty Dollars.

I paid a couple of Porcupines for their labor, instead of hiring non-Porcupines to do the job.

And so forth.


Quote from: Braddogg on October 01, 2007, 09:06 PM NHFT
Right, but it is a moral imperative?  If I decided to give up the liberty activism thing, drop away from the libertarian scene, just started working at a McDonald's and reading books on theoretical physics instead of starting a newspaper, posting here, and reading LewRockwell, would I be acting morally, immorally, or neutrally?

Your life belongs to you.   One course may be more admirable than the other, but it would be difficult to categorize either as immoral. 

Pat K

Well Menno, I told you I would read this.

Just a little note to let ya know I did.

Well written and your passion shows through.

If my little brain thinks up any thing to contribute
I will post it here.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Braddogg on October 01, 2007, 09:06 PM NHFT
Right, but it is a moral imperative?  If I decided to give up the liberty activism thing, drop away from the libertarian scene, just started working at a McDonald's and reading books on theoretical physics instead of starting a newspaper, posting here, and reading LewRockwell, would I be acting morally, immorally, or neutrally?

The only immoral behavior, in my opinion, is causing harm to—committing aggression against—others. Dropping out of a movement doesn't exactly fall under that, unless perhaps you dropped out in the middle of something when some people were relying on you or expecting you to have done something, and the act of quitting itself caused harm.

In general I don't criticize people who stand by and do nothing. Cowardly, yes, but morally wrong, no.


I talk a lot about a porc house in keene for two reasons; one, I think one is very much needed as a gateway for new movers, and two, while I can help by moving in and paying bills, I am not in a position to get the ball rolling because I do not make enough money.   :-\  Or a more permanent setup with anarchists in one house, 4 or 5, stubbornly in favor of civil disobedience.  (I'm not interested in violent revolution).   :)


Keene definitely needs a porc house.  Manchester is getting way too many new movers and a porc house would allow some of those movers to come here...


Manchester has at least 3 porc houses.  I couldn't help but notice the number of new movers migrating there.   :-\ 

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: David on October 03, 2007, 11:14 PM NHFT
Manchester has at least 3 porc houses.  I couldn't help but notice the number of new movers migrating there.   :-\ 

We're eventually going to take over this city. >:D


Quote from: FTL_Ian on October 03, 2007, 01:09 PM NHFT
Keene definitely needs a porc house.  Manchester is getting way too many new movers and a porc house would allow some of those movers to come here...

I'm going to be moving to Portsmouth probably. Does that make you feel better? ;)


wrong direction.  ;D (thinks to self, "I wonder if I told new mover that portsmouth is west of manchester just past peterborough off of route 101, would he believe me?  and would he be mad if he found out I lied just to get him to move to keene?" end of thought)   >:D