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A nice cop properly using taser....

Started by Puke, September 29, 2007, 05:10 PM NHFT

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Oops, I meant, fat pig tasers the shit out of drunk woman.

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Watch for the woman to fall and hit her head on the car for extra rage points.  >:(

J’raxis 270145

And here I thought you meant the cop sat on the Taser or something... >:D

porcupine kate

I was hoping he was hitting really awful politicians or better yet irs thugs.


Quote from: porcupine kate on September 29, 2007, 07:01 PM NHFT
I was hoping he was hitting really awful politicians or better yet irs thugs.

Oh, if only it were true!


Here is a local news station report on the incident.


Surprise, surprise! The cop gets paid vacation for his shock happy ways!  ::)


For those hoping to have read about a Taser-happy cop sitting on his Taser, I've got a good one for you.

I was reading through police reports on a case a few months back and read one officer's very (unintentionally) funny report on his attempt to catch a guy whose crime was running from the police.  The officer was so busy watching the side of the road for the guy (yeah, the cop wouldn't actually get out of his car to chase) while tailgating another officer who also wouldn't chase on foot that he rammed the back of the other cop car.  Immediately after that, he decided to pursue on foot, leading to him "deploying" his Taser, and, according to his report, he "must have come into contact with one of the wires" because the next thing that he knew he was writhing on the ground having Tased himself.  That is a TRUE story, and one of the reasons that I love my job.