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is the world growing?

Started by bill rose, October 24, 2007, 01:07 AM NHFT

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bill rose

lies of science
do you think that the big island theory is a lie ??

bill rose

i enjoy no comment either way it no funny or
long just three min no one  has anything to say


Quote from: bill rose on October 24, 2007, 04:37 PM NHFT
i enjoy no comment either way it no funny or
long just three min no one  has anything to say

Hey, I'm a believer. I used to have 45 acres....now 10 yrs later, I have 80!!
Or is it , I still have 45 and they tax me like I have 80?....hmmmmmm

bill rose

did you watch 3 min of video?

Neal Adams was very smart this is only the start of the scientific repression

waynegreen.com is a good place to learn what else is out there and he is from nh


Quote from: bill rose on October 24, 2007, 04:56 PM NHFT
did you watch 3 min of video?

Neal Adams was very smart this is only the start of the scientific repression

waynegreen.com is a good place to learn what else is out there and he is from nh

I did watch...( not entirely, tho)...just curious why isn't this headline newsworthy?

bill rose

we would have to meet in a face to face for about 45 min to talk on the but i think you are smart and with google and luck you will come to the truth
hey do you live in manc area????


Quote from: bill rose on October 24, 2007, 05:11 PM NHFT
we would have to meet in a face to face for about 45 min to talk on the but i think you are smart and with google and luck you will come to the truth
hey do you live in manc area????

@ 20 mi SW

bill rose

on thur nov 1 at 9:30
i will be doing a tv show on channel 23
but only for manchester homes
if you do not know any one in manch let me know
i would love to have you over my house to watch
its a good show it you look at the world like a circle
you will see the sphire we live one

bill rose

you know friend i just gave you a karma point to bring you to 60 now you are down to 61
what did you do??
o well fun board


Quote from: bill rose on October 24, 2007, 05:29 PM NHFT
you know friend i just gave you a karma point to bring you to 60 now you are down to 61
what did you do??
o well fun board

I generate 'smite-points' just by being here, Bill

eff 'em all

Fluff and Stuff

I saw that video on the Free Talk Live BBS and thought it was interesting.  However, it makes no sense and much.  So, is the world growing?  Maybe, but nothing like in that video.  The theories presented in the video were much worse than the theories the video tries to replace.


Scientists don't tell Neal Adams how to draw Batman . . . I wish he would return the favor.



This doesn't matter.  It certainly doesn't matter here.  It doesn't matter if the world is a disc floating through space carried on the backs of four great elephants who are in turn riding on the shell of a great tortoise.


You have some great ideas in regards to liberty-oriented politics.  They get completely muddled by these kind of irrelevant topics and typecast you as a "crazy".  If you're serious about making real change you need to focus yourself on your goals instead of grabbing random theories you find on youtube and google.

The political scene has enough bullshit going on with voter fraud and growing fascism that one of our greatest weapons, as individuals and as a group, is our credibility within the community.  Focus.

bill rose

lies of science

do understand scientific liberty is my liberty

this not a crazy theory

people get stuck in what they learn in school

what you learn in pubic school is mostly wrong

it is important to accept this and grow i am not presenting anything that a 8 th grade would not agree with

we need to question the establishment not only politically but on every level

focus is need

if it is a theory that is a waste of time i agree but an 8 th grade level mind knows you are teaching false info at public schools

if you want to talk face time is good if you want liberties start a topic



my free speech is my scientific speech

please send me a message not a post

this is freedom


Nobody's "suppressing" you . . . or if they are, they're doing a terrible job of it . . . .  We just think you're a moron.  Or crazy.