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My experience at the doctors office yesterday

Started by Raineyrocks, October 12, 2007, 07:40 AM NHFT

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Quote from: kola on October 15, 2007, 07:46 PM NHFT
Rainey, I am glad to see you standing up for your beliefs. I have no need for medical doctors unless it is for crisis intervention. For others who choose to use them on a regular basis I respect their right to choose.

They could come a time when we will be forced against our will to undergo medical procedures. (ie in the event of martial law thus forcing a mass vaccination program.)

Hi Kola! :)  I want to go to one more physical, that's tomorrow for my 9 yr. old, because I want to pound the doctor with certain questions I'm thinking of.  Just to see if maybe I can once again give my "you doctors can fight whomever is telling you what to say and do,  don't you realize the change could begin with you." talk. 

By the way, I think I have figured out how to post pictures now so I'm going to post some better ones of Cheyenne and my Nocona today under the forum topic. :)


Quote from: raineyrocks on October 16, 2007, 11:04 AM NHFT
Quote from: kola on October 15, 2007, 07:46 PM NHFT
Rainey, I am glad to see you standing up for your beliefs. I have no need for medical doctors unless it is for crisis intervention. For others who choose to use them on a regular basis I respect their right to choose.

They could come a time when we will be forced against our will to undergo medical procedures. (ie in the event of martial law thus forcing a mass vaccination program.)

Hi Kola! :)  I want to go to one more physical, that's tomorrow for my 9 yr. old, because I want to pound the doctor with certain questions I'm thinking of.  Just to see if maybe I can once again give my "you doctors can fight whomever is telling you what to say and do,  don't you realize the change could begin with you." talk. 

By the way, I think I have figured out how to post pictures now so I'm going to post some better ones of Cheyenne and my Nocona today under the forum topic. :)

I agree. The MD's are high man on the totum pole.

..quick story..a mother brought her 6 yr old to see me for chronic ear infections. Eight diferent rounds of antibiotics did nothing. I advised the mom to eliminate dairy. She refused and said her son "just loves his dairy". Eights months pass and I see her in the grocery store. I asked about her son. She said she took him to an MD and he fixed her son. I asked what the doc did. She told me the doc informed her to cut out dairy products immediately. So she did.
MD's have the power to do good things if they break away from the "pawn position" they play. The Pharma and insurance companies have a huge influence on what they do. The brave ones are breaking away. This is good.

I'd love to see your GSD pics.



Quote from: kola on October 16, 2007, 01:28 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on October 16, 2007, 11:04 AM NHFT
Quote from: kola on October 15, 2007, 07:46 PM NHFT
Rainey, I am glad to see you standing up for your beliefs. I have no need for medical doctors unless it is for crisis intervention. For others who choose to use them on a regular basis I respect their right to choose.

They could come a time when we will be forced against our will to undergo medical procedures. (ie in the event of martial law thus forcing a mass vaccination program.)

Hi Kola! :)  I want to go to one more physical, that's tomorrow for my 9 yr. old, because I want to pound the doctor with certain questions I'm thinking of.  Just to see if maybe I can once again give my "you doctors can fight whomever is telling you what to say and do,  don't you realize the change could begin with you." talk. 

By the way, I think I have figured out how to post pictures now so I'm going to post some better ones of Cheyenne and my Nocona today under the forum topic. :)

I agree. The MD's are high man on the totum pole.

..quick story..a mother brought her 6 yr old to see me for chronic ear infections. Eight diferent rounds of antibiotics did nothing. I advised the mom to eliminate dairy. She refused and said her son "just loves his dairy". Eights months pass and I see her in the grocery store. I asked about her son. She said she took him to an MD and he fixed her son. I asked what the doc did. She told me the doc informed her to cut out dairy products immediately. So she did.
MD's have the power to do good things if they break away from the "pawn position" they play. The Pharma and insurance companies have a huge influence on what they do. The brave ones are breaking away. This is good.

I'd love to see your GSD pics.


Unbelievable!  I guess you need the initials to have knowledge to some people! ::) 


Quote from: Braddogg on October 12, 2007, 05:10 PM NHFT
There are risks to vaccination, but there are greater risks to not vaccinating.
But for god's sake, don't give your children's health away to total quacks . . . stick with someone with an M.D.

IME, most of those that I have met with an M.D are quacks; and I hope that statement wasn't infering that because someone has a title, they are infallible.

It's been almost 20 years since I have had any shots, and longer since I was a patient of any doctor. No health issues even after years of questionable living. (ie. bathing in rivers infested with staph, eating out of dumpsters, sleeping beneath highway overpasses,etc. all while being malnourished.)

I refuse to buy into the fear when personal experience has proven the opposite.

As for alternative medicine/therapies, sure there are some nut cases, but the same can be found in traditional medicine. If a method benefits the patient isn't that what matters most?


Quote from: EJinCT on October 16, 2007, 02:37 PM NHFT
Quote from: Braddogg on October 12, 2007, 05:10 PM NHFT
There are risks to vaccination, but there are greater risks to not vaccinating.
But for god's sake, don't give your children's health away to total quacks . . . stick with someone with an M.D.

IME, most of those that I have met with an M.D are quacks; and I hope that statement wasn't infering that because someone has a title, they are infallible.

It's been almost 20 years since I have had any shots, and longer since I was a patient of any doctor. No health issues even after years of questionable living. (ie. bathing in rivers infested with staph, eating out of dumpsters, sleeping beneath highway overpasses,etc. all while being malnourished.)

I refuse to buy into the fear when personal experience has proven the opposite.

As for alternative medicine/therapies, sure there are some nut cases, but the same can be found in traditional medicine. If a method benefits the patient isn't that what matters most?

That is what matters most.  Whoa I thought I had it bad living out of my car for awhile when my mom threw me out, damn!  I'm seriously grateful I had places to shower and eat!   I don't think Braddogg took it the way your thinking, I'm pretty sure anyway! :)


Braddog only chooses to express his opinion regarding vaccines. 

The bottom line is that people should have choices. The thing that pisses me off is that for years the medical community has not given the public all the REAL facts. In fact, they still deny the fact that mercury causes neuro damage. And just as Rainey's story goes.. they still use bully tactics and lie, stating that vaccines are "mandatory".

How can a parent come to educated decision about vaccines if all the facts are not presented?



Quote from: kola on October 16, 2007, 03:23 PM NHFT
Braddog only chooses to express his opinion regarding vaccines. 

The bottom line is that people should have choices. The thing that pisses me off is that for years the medical community has not given the public all the REAL facts. In fact, they still deny the fact that mercury causes neuro damage. And just as Rainey's story goes.. they still use bully tactics and lie, stating that vaccines are "mandatory".

How can a parent come to educated decision about vaccines if all the facts are not presented?


I agree the doctors should be honest but they're fed so much crap in med school.  I bet most of them are brainwashed.  A parent should read more on the subject themselves and not just blindly trust doctors anyway.  I'll admit I was young with my first couple/few kids I didn't know about other information being available but I'm telling my daughter about it and then I tell her to look it up for herself because I'm not always going to be around.

Hey Kola,
Did you hop over to the forum issues yet and see the pictures?


I did Rainey... great pics.

Yes the internet has really been helpful in regards to exposing the truth. I have met parents that know more about vaccines, diseases etc than MD's and other heatlh professionals. Knowledge is power.



Quote from: kola on October 16, 2007, 03:45 PM NHFT
I did Rainey... great pics.

Yes the internet has really been helpful in regards to exposing the truth. I have met parents that know more about vaccines, diseases etc than MD's and other heatlh professionals. Knowledge is power.


The internet has been great the only thing I miss though is I actually used to walk to a library and read; now I sit home all the time and read the internet while my books are collecting dust.  I have to get that straight with myself. :-\


Quote from: raineyrocks on October 16, 2007, 03:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: kola on October 16, 2007, 03:23 PM NHFT
Braddog only chooses to express his opinion regarding vaccines. 

The bottom line is that people should have choices. The thing that pisses me off is that for years the medical community has not given the public all the REAL facts. In fact, they still deny the fact that mercury causes neuro damage. And just as Rainey's story goes.. they still use bully tactics and lie, stating that vaccines are "mandatory".

How can a parent come to educated decision about vaccines if all the facts are not presented?


I agree the doctors should be honest but they're fed so much crap in med school.  I bet most of them are brainwashed.  A parent should read more on the subject themselves and not just blindly trust doctors anyway.  I'll admit I was young with my first couple/few kids I didn't know about other information being available but I'm telling my daughter about it and then I tell her to look it up for herself because I'm not always going to be around.

Hey Kola,
Did you hop over to the forum issues yet and see the pictures?

Yes MD students are fed crap in their schooling...and almost all of it is generated by design by Big Pharma. That is no excuse though. These are smart folks and they have the ability to learn on their own, make their own decisions and provide the best care possible for patients.

The bottom line is this: the AMA is corrupt...just like our treasonic gov. The MD's work for a corrupt system, directly or indirectly. MD's do what they are told or they are ostrasized. (sp?). If they try to think outside the box or question the AMA authority their license gets revoked. Many of them (not all) sell their souls out to the drug pushers and receive money for the more dope they script out. The fringe benefits they receive by "following orders'' is very tempting and juicy when they get out of college with 120k in student loan debt. Then they want the fancy lifestyle so they do as they are told and follow the leader. Modern medicine needs a wholesale cleaning and a shakedown but here in amerika everything is run by Big gov and Big Corp. MD's provide a service. If people do like the service they can go elsewhere. I go elsewhere.



Quote from: kola on October 17, 2007, 10:35 AM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on October 16, 2007, 03:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: kola on October 16, 2007, 03:23 PM NHFT
Braddog only chooses to express his opinion regarding vaccines. 

The bottom line is that people should have choices. The thing that pisses me off is that for years the medical community has not given the public all the REAL facts. In fact, they still deny the fact that mercury causes neuro damage. And just as Rainey's story goes.. they still use bully tactics and lie, stating that vaccines are "mandatory".

How can a parent come to educated decision about vaccines if all the facts are not presented?


I agree the doctors should be honest but they're fed so much crap in med school.  I bet most of them are brainwashed.  A parent should read more on the subject themselves and not just blindly trust doctors anyway.  I'll admit I was young with my first couple/few kids I didn't know about other information being available but I'm telling my daughter about it and then I tell her to look it up for herself because I'm not always going to be around.

Hey Kola,
Did you hop over to the forum issues yet and see the pictures?

Yes MD students are fed crap in their schooling...and almost all of it is generated by design by Big Pharma. That is no excuse though. These are smart folks and they have the ability to learn on their own, make their own decisions and provide the best care possible for patients.

The bottom line is this: the AMA is corrupt...just like our treasonic gov. The MD's work for a corrupt system, directly or indirectly. MD's do what they are told or they are ostrasized. (sp?). If they try to think outside the box or question the AMA authority their license gets revoked. Many of them (not all) sell their souls out to the drug pushers and receive money for the more dope they script out. The fringe benefits they receive by "following orders'' is very tempting and juicy when they get out of college with 120k in student loan debt. Then they want the fancy lifestyle so they do as they are told and follow the leader. Modern medicine needs a wholesale cleaning and a shakedown but here in amerika everything is run by Big gov and Big Corp. MD's provide a service. If people do like the service they can go elsewhere. I go elsewhere.


Did you ever read the book The Medical Mafia?  I forget the doctor's name, (french name I think),that wrote the book but she got kicked out of the medical profession for speaking the truth! >:(
My 90 year old doctor in Maryland didn't sell out to anyone,he was awesome but totally a dying breed.  He did die too!  I"m out of here in a little while for today's physical for my son, I hope I can do some good by talking to this doctor. :-\


I read the book yes and several others. Corruption makes me vomit.

It is good to know a few MD's do not sell out. My hero and next president did not sell out either. (DR. RON PAUL).



Okay, onto to yesterday's doctors appointment.........

I wasn't a big deal, the nurse was really cool this time, it was a different one.  She took Ricky's height, weight, and gave him an eye and ear screening because he's homeschooled, (usually public school does this once a year).  I didn't get any weird looks when I told the nurse and doctor that he's homeschooled, in Maryland I'd get the raised eyebrow a lot. ::)

I did forget to bring up something to the doctor and I could kick myself in the butt for, on the forms that they had me fill out it asked if his home was gun free.  I forgot to bring that up last time because they give you all these papers to fill out in a minute and I was so fixated on the television and video game questions I had that I forgot about the gun question.

The doctor said they ask about t.v. and video games because of the caloric intake and how it's burned off and due to the rise in childhood obesity it's become an issue.  They like to talk about better, healthier ways to spend time instead of playstations and t.v.    I asked if these questions were required now in physicals and she said it depended on the doctor's office discretion.  She then told me I'd be amazed at how many kids come in and say they watch t.v. for hours, everyday.  I asked her if she felt she was intruding in parent's rights to raise their children their way and she said not at all, her concern is to educate the parents as well as the child. 

I really didn't do that good of a job at questioning her  because I wasn't feeling so great yesterday.  I've had a chest cold for over 2 weeks now and some days I feel worse than others. ::)   If I remember anything else I will write it down.  I'm seriously considering writing an editorial to the newspaper once I've collected my thoughts on some of this.  The downside of writing a letter to the editor is that your only allowed so many words and I tend to have way more to write than allowed. ::)  It's hard figuring out what to leave out so the letter will be acceptable.  None of my letters have been put in the newspapers yet. :(


Here's more info on vaccines.  It's a shame that most of the time this stuff only gets media attention when a movie star is involved. >:(



The intake forms asked if your house was gun free?????????
