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An Open Letter re: Jim C. Perry

Started by Friday, September 26, 2007, 10:37 PM NHFT

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J.P., You are a friend, and I believe you when you say you didn't intend to defraud folks.  I hope you can work everything out to be free and clear.  Good luck.   :)  It is harder to regain trust than to lose it, so please understand that with many folks, this will be an issue. 

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: J.P. on October 16, 2007, 09:33 PM NHFT

I think I have covered all the financial allegation at this point. If there is one you need me to address, please point it out.

My flakiness can only be solved by a slow battle to earn back a good reputation.

Thanks and I appreciate your willingness to listen.



I don't know you personally, but I'm certainly willing to give you a second chance, as to your reputation, if you successfully make amends to all the people who have claims against you in this thread.

Kat Kanning


Quote from: Scott Roth on November 10, 2007, 08:58 PM NHFT
"Though Scott Roth is claiming I owe him money, Annie will vouch that I do not."

In no way did I mean anything bad about this. I was answering a number of people who told me you told them that I owed you money and I was saying that Annie could vouch that you had forgiven the debt sometime ago. My email to you asking you if you wanted me to repay you several weeks ago was to find out if you had decided I did owe you the money, at which point I would have gladly paid or reconfirm what you had already said that you had forgiven the debt - since many people had either called or emailed me informing me that you had told them I was in debt to you. That quote was meant maliciously.


Quote from: freedominnh on November 10, 2007, 08:21 AM NHFT
Missed this thread completely.  Something really worked here ---libertine consciousness---conscience---fear of ostracism---fear of bodily harm---
personal responsibility and accountability---....

Personal Responsibility. Threat of bodily harm meant very little to me since I was not a violent aggressor - I was just an irresponsible ass when it came to other people's money and volunteer posts I had taken.


Quote from: Rearden on November 16, 2007, 01:37 AM NHFT

Ditto that.  :(

I gave Jim his last applause, to put him at +1 cumulative. I stopped smiting a long time ago, so I won't take it back, but... dayumm.  >:(

Of course, the cited source is mostly pro-Israel, and anti-Ron Paul because he's anti-anything that will cut off foreign aid, and seeks to discredit Paul in any way he can, no matter how tenuous the ties.

Doesn't change the evidence that JCP is a flake.

Wasn't he Amish at one point?


Trouble is, Jim *is* Jewish, and the rest of the people are for real, and also Jewish so this is just a thinly supported hit piece.

NOTHING STICKS so they had to go with the raid and stealing gold.

That's not going to do anything but anger supporters and get more support, I can tell you that right now.


Quote from: Rearden on November 16, 2007, 01:37 AM NHFT

Dammit, Jim.  Your personal decisions continue to exact a toll on all around you, and all who take you at your word.  This is perhaps your greatest error to date, with the most dire consequences.  Your flakiness is being used against a good, honest, and admirable man.   


I predicted this, and told him (and others on JfRP's board) that he should step down from JfRP, so he has nobody to blame but himself.
As usual, he merrily ignored the advice, and nobody else seemed willing to force the issue.  This is why I won't work with JP anymore, and urge others to avoid doing so.


well now, would you look at that....
someone here that is actually MORE reviled than me????
who knew??

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Rearden on November 16, 2007, 01:37 AM NHFTYour flakiness is being used against a good, honest, and admirable man.   
I guess any crackpot can attach themselves to the Ron Paul campaign.

I always thought JP looked the funniest in the Quaker 3 piece suit. I wonder if he is working on those long hair ringlet things next.


Quote from: babalugatz on November 16, 2007, 11:08 AM NHFT
well now, would you look at that....
someone here that is actually MORE reviled than me????
who knew??

You are not reviled by everyone...

And in JPs defense, I will say that he  really *is* Jewish, but likes to dabble in other associations, which I guess is his right.

Apparently he's not pure enough for that writer, though, who is totally neocon and off on everything else he wrote.


Quote from: mvpel on September 27, 2007, 03:22 PM NHFT
From the LPNH Statement of Principles:
It's a felony if the value involved is over $500.

I would check on this under NH law but in CA, if there is reason to believe someone committed a felony, you can place them under citizens arrest for the crime. Notify him that he is under citizens arrest for Grand Theft, stretch him out prone, handcuff him, then call the police. Under CA law, if he attempts to resist arrest, you can use "any means necessary" to make the arrest.

If you have irrefutable proof that he stole this $500, I would get to it. In my opinion, his ass should be in jail. This isn't one of those crimes where there are no victims. He has stolen other people's property and used it to his own benefit.

Russell Kanning

but some of us do not determine our behavior by NH law
.... if Jim still owed me money ... would I want taxpayers to have to pay for his jailing?


For latecomers to this (admittedly lengthy) thread: Jim has paid the LPNH in full.  That was posted some time ago.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Friday on November 17, 2007, 08:19 AM NHFT
For latecomers to this (admittedly lengthy) thread: Jim has paid the LPNH in full.  That was posted some time ago.
that is good news :)