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Impeachment Teach-In at Dartmouth College

Started by jaqeboy, November 10, 2007, 04:25 PM NHFT

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From Women Making a Difference:

Betty Hall and  Nancy White have been working tirelessly to put together a "Teach In" on the issue of Impeachment, which is to be presented at Dartmouth on the 26th of November - more information on that as the date nears.  If you are in agreement that Impeachment is the way to go, please join us.  If you are not in agreement that this is the way to go, please join us.  This will be a fabulous OPPORKNOCKITY to have a civil conversation on a "hot topic" that could not possibly be more timely.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

John Nichols, Panel Bring Impeachment to Dartmouth College Campus

Amherst, NH -  Author John Nichols along with a distinguished panel from the Northeast Impeachment Coalition (NEIC) will present a historical perspective and inform the public about myths & misinformation on Monday, November 26 at Moore Hall~Filene Auditorium on the campus of Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.

Doors open for the Impeachment Teach-in at 6 pm with an array of books offered for sale on the subject and will feature journalist and author John Nichols, a Washington correspondent for The Nation and the associate editor of The Capital Times in Madison, Wisconsin.  He is the author of "The Genius of Impeachment: The Founders' Cure for Royalism," which explores the constitutional limits of the executive branch, of the Congress and impeachment.  At 7 pm, a panel discussion will begin with Nichols and other guests from around the New England states who have had experiences with the impeachment issue.

Noted New England guests who will round out the program are: NH Representative, Betty Hall, Brookline, NH who will be introducing a resolution to the NH Legislature this fall;  John Kaminski, Chairman of  the Maine Lawyers for Democracy  and Dan DeWalt, Selectman from Newfane,Vermont who helped start the VT impeachment movement & co-founder of NEIC will speak about activism in these neighboring states; Adrienne Kinne, Army veteran & military intelligence officer will give her unique perspective.

This event is being co-sponsored by The Nation magazine, Northeast Impeachment Coalition (NEIC), Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), Women Making a Difference (WMD), Democracy for New Hampshire (DFNH) as an educational forum to inform the public about the history, process, procedure of what impeachment involves.

One unalterable fact of the Bush administration is the attempt to establish "unitary executive" powers.  Opinions on both sides of the aisle have made references to a constitutional crisis.  In response, a growing number of prominent Americans and organizations have been organizing impeachment educational events throughout the country.

Formed in July '07, NEIC expanded from a coalition of New England impeachment organizations into a network connecting groups across the country.  Nationwide impeachment actions and seminars are slated to happen in November and December. The teach-in at Dartmouth follows on the heels of a WCAX television poll that showed Vermonters favoring impeachment of both Bush and Cheney by a two to one margin.  The National Lawyers Guild voted unanimously on a resolution at their National Convention in Washington, DC this past weekend to impeach President Bush and Vice-President Cheney.

A question & answer period follows the panel discussion.  This event is free and open to the public.  Donations are welcomed to help defray expenses.

To donate please contact the web site of NEIC www.neimpeach.org 

For more information call Nancy White at 603-672-8270


Word is that the impeachment teach-in filled the auditorium at Dartmouth. A LOT of people want to exercise the power of the people to limit the power of the executive! Good news.

A report of the teach-in is at Democracy for New Hampshire site.


hm.... impeachment...



Lloyd Danforth


Impeachments . . . my thoughts . . . I agree with it. But the rate Bush is going he'll be the first one in history to have a third term. After all, everything Georgie wants, Georgie gets . . .

Oh oh . . . another political post?
Maybe he didn't get the memo . . .

What is there to talk about that has no chance of being political?
Last one here turns off the lights . . .


Quote from: Rocketman on November 27, 2007, 02:29 PM NHFT
hm.... impeachment...


Could be considered anti-political, ie, it's a grass-roots people's movement to take power away from someone who pretends to have their mandate, somewhat like a recall at the City level.  ;)

Up with the people, down with the pretenders to the power!

Also, see other thread, reply #457 for a clarification re: "parliamentary politics" versus other kinds of political activism.


PS rocketman, you'd love the impeachment booklet handed out at the event. It's called Common Sense for Impeachment and it's got the Thomas Paine quote from The Crisis on the back:

QuoteThese are the times that try men's souls.

The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the services of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered, yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Then it follows with the New-Hampshire Bill of Rights, [Article] 10 [Right of Revolution] which we know and love.


Oh, also apropos, one of the speakers was John Nichols, author of The Genius of Impeachment: The Founders Cure for Royalism



I'm sure I would have enjoyed the event.  You know very well I am pro-impeachment.  Then again, I'm also pro-politics, and I fail to understand how an essentially political process (impeachment) can be construed as anti-political.  Must be some kind of paradox, huh?


Quote from: Rocketman on November 28, 2007, 10:51 PM NHFT

I'm sure I would have enjoyed the event.  You know very well I am pro-impeachment.  Then again, I'm also pro-politics, and I fail to understand how an essentially political process (impeachment) can be construed as anti-political.  Must be some kind of paradox, huh?

This is a semantic and definitional thing that I tried to explain on the thread referenced below. I explain that I am for political activism and against parliamentary politics (ie, voting) - Don't make me copy and paste the whole post in here.

True, impeachment is done by the representatives (so I'd love to see those reps get a spine and kick Bush and Cheney out), whereas recall (in Nashua) was done by petition of the people. I make the distinction (which is not compromising my principles) that I will participate in telling reps in clear terms when they don't have the authority to do something, because I don't authorize them to do so. I'll also tell a Mayor (like Don Davidson in Nashua in '98) or Alderman (like the 4 we began a recall effort on in '98 and dropped to focus on the Mayor) to get the hell out of office because they are bums by exercizing every political effort I can, including radio shows, leaflets, phone-calls, emails, meetings, articles, LTE's, etc.

The gatekeeper of the peoples' petitions though, in this case the City Clerk of City of Nashua, would not count my name because I was not a registerd voter. I fought that one in the Superior Court because the N.H. Const., BoR Article 32 made reference to "the people", not to "the registered voters". The Court would not rule for the non-voters, though (long story - some day I'll scan in the filings and orders).

Anywho, I'm extremely political every day, but I don't participate in parliamentary politics (voting) because of my libertarian principles.



I understand and respect your position.  It helps that you've never (that I've heard) ridiculed libertarians for being political, or (a la Vitruvian) demanded a moral justification for a libertarian's political activity.

So I appreciate you setting a good example for other principled non-voters, i.e., not being a friggin' jerk to people who pour their guts into fighting for liberty.  I think you also understand that speaking truth to power is a great way to educate the public against authoritarian ideas, and that within the boundaries of ones' principles, one has an obligation to communicate as effectively as possible.  These are lessons some of the "outside-the-system" people would do well to embrace.  We won't get anywhere near liberty by clowning around, not any more than we will get there by being selfish jerks who only bitch about taxes.

Regarding the tone of my last few posts... when a basketball coach gets thrown out of the game, that's when he can really get his money's worth yelling at the refs.  At that point, why not take that opportunity to fully express yourself?  Russell and Kat merely gave me an occasion to vent some of my frustrations against activists who sometimes do not seem to value the importance of being effective over the "doing whatever makes me feel free (or, for some, morally superior) from one moment to the next" approach.  I'm probably not done ranting just yet... there are a few points I would still like to make before moving most of my attention away from this forum.  But enough for now.

(Back on topic) I say we impeach the bastards.


Quote from: Rocketman on November 29, 2007, 12:06 AM NHFT

I understand and respect your position.  It helps that you've never (that I've heard) ridiculed libertarians for being political, or (a la Vitruvian) demanded a moral justification for a libertarian's political activity.

So I appreciate you setting a good example for other principled non-voters, i.e., not being a friggin' jerk to people who pour their guts into fighting for liberty.  I think you also understand that speaking truth to power is a great way to educate the public against authoritarian ideas, and that within the boundaries of ones' principles, one has an obligation to communicate as effectively as possible.  These are lessons some of the "outside-the-system" people would do well to embrace.  We won't get anywhere near liberty by clowning around, not any more than we will get there by being selfish jerks who only bitch about taxes.

Wow, thanks! You managed to compliment me and slam several (unnamed) people all in the same breath - I love it! Yeah, I'm just hoping my breathren will come around.

PS: Vitruvian made a humble request (his words in the initial post: "...humble request: I ask everyone currently involved...", not a demand - methinks some protested too much!

Quote from: Rocketman on November 29, 2007, 12:06 AM NHFT
Regarding the tone of my last few posts... when a basketball coach gets thrown out of the game, that's when he can really get his money's worth yelling at the refs.  At that point, why not take that opportunity to fully express yourself?  Russell and Kat merely gave me an occasion to vent some of my frustrations against activists who sometimes do not seem to value the importance of being effective over the "doing whatever makes me feel free (or, for some, morally superior) from one moment to the next" approach.  I'm probably not done ranting just yet... there are a few points I would still like to make before moving most of my attention away from this forum.  But enough for now.

OK, and some named ones... I dig what you're talking about. I have thought Kat and Russell greviously erred in the past with some of their management decisions, such as giving bad actors back some of the Karma they deservedly lost for bad behavior, for example.

Quote from: Rocketman on November 29, 2007, 12:06 AM NHFT
(Back on topic) I say we impeach the bastards.

Yeah, Right Arm, man!


More impeachment news from WMD and a video clip of an interview with Betty Hall and John Nichols on Political Chowder, hosted by Arnie Arneson:


Dear Women Making a Difference,

My husband and I were among the 200 plus who drove to Dartmouth just a week ago today to hear Betty Hall and others at the Teach In on the Issue of Impeachment.  It was a grey, rainy day, but time spent at the Teach In was time SO WELL SPENT.  Betty Hall was only one of the people who spoke, but it will be Betty alone who brings the  Impeachment Resolution before the Legislature early in the new year.  Nancy White sent this to me, and I am happy to send it along to all of those on our e-mail list.

Dennis Kucinich was also a speaker and John Nichols (The Nation) was the main speaker.  As Rep. Kucinich said, following the remarks by John Nichols, we almost never hear something so eloquent.  He spoke of Impeachment as a right and a duty granted by our Constitution.

Take a few minutes to view the interview of Betty Hall and John Nichols with Arnie Arneson on Political Chowder, which aired this past Sunday.  It will give those of you who wanted to attend but were unable to do so a sweet taste of the Teach In at Dartmouth.

We had earlier asked for donations for this event, and Women Making a Difference gave a total of $350.00.  It is not too late to send a donation to cover the expenses.  Please send your check to Nan Stearns, 31 Fells Drive, Amherst, 03031.

Thank you!



From: Hygeianwnh@aol.com
To: north-east-impeachment-summit@googlegroups.com
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 23:52:50 +0000
Subject: John Nichols & Betty Hall on Political Chowder (December 2, 2007)at 37 minutes
Click here: Political Chowder (December 2, 2007)


Just move ahead to 37:30 minutes into this tape of Political Chowder and you'll see Betty Hall and John Nichols.  It was filmed on Tuesday morning before John left for his trip back to Wisconsin, but shown today on Channel 50 at 11 am.