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Started by MTPorcupine3, October 18, 2007, 10:27 PM NHFT

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October 17, 2007

MORE POLICE VIDEO THUGGISHNESS: "Frank Waterhouse of Oregon is suing Portland police after he was tasered and shot with a beanbag gun. His offense? Videotaping a warrantless police search on a friend's property. The police report helpfully explains that the force used on Waterhouse (who was standing far off on the edge of the property) was necessary because, 'He had refused to drop the camera which could be used as a weapon.'"

J’raxis 270145

I see these links coming in from all sorts of different sites. Is anyone collecting these sorts of stories in one place?


follow this link http://burnedbygovt.com/  One our own set this up just recently.  Ancapagency. 


I read about that when it came up on badcopnews.com. If you check that site out, you'll see a TON of taser abuses, including a couple dozen deaths as a result. I think it's safe to say that now that police have access to "non-lethal" force that even their critics seem to applaud, they can abandon the general rules of the use of force and go hog wild, often for their ego/amusement. Localities need to let their city leaders know that they are NOT okay with police carrying objects that they feel they may use on a whim.

J’raxis 270145

Thanks, that's what I was looking for—a site that concentrates on these topics instead of the sporadic posts we get here at NHFree.