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Something is going on at Error's apartment!

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, October 05, 2007, 01:43 PM NHFT

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Yep. I got a call from Alex Jones' producer inviting me onto his show. Unfortunately I didn't check it until it was too late to get on the show for today. So maybe I'll be on tomorrow.

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Quote from: JustUs on October 09, 2007, 01:44 PM NHFT
Quote from: enloopious on October 06, 2007, 04:44 PM NHFT
Ok, there are several things that don't make sense to me.
Why is the Treasury Department looking for, what can only be called, Thought Criminals?
What was the FULL reason, or the suspected hidden reason, for the Treasury being there?

BATF[&Ex] is in Treasury - they are "Treasury Agents." They cover illegal firearms and explosives. Presume their involvement was to do a firearms bust. Remember BATF (Treasury Agents) were the ones who shot up the Branch Davidians (even though they had a warrant). When the Davidians out-gunned them, they called in FBI and the HRT goons, like Horiuchi.

Once, a person, reliable source, once told me the person had the IMF (individual master file) decoded that the person had requested from the IRS...it was found they had the person listed as an arms dealer in the virgin islands....very far from the truth of the matter (had no guns ever and had never visited the virgin islands, or done business in the virgin islands).   That is said how the thugs label, to collect from. Through some paper work, and time,  the person was able to get them off the person's back.  This is true.  I do not know if it works for others.


@Mr. Ridley: I must say first of all that I'm not intimately detailed with the subject matter at hand. I only made it through the first 40 pages of the Browns' main thread before my desire to know the outcome got the best of me. I am familiar with some of the aftermath; Of Brown supporters being systematically singled out and haloed. I've seen all of the Ridley Report, which is the extent of my familiarity with Mr. Jacobs.

That said, I have a question. I agree in non-violent resolution. However, consider the following. If you walked into a local business and arbitrarily said, "I've got a gun," you would probably be charged for what would be construed as an act of aggression. Alter the circumstances and now you're in your home and you hear an intruder. It is a natural reaction, in an effort to de-escalate and end the situation, to say, "I have a gun." This is not violence, it is self-defense. Should they choose to continue the onslaught and you're forced to shoot them, you are still innocent of violence.

Again, I know not of the details of Mr. Jacobs's "internet blowhard stuff." But it seems to me that to let armed thugs with organized intent to raid your home (as Mr. Brown appears to have done), "I've got a gun," is not violence. I look up to the freedom movement in NH and would like it if you could elaborate your stance on this in case there's a lesson in there I can benefit from. Thank you for your time and all your efforts.


Quote from: dan_sayers on October 09, 2007, 03:23 PM NHFT
Again, I know not of the details of Mr. Jacobs's "internet blowhard stuff."

Perhaps a couple of examples of Rob's posts will help.

Quote from: Powerchuter
Quote from: Russell KanningHey Rob .... you have been to Ed's place in the last week or two. For all the folks reading from long distance ... what were your impressions of the mood of the place?

I was there with the group from the Liberty Forum which included a former presidential candidate...
We had a very good meeting with Ed...sort of a "Knights of the Round Table" deal...
I know we all have our "good days" and our "bad days" and the Browns are no exception...
Personally, for what we're up against...I'd say we've all been doing pretty good "mood-wise"...

Speaking strictly for myself and no one else...
It's my personal belief from what I have read, heard, and witnessed...
If anyone moves against the Browns and/or any of their many supporters...
Unintended Consequences will be activated...

Go ahead...read the book "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross!

Good to hear from you Russell!


Quote from: Powerchuter
The Browns have had visitors and well-wishers from all over the world...
This situation is "bigger" than you could imagine...
And the jack-booked thugs and their criminal elite warlord masters who pretend to be our "government" know it...
In the tradition of Waco and Ruby Ridge, these murdering bastards may advance and do harm to us, but we will never forget and never forgive for these trespasses...
We have warned them repeatedly...
And now the time has come to stand our ground and do battle...
One shot, one kill...aim small, miss small...
Claire Wolfe may have been right when she said, years ago, that it was too soon to shoot the bastards...
But that isn't true anymore...
And they know it...
They fear us more than we fear them...

If you've never read "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross then you should get it today!
Read it...learn it...live it...

Otherwise you'll all be dogs licking your master's boots...

Semper Fidelis Porcupines!

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Quote from: Sarah on October 09, 2007, 02:58 PM NHFT

SFW, there is a reliable set of IMF decoding files here somewhere... umm... where'd I put it?   Many of those "VI petroleum exporter" or "arms dealer" stories were disseminated by sellers of decoding 'services,' and weren't actual correct readings of the IMF or BMF. 

caveat emptor, as usual.  :-\

That could very well be.   It was conversation from someone who was not trying to sell anything.

Yet it is quite interesting the ATF wearing Wal-mart vest  were in town questioning peaceful locals.   ;D


   I warned the radicals about what happened last week.  If you threaten these people they will respond.
   I think the threat of violence did help to make the thugs make a choice of doing this with as little violence as possible.  The Brown supporters got arrogant because they thought the numbers of people watching were actually caring about what happened to them.  Not to say that the federal agents themselves didn't sympathise with them to a point.
   As I said before, there is a lot of people on the public dole that would burn our cities to the ground if we all stopped paying our illegal taxes so the criminals in Washington can redistribute it.
   I suspect that our Govoner had something to do with keeping this crap non violent.
   I feel that the Feds are feeling kind of embarrassed that they had to bow to the State of New Hampshire and they are now getting a kind of retribution to the "We the People" who made it impossible for them to kill the Browns and get away with it.  Never forget that they fired shots at the Dog Walker.  They initiated force first.
   I had a dream and I was going to post it the night the Browns got canned.  It was me putting the cuffs on Ed and Elaine rite before an assault, there were heles flying around and they were about to "go".  I brought them to the head Fed and said.  Here they are, there is no need for violence, it's over.
   The fed said.  Do you think, after all the money spent on surveillance and hassling these people that we are just going to let this incident close without filling at least 2 body bags?
   In my dream I looked over and there were 2 bags unzipped and ready for bodies.
   I hope the "Brown Supporters" with big mouths and big tempers can make nice with the feds and the feds can eat some humble pie.
   I for one am a little concerned about the attention that the feds are giving to some of the peace loving people on this sight.  I hope they try to understand that their strong armed tactics are only reaffirming to the people that do not like them and are sitting on the fence on this issue being discussed here in this thread the distrust and the loathing of any authority.  If they keep threatening people for not braking any laws the people on the fence will decide.  What the people decide for now is up to the feds.  Will they continue to do what they do best or will they back off and be nice?  I guess time will tell.
   In closing, Non violence is the answer.  We can train for war, we can arm ourselves but we have to understand that we should not fight amongst ourselves.   This goes for any radicals that just want to "bring it all down man".   The feds would like nothing more to be tracking down bad guys that want to kill me and you not killing me and you.  These robots can be people too.  Just don't hit their search and destroy button! :o

Dave Ridley

grasshopper wrote:

<<The feds would like nothing more to be tracking down bad guys that want to kill me and you not killing me and you.  These robots can be people too.  Just don't hit their search and destroy button!>>



Ya, that is kind of ahhhhh.... 
   Um, I guess if robot can get orders to stomp puppies with a smile on its face, they'll still be stomping puppies.
   Hey, where the farg is Murfies?  Is it by the circle or downtown?

Pat K

A little late but see here.



Quote from: grasshopper on October 09, 2007, 07:07 PM NHFT
   Hey, where the farg is Murfies?  Is it by the circle or downtown?

494 Elm, right across from Verizon Arena.

Google maps puts the green arrow in the wrong place, by about a block.


   The old dancing bear?  In front of the Gataway?  Crap  I drove by there for an hour after work today.  The place rite across the street from the bank?
  I'm ticked off!
  I guess I need glasses.

Russell Kanning


I guess this guy thinks some of us have gone too far. I hope we haven't ruined it for him. ;)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: grasshopper on October 09, 2007, 04:55 PM NHFT
I for one am a little concerned about the attention that the feds are giving to some of the peace loving people on this sight.

The feds would like nothing more to be tracking down bad guys that want to kill me and you not killing me and you.
I am expecting attention from the feds ... our movement is poking the beast. When you dare to say "no" ... it forces them to do something, which reveals their true character.

They think some of us are the bad guys ... or maybe they know we are. We are the threat to the state. I know they are the bad guys. Their job is to protect the government ... that is what they are paid to do.


Quote from: richardr on October 09, 2007, 04:11 PM NHFT
Perhaps a couple of examples of Rob's posts will help.
Quote from: Powerchuter
We have warned them repeatedly...
And now the time has come to stand our ground and do battle...
One shot, one kill...aim small, miss small...
Claire Wolfe may have been right when she said, years ago, that it was too soon to shoot the bastards...
But that isn't true anymore...
And they know it...
They fear us more than we fear them...

If the Feds had just been straight up and said, "we're looking for Ron Jacobs, aka 'Powerchuter' on the forums", most of us old-timers would likely have simply shrugged and said, "Oh yeah, the guy we had to kick off the forums. Yeah, I figured this might happen eventually."

Don't take it bad, Ron, it's no more surprising than hearing that Russel has been thrown in jail for something trivial.
