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Endless Whining

Started by shyfrog, October 31, 2007, 06:58 PM NHFT

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Here goes...

Today is my 17th wedding anniversary (yes...Halloween. I dressed as a groom and she dressed as a bride, not the other way around). I'm 2,347 miles away from my wife. Can I just tell you how much that really sucks!

Ok, had to get that off my chest.


Quote from: shyfrog on October 31, 2007, 06:58 PM NHFT
Here goes...

Today is my 17th wedding anniversary (yes...Halloween. I dressed as a groom and she dressed as a bride, not the other way around). I'm 2,347 miles away from my wife. Can I just tell you how much that really sucks!

Ok, had to get that off my chest.

Sure you can tell me how much it sucks and I believe you! :)  I'm just a little confused why your dressed up as bride and groom if your far away from each other.   I'm a little afraid to do this but Happy Anniversary!  I hope that didn't make you feel worse. :)


Thanks  ;D

No, originally, on our wedding night, we dressed as a groom and bride  :P


Quote from: shyfrog on October 31, 2007, 07:15 PM NHFT
Thanks  ;D

No, originally, on our wedding night, we dressed as a groom and bride  :P

:duh:  I'm sorry I should have been able to figure that out!

Kat Kanning

Aww, that's too bad you're so far apart!  Maybe phone sex would help.


LOL...no. That kind of thing just gets her irate, pissed, grumpy, and downright mean.
She doesn't do fantasy sex...  ::)

Tom Sawyer

I guess "less is not more"  ;)

Sorry you're missing your wife.


That's sucky. Do you guys both have webcams? Using Skype is almost like having a real life conversation...though it takes about 10 times as much chatting to make up for what can be accomplished with one real hug (for example...), it's an improvement.

I hope you guys'll be together in real life again soon....preferably in NH :)



Quote from: shyfrog on October 31, 2007, 07:56 PM NHFT
LOL...no. That kind of thing just gets her irate, pissed, grumpy, and downright mean.
She doesn't do fantasy sex...  ::)

Then she isn't doing her part correctly.


Kat Kanning


Quote from: shyfrog on October 31, 2007, 06:58 PM NHFT
Here goes...

Today is my 17th wedding anniversary (yes...Halloween. I dressed as a groom and she dressed as a bride, not the other way around). I'm 2,347 miles away from my wife. Can I just tell you how much that really sucks!

Ok, had to get that off my chest.

Congrats!  :)

Look on the bright side; it could be worse, and at least, you have something to look forward to.  ;)


She went and got a Tattoo yesterday. She said it didn't hurt enough. hmmm
It's "satori" in kanji. On her wrist.