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is the world growing?

Started by bill rose, October 24, 2007, 01:07 AM NHFT

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Quote from: bill rose on October 25, 2007, 07:34 AM NHFT
lies of science

do understand scientific liberty is my liberty

this not a crazy theory

people get stuck in what they learn in school

what you learn in pubic school is mostly wrong

it is important to accept this and grow i am not presenting anything that a 8 th grade would not agree with

we need to question the establishment not only politically but on every level

focus is need

if it is a theory that is a waste of time i agree but an 8 th grade level mind knows you are teaching false info at public schools

if you want to talk face time is good if you want liberties start a topic



my free speech is my scientific speech

please send me a message not a post

this is freedom

Hi Bill,
didn't you KNOW only certain topics are welcome here?...(even though Gen discussion heading states ANY subject)
If you aren't in w/ the hip/progressives here, then you stand with SMITEMAN.


Quote from: bill rose on October 25, 2007, 07:34 AM NHFT
this not a crazy theory

Let me explain something very basic that you do not seem to grasp, and I'm going to do so in a language I hope you'll understand:

There is no truth.  There is only perception.  We derive "truth" from perception which appears consistent with other things we believe.

To promote an inconsistent truth you must have credibility, otherwise there is no reason for that person to listen to you.

If someone who has established credibility begins talking about an inconsistent truth cognitive dissonance is created between that message and the perception of credibility.  One must go.  If that person's perception of your credibility is stronger than their previous belief in whatever truth is obsoleted or changed by your message, then the new message generally takes hold.  If the latter is true then that person's perception of your credibility is weakened and the new message rejected.

Take these three scenarios for example:

Doctor John Smith, well respected scholar, holding several masters and bachelors degrees, has written a book (which is being published, = more credibility) and is being interviewed by a known TV personality (= more credibility), and says that the US Government has been infiltrated by small alien slugs which take over people's brains and are slowly preparing our society for complete takeover.  He has a specimen of one of these slugs (evidence = more credibility) which has been peer-reviewed (+ credibility) which he removed from a Senator's brain postmortem.

The average person is going to watch that and be faced with a large degree of cognitive dissonance, or in lamens terms, "holy shit-ness".  They are going to wrestle with the evidence that this guy is credible vs how this new information changes his world view.  Even with all that credibility most Americans are going to need more, in fact, if the next day Fox News says that Dr. Smith's medical license was revoked under suspicion that he's suffering from paranoid schizophrenia most people are just going to forget the whole thing.

In a second example, a nearly homeless guy wearing eccentric clothing shows you a slug in a jar which he claims was trying to get into his ear and how they're aliens trying to take over the world, pointing to a website by a generally unknown person and some computer-generated video on youtube.

The new information is rejected outright as "crazy" and the experience enjoyed as entertaining, at most.  Further, the slug theory is going to be used as evidence that this guy is crazy for anything he says later and his ill reputation applied to anyone perceived to be associated with him.

Quote from: bill rose on October 25, 2007, 07:34 AM NHFT
please send me a message not a post

this is freedom

You chose to air your theory in a public space, and I've already given you my feeling on these matters in private.

You have all the freedom in the world to spout "crazy".  It's just disappointing that you would choose to express your first amendment right in such a manner when there's real work to be done.

Without credibility, you're unarmed to fight on the modern battlefield of information and a liability to anyone who should associate with you.

bill rose

i am not talking about slugs
b-17 is valid
scientific liberties are liberties right?
we are losing them right?
is this liberty something you would fight for?

your approach of no public action and strong GOP (behind the curtin) action is valid

but i feel a dual approach of information sharing and GOP action in needed

if we get our "man" in with no direction we have not won anything

where is your passion?

we need some to say focus

but what should we focus on

non action and non information sharing

i will be on channel 23 in all manchester homes from 10am to 11am

watch information sharing and activist in action


You seem like an intelligent man, however, my opinion of you is damaged by your inability to comprehend social strategy.  There is a disconnect in your mind between what you would like to see and how to achieve it which makes you a liability to any group which would have you as a member.

Do as you will.  I only ask that you not promote yourself as part of our movement.

bill rose

Quote from: ArcRiley on October 25, 2007, 01:45 PM NHFT
You seem like an intelligent man, however, my opinion of you is damaged by your inability to comprehend social strategy.  There is a disconnect in your mind between what you would like to see and how to achieve it which makes you a liability to any group which would have you as a member.

Do as you will.  I only ask that you not promote yourself as part of our movement.

what movement are you part of??

do you belong to a group??

i did not know there was a group??

"inability to comprehend social strategy" your call for "focus", "inaction" and dispromotion of free information
is not social strategy if we take the GOP like you say with no plan or goal or idea of change
i dont think that is change

maybe im wrong

tell me more about this group


I wonder how Wadati-Benioff zones, supported by considerable seismic evidence, are explained without tectonic subduction?

Or the observed physical phenomenon of ocean-floor sediment off-scraping in oceanic trenches, measured through sonar, gravimetry, and other methods?

Or for that matter, the use of long-baseline interferometry, satellite laser ranging, and GPS to make actual physical measurements of the relative movements of tectonic plates, which show that Europe and North America are moving apart at about 20mm per year?


bill rose

how does that work is that like?
Acoms razor: The simplest solution tends to be the correct one.
or is that like more government lies, confussion and distraction??
did you google that
then cut and paste it
oh yeah the world is flat no wait that was 1300 debate right?


Occam's Butter Knife: The simplest solution, when contradicted by physical evidence, is not likely to be the correct one.


Quote from: bill rose on October 25, 2007, 12:29 PM NHFT
i am not talking about slugs
b-17 is valid
scientific liberties are liberties right?
we are losing them right?
is this liberty something you would fight for?

your approach of no public action and strong GOP (behind the curtin) action is valid

but i feel a dual approach of information sharing and GOP action in needed

if we get our "man" in with no direction we have not won anything

where is your passion?

we need some to say focus

but what should we focus on

non action and non information sharing

i will be on channel 23 in all manchester homes from 10am to 11am

watch information sharing and activist in action

Go Bill Go

J’raxis 270145

There are two parts of crafting a legitimate scientific theory: It has to explain currently observed phenomena, and it has to make predictions about phenomena that haven't been observed yet.

This theory seems pretty decent at explaining currently observed phenomena, but that's the easy part. So what predictions of future discoveries does it make that can't be made from the mainstream tectonic plate theory? What should we be looking for to be able to say this theory is correct whereas all the other ones aren't?

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: ArcRiley on October 25, 2007, 01:45 PM NHFT
You seem like an intelligent man, however, my opinion of you is damaged by your inability to comprehend social strategy.

Dude, if someone thinks taxes and regulations are too high and wants to believe in a Conspiracy Theory or two, let them.  There are millions of 911 Truthers in the country, a large percentage of the population believes that aliens are coming to earth and abducting humans, and Art Bell used to have one of the most popular radio shows (and he was a libertarian conspiracy theorist).  So people think AIDS is not real, so people think vaccines are bad for you.  We all have our own little theories.

I could of understand you asking Bill to not speak for your and your group.  However, did he ever claim to do that?  He is just another silly guy in NH that supports NH.  I am sure there are plenty of them.  I suggest that maybe you don't hang around him or something (which, I guess you are already taking care of).  He seems harmless.  Besides, I doubt the average person can even understand what he writes (no disrespect Bill, but I really cannot tell what you are talking about).

bill rose


i am sorry let me explain

i am trying to show the loss of one of our liberties

scientific liberty

people have a hard time with relizing what they are and truly beleive is not true

this is a simple way of making someone say "oh yeah that makes more sence"

by learning to see the triangle instead of the square  we are able to find the truth in many places not just sientific theroy

people have an emotional reaction talking about 911 they can not handle it

when i need to subvert those people i bring this theroy because the most brillant and the hardest to turn

there is no emotional reaction to the earth growing

once it is explaind people see the truth

and find the truth in other places

that is why i talk about this

information is always good

never be afraid of the truth

a good site for this is

if you care about your family
or youtube <end game>


The only trouble is, it's not the "truth," and just like belief in Santa Claus, it engenders bitterness and suspicion in the hearts of people who discover they've been lied to or misled for so long by people they thought they could trust.

bill rose

i know an emotional resopnce
try to get pass that
you need to accept that you are being lied to now and most of the past was some sort of lie
history is fun do you under stand tomkin bay?  it was a lie
by the people you now trust
ok if you want to think a lie is true you can

freedom is not the right to be wrong
it is the right to be ignerant

do you want to be the last to know or the first?

because we will know at some point just like we know about tomkin bay

i like the osterage defence though

i understand sticking your head in the ground is easier

information is always good unless you can show me an example of this in history??

dont jump to c first accept b

reality is fun not scary


Information is good.

Information that contradicts clear physical evidence is not good.

And the clear physical evidence is that Hawaii is slowly moving towards Asia, and Europe and North America are slowly drifting apart, and that the circumference of the Earth has remained essentially unchanged for billions of years.