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An Open Letter re: Jim C. Perry

Started by Friday, September 26, 2007, 10:37 PM NHFT

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I'm just getting to this tread rather late, and long after it has begun to spin . . .
Without regard to where it is going, you were right to turn on the light Sandy.  Thank you for doing so.

Not sure if I'll care to add anything further.


SK moderates comments to his blog, and engages in mutual masturdebating with his admirers, while allowing opposing comments that he thinks he can counter. (He fails, but that's what happens when you live in a circle-jerk of mutual admiration.)

Let me say this: I've been as critical of JP as anyone has, but he has apparently made a good effort to repay his debts. JP is showing his face in places where he's held in contempt, and offering apologies that seem sincere. Only time will tell, but he's offering apologies and declining to offer excuses. That in itself is a 180 from past behavior.

I'm not in the least concerned with this anti-Ron Paul blogger who attacks JP as as a surrogate for RP. Shake the dust from your feet, and let him go back to his mutual admiration society.


Lloyd Danforth


Lloyd Danforth



Quote from: CNHT on November 20, 2007, 02:12 AM NHFTFaber it's quite simple: The troll SK wishes to cast aspersions on JP's jewishness so as to somehow prove that RP has no jewish support.

Speaking as someone with a Jewish mother - who is, therefore, according to Judaism, a Jew - I'll say that Dr. Paul has Jewish support.



Quote from: Faber on November 20, 2007, 02:06 AM NHFT
You (shock) might not have all the information, J'raxis.  JP might have gotten married in Massachusetts.

Hah! You're both wrong. You're presuming the state, or a state, is the decider of whether two people are "married" or not.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Faber on November 20, 2007, 02:06 AM NHFT
You (shock) might not have all the information, J'raxis.  JP might have gotten married in Massachusetts. 

Which, due to the "Defense" of Marriage Act, would not be recognized in New Hampshire.

Quote from: Faber on November 20, 2007, 02:06 AM NHFT
Besides, he refers to himself as married and with a husband, I think it's respectful to use the same terminology.

I was trying to point out to the troll his own hypocrisy—whining about someone else's misuse of terminology ("Orthodox") while doing it himself ("gay marriage")—not attack J.P.

Lloyd Danforth

Whenever I hear this discussion about differences between and within religions, I remember the introduction in Brandon's 'Psycology Of self Esteem' where he points out the that the Paucity of a area of study is in direct relation to it's number of schools.

Russell Kanning

having JP try to defend himself on this thread is really funny ... I might have to unignore him just for the comic relief




Wow.  Someone I don't even know had emailed me a while back that he/she thought Jim was BANNED from the LP of Mass.  Guess not!

I didn't want to appear to be beating a dead horse  :deadhorse: , but since Jim is apparently still alive and well in the libertarian/Libertarian community, here's an update on my personal experiences with him (FYI, several people contacted me via both email and telephone relating horror stories of their own, but I will leave it to them to go public or not as they see fit):

[email from myself to rest of LPNH Executive Committee on 2/11/2008]
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water....

St. Anselm's left a frustrated voicemail message on our 800# today.  Apparently, at the Hillsborough County LP meeting that Jim ... held at St. Anselm's several months ago, Jim ordered $153.50 worth of food.  Of course, he never paid for it.  Or mentioned it to me.  After mailing Jim numerous invoices, to multiple addresses, some of which were returned, St. A's called us.  I already told them we will pay the bill promptly (since it would be nice to be able to use their beautiful FREE venue again in the future!!). But as far as I know, Jim was never authorized to make this charge in the name of the LPNH...

I sent Jim a snail-mail letter to a mailing address provided by him at the time, requesting that he reimburse the LPNH for this expense he incurred without authorization and then skipped town on, which we covered on his behalf.  Never received a response.