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Screw you Caleb!

Started by shyfrog, October 15, 2007, 07:47 PM NHFT

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Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: Sarah on October 25, 2007, 06:43 PM NHFT

....... give us yet more reason to admire you.  :)

Here you go...


Damn you look bad in that outfit Caleb.  >:D  Seriously, Sarah, we all love Caleb.  He's kinda like the weirdo neighbor kid that exists in every neighborhood.   ;D

Kat Kanning

Now I've had three people complain about Sarah attacking them.


Quote from: Sarah on October 25, 2007, 06:43 PM NHFT
Hmm... I came back to this thread because I saw via email a response by Caleb.   But it's not here.

Well, here's what I received:

incoming from Caleb
Quoteincoming from Sarah
Caleb, hey, you're a communist -- which means you'd like to redistribute my wealth (lol, such as it is) by force.

Additionally, you don't know the derivation of "call a spade a spade."

Further, although you're part of the mod team here, you namecalled a participant.

so, yeah.  Screw you.

I am a Christian communist. I would like to live on a commune with other people who want to help people. I do not want to force you to live there. I think people should love each other, and share with each other, and help each other. I do not believe someone should force them to love, share, and help.

I gave a TROLL information so he wouldn't make a jackass of himself. Now that he has that information, he can do what he wants. I don't know you, and you don't know me. I'm pretty sure the other people on this thread were teasing me. Your message seemed hateful. :(


Aw heck, no hate from me.   Wanting to live on a commune doesn't make you a communist.  Maybe you could adjust your profile to reflect that?  since communism is agreed as way different from communalism, communitarianism, or the desire to live in a communal environment.  I have to take people at their word, since words are all we have on this media.  :) 

Now about babalugatz, it was demonstrated in that thread (immigration) that "call a spade a spade" is an ancient, and pre-NAracism, term.  It was shown that your position was incorrect, yet no retraction issued from ya.   That gave me the impression of a stubbornly self-protective kind of approach on your part.  When one has the mantle of admin or mod, it is extra important imo to work in a neutral and measured lexicon when interacting with potential trolls.   I'm no fan of baba's language and methods, but I'm not convinced s/he's a troll.  Nor a jackass, ignorant or otherkind.  It was an immensely educational convo, too, gotta say.

I love you, Caleb.  No matter what!   Come open and clean on this, and give us yet more reason to admire you.  :)

Well now....another voice of reason here? Who knew?
I didn't bring it up , but you're right; Mr. full-of-himself didn't back down when given two credible examples of the derivation of the phrase. Last thing I think of when using the phrase, would be to slight the black man. But, in his generous way, he is 'educating me'. Seems like I furnished HIM w/ information that he was unaware or ignorant of. If you are taking the position of 'educator', it is incumbent upon you to be up to snuff on ALL relevant facts (no slight intended to coke-heads), not just the one's convenient to your beliefs (think Al Gore)

Lloyd Danforth

That what you meant to do?

Lloyd Danforth

Yeah, I dragged what I believe to be your response from the confines of the quote enclosure


sorry if I'm being stupid....but I still don't get the ? ....meant to do what, exactly?

Lloyd Danforth

OK. I put reply #22 back the way you posted it.


Got ya.
No, sometimes that happens...don't know why

Lloyd Danforth

Happens to me too, when I just don't scroll far enough down to see the last quote thingy
