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Sales at Joseph Michael jewelers in Concord

Started by porcupine kate, September 26, 2007, 07:45 PM NHFT

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porcupine kate

Hello my work is looking for a full time sales person.  This is customer service based retail.  We are looking for a full time person with retail/sales experience.  Jewelry experience is preferred but not required. 

We are also looking for 2 people to work part time to ring people up, gift wrap and be support staff to the sales people for the Christmas season.  This will be 15-20hrs per week from November 2 to the end of December.

You will have to dress professionally and you will have to fill out government forms for taxes.

Let me know if you are interested.


Damnit! This sounds right up my alley (sans paperwork), but I'm stuck on the so-called 'left coast' until next year. I know of a few other people over in the Pac NW that are into this kind of thing, so be persistent. Over the next year or two, many of us will be moving to NH, and you'll have lots of potential employees to choose from!

BTW, I periodically do business with a guy who does it the fully free market way. Why are you being some bureaucrat's B**ch? (No offense)

porcupine kate

the company I work for has been around for twenty years has 50 or so employees and has 8 locations in the state.  The problem with Jewelry that sells for over ten grand it triggers all sorts of flags on the transfer of money.  The irs due to the banking systems bug the shit out of stores that sell expensive stuff.  We also fall under scrutiny due to anti money laundering laws.  Small businesses with lower ticket items can slide under the radar with this bull crap.


yeah, the business I'm referring to is basically a one man show. Perhaps you should sell it off into smaller pieces?

porcupine kate

I don't own the company.  I just like working there.


Ever considered going solo? There's definately a need for more female jewlery/coin business owners out there- I can't think of a single one I know of personally, actually!

porcupine kate

I've though about it But I'm not ready to do so. 

Until I can buy a place I can work and live in I won't even consider it. Right now I can work for someone else which has several advantages for me at this time.  It will be easier for me to get a traditional mortgage next year since my other half isn't doing anything on the books at this point.  The other bigger advantage is I work only 40 hours a week.   This leaves me time to do activist stuff, see my man and spend time with friends. 

I did make and sell jewelry back in college but I was only covering half the bills with it.  I can sell expensive jewelry and I get paid well to do so.  I don't have the capital to invest in inventory and tools at this time. Space is also an issue until I by a house.  Right know I'm learning a lot about how to sell and run a small business while someone else is paying me to learn. 

Ask me again in five years if the economy hasn't collapsed by then.