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Anonymous Blogger Attacks the NH Underground!

Started by FTL_Ian, September 26, 2007, 10:20 AM NHFT

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Pat K



Haven't gotten to the response, but I have to say, what an incredibly pretty sounding name Julia Miranda is.

I bet she gets 20% of the vote on name alone.  :)

Tom Sawyer

I bet it is someone connected with the school system.


I'm sorry, but saying "expose the cops as the thugs they really are" when you're running for office is just dumb. And more importantly, incorrect. Most cops aren't thugs. No wonder serious Free Staters want to disassociate themselves from the extremists.


This thread should be named: Anonymous Coward Attacks the NH Underground!

Kat Kanning

Sounds like we're close :)

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -Mahatma Gandhi


Quote from: jsorens on September 26, 2007, 01:03 PM NHFT
I'm sorry, but saying "expose the cops as the thugs they really are" when you're running for office is just dumb. And more importantly, incorrect. Most cops aren't thugs. No wonder serious Free Staters want to disassociate themselves from the extremists.

I would have to agree with Jason here, there are plenty of cops that aren't thugs. Making a blanket statement like that is almost always a bad idea. I know because I do it sometimes too and am usually proven wrong.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: jsorens on September 26, 2007, 01:03 PM NHFT
I'm sorry, but saying "expose the cops as the thugs they really are" when you're running for office is just dumb. And more importantly, incorrect. Most cops aren't thugs. No wonder serious Free Staters want to disassociate themselves from the extremists.

Well, you'll be missed.   ::)

Kat Kanning

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on September 26, 2007, 12:52 PM NHFT
I bet it is someone connected with the school system.

A schoolteacher married to a cop.


Great!! Julia has been "outed"!
That means her name is out there, and they're tying to make her sound like a bomb-throwing baby-killer. PERFECT!

That's name recognition. And it sets constituents up perfectly.

All Julia has to do now is go door to door to the voters in her district, and pass out literature that includes her name, email, and phone number.

That's it. When they see you're nice and really concerned about making the community a better place, the people who are attacking you will lose credibility.

Make sure it's voters not every household (no point wasting time & money).
And make sure you're going door to door -- there's no other realistic way to prevail in your situation.


Quote from: jsorens on September 26, 2007, 01:03 PM NHFT
I'm sorry, but saying "expose the cops as the thugs they really are" when you're running for office is just dumb. And more importantly, incorrect. Most cops aren't thugs. No wonder serious Free Staters want to disassociate themselves from the extremists.

That article came out months ago, (so long ago, I didn't even remember it) when I wasn't planning to run for city council. Also, it wasn't worded correctly (my fault and not denying it) because I don't think all cops are thugs, but I do think that many are. This would easily be corrected simply by ending the war on drugs, or at least enforcement of it. Respect for police officers would go up overnight. As for the rest of the quotes, many are taken out of context or just dug up from super old posts to make me look bad. In addition, some of it is just an outright lie. That being said, I suspected such an attack, and am not surprised in the least.

And yes, Dennis, I'll be going to door to door very shortly here. It's funny, because one of the men from the newspaper said that a lot of those quotes would cause him to vote for me.

Since it's not Fred Parsells who wrote the blogs, I wonder if it's my opponent?




You could have written "expose those/these cops as the thugs..." and it changes the whole tone of the sentence to hating corrupt cops.
