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is the world growing?

Started by bill rose, October 24, 2007, 01:07 AM NHFT

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bill rose

and the clear physical evidence is that Hawaii is slowly moving towards Asia, and Europe and North America are slowly drifting apart, and that the circumference of the Earth has remained essentially unchanged for billions of years.

your quote from above

you forgot the evidence that north America is drifting away from Asia <proving the growing earth>

where did you get the evidence that" the circumference is unchanged for billions of years"??

did you have camera shot from space billions of years ago?  are you stating two facts then assumption to make your assumption look like a fact?

or is it easier for you to think that?  if you can not handle it,

it is OK

but dint say i should not look into a loss of one of my freedoms because you are afraid society will brake down if we look around and change the "group

think" mentality

going from a flat world to a round world took a long time

but the human still is here

have you watched the <end game> trailer yet???


Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: bill rose on October 26, 2007, 10:42 AM NHFT

there is no emotional reaction to the earth growing

once it is explaind people see the truth

and find the truth in other places

that is why i talk about this

information is always good

never be afraid of the truth

Thank you for your points.  While I did enjoy that video, I don't believe it for a second.  I understand that you do and that is great.  What ever method of opening people's eyes that works best for you, do it.  I find other, more political methods work well for me.

Also, Bill, please download Firefox and use it while you are on the forum.  You have many spelling errors and Firefox would fix them for you.

bill rose

do you like the big island theory better(Pangaea)?

maybe you are right

thank you for supporting and understanding my action

have you been on infowars.com?

end game will be so good


Quote from: BaneOfTheBeast on October 26, 2007, 04:33 PM NHFT
Shame shame Arc and Faber. Demonizing people for their ideas? You know what that looks like don't you?

Yeah . . . it looks something like this:

QuoteShame on you for criticizing the way others choose to take action.

"Demonizing" me and Arc for our ideas and our actions . . . .

bill rose

thank you for the support, i will try to write in complete thoughts
sorry about my poems
art is fun
are you in manchester
i have an ad  in the express
in the classified
<services offered> section

my TV time is now Thur at 6:00pm so the ad is wrong
but it is just for manchester reisdents on their web site it will
be available for down load

on now 1 i will be outing one of manchester aldermen
for corruption/sweet heart deals and misuse of office with the authority of this truth
i will bring all manchester viewers to 911 truth

oh well
right?  all you have to do is make them understand B to get to C


The theory is interesting, but if this theory is true, then where did all the water come from? And how did the earth become bigger? By the existing mass "thinning out" like a balloon?

bill rose

have you been on

i think this site will help the radio is fun to listen to well blogging

watch the end game trailer

google  neal adams for more of his theory


Quote from: bill rose on October 26, 2007, 12:41 PM NHFTyou forgot the evidence that north America is drifting away from Asia <proving the growing earth>

That would only demonstrate that the Pacific Ocean is growing, and only then in one particular dimension.

No one is "suppressing" your theorizing, unless someone has been to your house threatening you or something.  No?  Then you aren't being suppressed.

Refusing to believe crackpot nonsense does not count as suppression.  I am not obligated to support those I find offensive, or even to refrain from ridiculing them.  Unless someone is using violence to prevent you from your theorizing, don't claim suppression.

There's a lot of pseudo-scientific garbage which is out there.  Global warming and the topic of this thread, among many others.

There also is, with certainty, a lot of scientific information which is not released.  Some of it to our detriment.  Much of it all for the better; there are plenty of true scientists out there who keep no physical records and release nothing, because they don't want governments to get their hands on weapons that make nuclear bombs look like firecrackers.

Just to ponder... imagine travelling to the stars.  Nifty, huh?  Now think on what it would take to do that.  For near-luminal travel, you would need an engine of enormous power.  For trans-luminal travel, you would need to be able to create wormholes.  Cool!  Now imagine a city being cut out of the planet and deposited a hundred miles above, to come crashing back down.  Or an asteroid moving at .999C and striking the planet.

No ethical scientist would produce something that could do either, so long as the scourge that is government exists anywhere on this planet.  Not so long as the potential for it exists.  You may have a right to obtain such power, but no one has an obligation to hand it to you.  And no one has an obligation to believe crackpot theories.  Refusal to believe you does not count as suppression, either.

And, as many have said, this is nothing short of destructive to the cause of liberty.  We have enough trouble convincing folks of true things, like that the government isn't their loving parent who only wants to protect them, without having them associate us with attempts to "prove" nonsense like this.  Because they will just throw out the good with the bad.  Most "conspiracy theories" are produced by the government for precisely that purpose... by generating obvious nonsense, they can marginalize anyone who gets desperate enough to latch onto that nonsense, as well as anything else (for example, believing in liberty) which is associated with that conspiracy theorist.

Why else do you think that so many conspiracy theories start off with "someone deep in the government leaked this to us"?



Quote from: MaineShark on October 27, 2007, 12:59 PM NHFT
Refusing to believe crackpot nonsense does not count as suppression.

+1 to Joe.  ;D

bill rose

have you ever been on infowars.com?

no matter what you think of this theory

what do you think of the end game trailer??


Quote from: KBCraig on October 27, 2007, 01:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: MaineShark on October 27, 2007, 12:59 PM NHFTRefusing to believe crackpot nonsense does not count as suppression.
+1 to Joe.  ;D

Thanks.  Somehow, I'm up to 5 right now...

Quote from: bill rose on October 27, 2007, 01:13 PM NHFThave you ever been on infowars.com?

no matter what you think of this theory

what do you think of the end game trailer??

I have far too much to do to waste it on a website as poorly-organized as that...


bill rose

thanks.  Somehow, I'm up to 5 right now...

Quote from: bill rose on Yesterday at 01:28 PM
have you ever been on infowars.com?

no matter what you think of this theory

what do you think of the end game trailer??

I have far too much to do to waste it on a website as  as that...


i have read your last posts you seem smart and not a fake ip address, so  more time
we both agree (from a couple of posts back),
that satellites prove that Europe is moving away from north America
like you said "making the Atlantic bigger" right?
then you state that that "Hawaii is moving away from north America", right?
then you make some thing up "the circumference of the earth has not changed in billions of years"
you just make it up

with these statements being all true and relative info on the subject
i would believe you
but all these are with on fact
north America is moving away from Asia at the same time
Europe is moving away from north America

No ethical scientist would produce something that could do either, so long as the scourge that is government exists anywhere on this planet.  Not so long as the potential for it exists.
why do you believe this??
it seem kind of silly and not well thought out
do you mean like world war 2 scientist?
like operation paper clip??
wikipedia that operation paper clip??
oh well reality is hard to hold on to

<those who would trade liberties for securites will loose both and deserve neither>

do you deseve your freedom?
your ancesters fought and bleed for you rights are you just going to "give them up"

maybe is am wrong but they can not keep you safe
their control comes from keeping you scared

and you are afraid
oh well
try not to get worked up free energy is out there that is where this all leads but first is must start with small theory
b-17 is no lie did you read that thread?  do you want to live longer/ do you want your kids to live longer?


its only a couple of min watch it to make fun of me


Quote from: bill rose on October 28, 2007, 09:04 AM NHFTi have read your last posts you seem smart and not a fake ip address, so  more time
we both agree (from a couple of posts back),
that satellites prove that Europe is moving away from north America
like you said "making the Atlantic bigger" right?
then you state that that "Hawaii is moving away from north America", right?
then you make some thing up "the circumference of the earth has not changed in billions of years"
you just make it up

I didn't post any of those things.  You may want to actually read things, rather than just saying you do...

Quote from: bill rose on October 28, 2007, 09:04 AM NHFTNo ethical scientist would produce something that could do either, so long as the scourge that is government exists anywhere on this planet.  Not so long as the potential for it exists.
why do you believe this??
it seem kind of silly and not well thought out
do you mean like world war 2 scientist?
like operation paper clip??
wikipedia that operation paper clip??
oh well reality is hard to hold on to

I said scientists, not technicians.  Actual scientists create new knowledge by experimentation.  Technicians just apply existing knowledge in new ways.

In any case, the statement holds.  The reason we aren't travelling by inertial drives and wormholes is the simple fact that no scientists in those fields are willing to release the information.

Quote from: bill rose on October 28, 2007, 09:04 AM NHFTdo you deseve your freedom?
your ancesters fought and bleed for you rights are you just going to "give them up"

In what way?  Don't accuse an anarchist of giving up rights.  Is asinine.

Quote from: bill rose on October 28, 2007, 09:04 AM NHFTmaybe is am wrong but they can not keep you safe
their control comes from keeping you scared

and you are afraid
oh well

That's a laugh.  No one controls an anarchist, by definition.  I control me, and that's the extent of it.

Quote from: bill rose on October 28, 2007, 09:04 AM NHFTtry not to get worked up free energy is out there that is where this all leads but first is must start with small theory

No energy is "free."  It all comes from somewhere.  There are certainly some tremendously-powerful energy sources available, but don't expect to see them so long as there are governments around to abuse the power.  Or, if you do, realize that the end is nigh, at that point.

Quote from: bill rose on October 28, 2007, 09:04 AM NHFTb-17 is no lie did you read that thread?

I did.

Quote from: bill rose on October 28, 2007, 09:04 AM NHFTdo you want to live longer/ do you want your kids to live longer?

I'll live as long as I choose to live, and a pox on anyone or anything that tries to get in the way of that.


Lloyd Danforth

Good to see you and the family last night Joe.  You too could be out raking leaves instead of responding to this guy ;D


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on October 28, 2007, 09:31 AM NHFTGood to see you and the family last night Joe.  You too could be out raking leaves instead of responding to this guy ;D

Actually, I'm on my way up to the cabin to make sure things are reasonably set for winter.  I'll run the leaves over with my mower sometime this coming week :)

Good to see you, too.  And the Kannings, as well, since I've been too busy to attend many events, lately, and haven't seen them in months.
