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Remington 870 Junior shotgun...in pink!

Started by Puke, October 01, 2007, 05:14 PM NHFT

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From Gizmodo:
QuoteHunting season's coming up, and a lot of guys are getting sick and tired of looking at each other's ugly mugs, longing for a woman's touch. What better way to attract those lovely ladies to the hunting festivities than a pink shotgun? Offered for the first time this season exclusively by sporting goods and gun purveyor Gander Mountain, this 20-gauge Remington 870 Junior shotgun is offered complete with a pink Remington hat for $369.99. All that's missing is the Hello Kitty insignia.

Might be a great Christmas present for that special lady in your life, or for that unusual hunting partner with the purdy mouth, with whom you spent a little bit too much time last year. The verdict: Not likely to be any more positive to marketers than pink gadgets. The chances of this succeeding at retail? I'd gather far worse than the chances of pink gadgets. Just a hunch.


porcupine kate

Darn none of my AK's are pink. 

One of them shoots 12ga shot gun shells but it isn't pink. 

I love my 12ga Saiga. Semi auto shotguns are soooooo much fun to shoot.

I've since added a polly choke to it. 

[attachment deleted by admin]


So perhaps someone could look into producing pink shotgun shells?


Quote from: Beth221 on October 01, 2007, 09:22 PM NHFT
spray paint?

That might work for cheap and temporary.  But I'm wondering if there might not be a market here for actually making pink plastic shells for loading--not sure the equipment needed (some sort of molding machine?), or how much more expensive pink plastic may be compared to other colors already common in shotgun shells.  12 gauge would obviously be the place to start--not sure that other gauges are as common amongst women (or men, for that matter).  I suggest the shells could be sold unloaded, thus encouraging women to get into hand loading and load development.

Just spouting off the top of my head here.

Pat K

Sure some pink shot guns shells,
with a little  lace skirt.

Just the thing for ladies fall fashion.



That's just... wrong!!!!!!!

I can think of reasons not to have a pink firearm...



yeah i am over my "I wanna pink gun" phase!  the "LadySmith" smith and wesson .357 wouldnt look as good in Light red, or Pink


Don't forget, black goes well with everything.  ;D


porcupine kate

If I'm going to change the color of my shot gun I'm going to cover it in a white and yellow daisy pattern.  Think mossy oak style but all flowers and no twigs.

If you are going to have pink shot gun shells they should be made in 12ga and 20ga.  Lace would be a problem on the shells.

The advantage to having a pink shot gun and riffle is at a rolling thunder three gun match.  Most guys have boring black rifles and shot guns.  The problem is they all sit on a rack together when not in use.  Pink is very easy to sort out in a sea of black riffles Particularly if you could get and AR-15 in pink. 

In an ideal world I could afford to have a large assortment of various firearms to match all of my various fashion whims.  Pink would be great for social events. 


Quote from: porcupine kate on October 01, 2007, 08:15 PM NHFT
Darn none of my AK's are pink.  I love my 12ga Saiga. Semi auto shotguns are soooooo much fun to shoot



I know isnt that weapon fanfreakintastic. I love it. My husband and I just bought 50 pumpkins for our anual pumpkin shoot and blew them all to hell. Nothing better than setting one up hitting it from 10 yards away and seeing it disappear in the blink of an eye. I love October. On another note do you have an issue putting the magazine in, its a pain in the arse to put it in. Unlike our AKs where we can snap the mag in without even looking, it seems like we are performing surgery on the Saiga 12 whenever we put a new mag in.

Pat K

Kate the lace skirt would of course be removable. ;D