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More NH land relinquished to the UN

Started by CNHT, October 25, 2007, 03:46 PM NHFT

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National Heritage Areas are deemed to be not owned by the state in which they exist, but by the 'world' population.

It's this kind of nonsense that is aiding and abetting the UN 'creep' to take over our property and our rights.

I'd like to find out who in our legislature approved this land giveaway?


We need to stomp out the UN FOREVER. Now and completely!


Interesting... I would not have thought that the Feds could take NH land like this.


What great journalism.  ::)

What the hell is a heritage thing?
Why are parts of NH now a heritage thing?
Who approved this?
What does this mean to the people that live in the new heritage thing?
What the fuck?

I hate the media so much.


Quote from: d_goddard on October 25, 2007, 03:47 PM NHFT
Interesting... I would not have thought that the Feds could take NH land like this.

They have been doing this all over the world...these are now 'World Heritage' sites. Even the signs on the highways say that.

Please 'for the love of God' look this shit up on the UN's website. Some here don't take the UN seriously, but they are a serious THREAT..and it shocks me you aren't more concerned. They are now pushing for the L.O.S.T. treaty so they can control 70% of the earth's surface over the water and into the sky! This is nuts!

And I daresay, I think those fires were SET because we haven't swallowed Al Gore's scare tactics about global warming. Guess what? They are now blaming the fires on global warming.

When they started monitoring my website, along with the DOJ, you know they are already acting as the world's 'police'. (I had to block their IP)

Most of our state parks have now been turned over to world government this way.

NH has the White Mountain National Forest. And now all the PC nonsense that goes with the UN will be enforced there. Don't get caught doing something un PC or you might end up in world court tribunal and have your tongue cut out. (That's how they deal with speech crimes in some countries)

The UN is a huge threat to our freedom. Believe it!

PS  - The journalism is ho-hum because it's intended to NOT alarm you and downplay it when you SHOULD be alarmed. It's called innoculation.
If they were to ignore it completely, it might be trashed. So, hence the soft soaping.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: CNHT on October 25, 2007, 04:11 PM NHFT
When they started monitoring my website, along with the DOJ, you know they are already acting as the world's 'police'. (I had to block their IP)

I would recommend switching your site over to SSL, because blocking the IP is ineffective—the government can surveille other people visiting your site, by wiretapping their Internet service, and get a pretty complete picture of what's on your site that way.

Secondly, if the content on your site is available to the general public anyway, just let them in. There's no harm in them seeing what anyone else is able to see, and if they are coming in through the front door (visiting, not surveilling), you can now gather intelligence on them: How often they visit, what search terms they're using to find your site, what pages they're most interested in, why they might be interested in that content specifically, &c..


J, wanna know the most common search terms for this week?

You'd be shocked. Or maybe not.

That's OK - I've collected plenty of information on these bureaucrats...and I know just who is watching.

I still have no idea what they think they are going to find...but it all started with a fight on this very forum.

Here you go, just in time for the madness...


By the way, this is the DHS, which has been banned from other sites as well.


Now you know why people want this act repealed — it gives THEM the right to monitor and snoop you for the stupidist things, taking away YOUR right to privacy:

Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the United States Commission on Civil Rights is formed. The Commission is composed of eight Commissioners, with half of them being appointed by the President of the United States and the other half by Congress. No more than four members of the Commission shall be of the same political party. This bipartisan Commission is responsible for monitoring discrimination or a denial of equal protection of the laws under the Constitution of the United States because of race, colour, religion, sex, age, disability or national origin, or in the administration of justice. 5.10 The United States Commission on Civil Rights performs its monitoring role in all forms of discrimination, including racial discrimination, by:

(a) studying and collecting information by means of holding hearings and consulting its state advisory committees;
(b) appraising federal laws and policies;
(c) referring complaints it receives to the appropriate federal, state or local government, or private organizations for action;
(d) submitting reports, findings, and recommendations to the President of the United States and Congress; and
(e) issuing public service announcements to discourage discrimination.


Quote from: d_goddard on October 25, 2007, 03:47 PM NHFT
Interesting... I would not have thought that the Feds could take NH land like this.

Denis, for the love of Gahd, sometimes I wonder about you sweetie.



How would I see if the gov. is monitoring me?
I did find a gov tracking cookie once, but not since.

a point in the right direction to see if uncle sam is watching would be appreciated.


Quote from: slimpickens on October 25, 2007, 11:33 PM NHFT
How would I see if the gov. is monitoring me?
I did find a gov tracking cookie once, but not since.

a point in the right direction to see if uncle sam is watching would be appreciated.

A tracking cookie. :)

They're monitoring EVERYONE. Have been for some time. Here's a mini-barrage of links:

Per NSA request, AT&T builds Internet spy room over major Internet highway:

ECHELON, a secretive signal capture-and-process network:

Magic Lantern, a primitive trojan horse program to monitor detailed computer use directly:
wikipedia article

Carnivore, an FBI email capture-and-process system (it has a new name now, can't recall it):
wikipedia article

fixed bbcode/wikipedia link problems


Anyone who wants to can see what you do and get your unencrypted passwords, if they put some effort into it. Even the most incompetent entity in the world, government, is able to do that.

I always assume anything I do on the 'net can be seen and be tracked back to me. Not that I'd expect anyone to be interested, but -- hope for the best, expect the worst.

Lloyd Danforth

Jane, would you consider joining a protest group to occupy land in NH given to the UN?

Kat Kanning


June 20, 2002

Mr. Chairman and members of the subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today to present the Department's views on S. 1925, a bill to establish the Freedom's Way National Heritage Area in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of New Hampshire.

While the Department recognizes the appropriateness of designating the Freedom's Way National Heritage Area, we recommend that the Committee defer action on S. 1925 during the remainder of the 107th Congress.  To meet the President's initiative to eliminate the deferred maintenance backlog, we need to continue to focus our resources on caring for existing areas in the National Park System. While designation of the heritage area will not result in additional acquisition or capital costs, the authorization provides for up to $1 million per year in grant assistance costs not to exceed $10 million over the 15-year period after the date of the bill's enactment.

The proposed Freedom's Way National Heritage Area includes 36 Massachusetts and 6 New Hampshire communities northwest of Boston.  It includes the Minute Man National Historical Park, the Oxbow and Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuges, the Concord, Assabet and Sudbury Wild and Scenic Rivers, as well as National Historic Landmarks and Districts, and many sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places. 

This is a region that substantively influenced our democratic forms of governance and the development of intellectual traditions that underpin the concepts of American freedom, democracy, conservation, social justice, and ethnic diversity.  Historically prominent leaders in literature and intellectual thought found the region to be a source of inspiration including Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Louisa May Alcott.  It was also the locale for expressions of religious freedom and social experimentation with the settlements of the Shakers, Millerites and Transcendentalists.  Its natural and community resources are exceptional examples of the rural beauty of the New England landscape.  The events that occurred here during the American Revolution include the ride of Paul Revere and the engagements at Lexington and Concord, which are known to virtually every elementary school child in the nation.

The concept of a Freedom's Way National Heritage Area was defined in a feasibility study undertaken by the proposed management entity, the Freedom's Way Heritage Association, Inc. Priorities outlined in this study speak to linkages through education and preservation of the region's nationally distinctive natural and cultural resources through partnerships.   The region has a strong partnership base among its many cultural institutions, businesses, non-profit organizations, local governments, and citizens. The governors of both states have endorsed the designation.

In the opinion of the National Park Service there are four critical steps that need to be taken and documented prior to the Congress designating a heritage area. These stages are:
completion of a suitability/feasibility study;
public involvement in the suitability/feasibility study;
demonstration of widespread public support among heritage area residents for the proposed designation; and
commitment to the proposal from the appropriate players which may include governments, industry, and private, non-profit organizations, in addition to the local citizenry.

The National Park Service reviewed the national heritage area feasibility study undertaken by the proposed management entity in July 1997.  Since it did not fully address the interim national heritage area criteria, representatives of our Northeast Region conducted field reconnaissance visits in November 2000.  Based on the findings of the reconnaissance team, the Freedom's Way Heritage Association submitted an addendum in April 2001 to the 1997 Freedom's Way National Heritage Area Feasibility Study entitled "The Proposed Freedom's Way National Heritage Area and Compliance with the National Park Service Interim Criteria for National Heritage Area Designation."  The Service has evaluated that addendum, as well as the original feasibility study, and finds that the criteria have been fully addressed and met. We believe that the management entity will have an opportunity during the development of a heritage area management plan to refine the many available themes for the heritage area so that a more selective and cohesive vision of the region and its rich assemblage of natural and cultural resources may be achieved.

We also note that Section 4(b)(1) of the bill does not contain a map reference number and does not require that a copy of the map be available at the appropriate offices of the National Park Service.  Should the committee decide to take further action on this bill, we would be willing to work with the committee on the appropriate language for this section of the bill.

That completes my testimony. I would be happy to answer any questions that you or any of the members of the subcommittee may have.

Kat Kanning

Legislation > 2007-2008 (110th Congress)
S. 827: Freedom's Way National Heritage Area Act

A bill to establish the Freedom's Way National Heritage Area in the States of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and for other purposes.Overview   Summary   Other Info

Bill StatusSponsor:   Sen. John Kerry [D-MA]show cosponsors (1)
Bill Text:   Summaries (CRS)
Full Text
Status:         Introduced   Mar 8, 2007
   Scheduled for Debate   -
   Voted on in Senate   -
   Voted on in House   -
   Signed by President   -

This bill is in the first step in the legislative process. Introduced bills go first to committees that deliberate, investigate, and revise them before they go to general debate. The majority of bills never make it out of committee.
Last Action:   Mar 8, 2007: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Show All Related Votes

This bill is identical to H.R. 1297 (Status: Introduced).
Committee Assignments

This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process where the bill is considered in committee and may undergo significant changes in markup sessions. The bill has been referred to the following committees:
Senate Energy and Natural Resources



Still in committee, so it's not "relinquished" yet!
Sounds like the kind of thing Downsize DC could hop on board with