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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Group forming to sue NH over education funding.

Started by GT, June 21, 2005, 09:50 PM NHFT

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Pat McCotter

"Knowledge and learning, generally diffused through a community, being essential to the preservation of a free government; and spreading the opportunities and advantages of education through the various parts of the country, being highly conducive to promote this end; it shall be the duty of the legislators and magistrates, in all future periods of this government, to cherish the interest of literature and the sciences, and all seminaries and public schools, to encourage private and public institutions, rewards, and immunities for the promotion of agriculture, arts, sciences, commerce, trades, manufactures, and natural history of the country; to countenance and inculcate the principles of humanity and general benevolence, public and private charity, industry and economy, honesty and punctuality, sincerity, sobriety, and all social affections, and generous sentiments, among the people: Provided, nevertheless, that no money raised by taxation shall ever be granted or applied for the use of the schools of institutions of any religious sect or denomination."

Looks like a contradiction to me! :o


Not that I agree, but here is the latest from NHCafe.com

Press release from NHCafe.com
For release July 14, 2005 2:30pm;

The New Hampshire Communities for Adequate Funding of Education (NHcafe) was established to promote appropriate funding and revenue sources for schools in the State of New Hampshire. We believe that New Hampshire should provide adequate education to each and every child in New Hampshire. It is also critical that the distribution of these funds be fair to every community in the state.

The New Hampshire Communities for Adequate Funding of Education has now received firm pledges from 18 Town Governments and SAU?s. In the last few days we have added Amherst, Nottingham, and Salem New Hampshire School Districts to our organization.
The current list of NHcafe Communities providing funds as of July 13th, 2005 at 5PM is indicated below.

Amherst Town $5,000
Amherst #39 $6,800
Auburn #15 $4,000
Candia #15 $2,400
Concord #8 $10,000
Dover #11 $5,000
Hampstead #55 $15,000
Hooksett #15 $8,280
Londonderry #12 $20,000
Londonderry Town $10,000
Merrimack #26 $20,000
Merrimack Town $10,000
Nottingham #44 $1,500
Pelham #28 $5,000
Plaistow #55 $15,000
Plaistow Town $5,000
Salem #57 $5,000
Windham #28 $5,000

The grassroots organization NHcafe, continues to hear from schools and towns throughout New Hampshire.

As a result of the initial meeting of over 25 communities and 125 officials on May 10, 2005, a consensus developed, that appropriate educational funding does not have a quick fix. We have pleaded with the House, the Senate and the Governor to take the time to do the right thing. In less than two months over 200 articles have been written at NHcafe.org in the web log, providing the seed for collaboration on a sustainable, constitutional and fair funding formula.

The Londonderry School District SAU#12, Merrimack School District SAU#26 and the New Hampshire Communities for Adequate Funding of Education (NHcafe) has retained the firm of Orr & Reno of Concord, New Hampshire to challenge the constitutionality of House Bill 616.

It is our intent to file suit at an early date. Representatives from Orr & Reno have already met with the Attorney General?s office to advise the State of our constitutional challenge and begin discussions of the most expeditious way to obtain a court decision Another meeting is to be scheduled next week to continue the discussions..

NHcafe and all members of our organization believe that HB616 as it becomes law at midnight tomorrow is unfair, unjust, unsustainable, under-funded and unconstitutional. We hope that though our efforts, we can stop the rush we endure every year to unreasonable and unfair legislation impacting all of the schools and taxpayers in the state. Now that we have hundreds of people engaged in seeking and implementing a permanent, constitutional and sustainable solution for adequate school funding in New Hampshire, it is time to find a real solution.


From the press release...

The current list of NHcafe Communities providing funds as of July 13th, 2005 at 5PM is indicated below.

Amherst Town $5,000
Amherst #39 $6,800
Auburn #15 $4,000
Candia #15 $2,400
Concord #8 $10,000
Dover #11 $5,000
Hampstead #55 $15,000
Hooksett #15 $8,280
Londonderry #12 $20,000
Londonderry Town $10,000
Merrimack #26 $20,000
Merrimack Town $10,000
Nottingham #44 $1,500
Pelham #28 $5,000
Plaistow #55 $15,000
Plaistow Town $5,000
Salem #57 $5,000
Windham #28 $5,000


From the law firm representing NHCafe:

With its roots in the nineteenth century, Orr & Reno was established in 1946 by Dudley Orr & Bob Reno, and has been a leading New Hampshire law firm for almost sixty years. Dudley and Bob were visionaries who laid down the principles on which the modern firm still operates: excellent legal advice, outstanding client service and strong ties to our community. We are pleased that we trace some of our client relationships back to the firm's beginnings.

We are proud that Justice David Souter of the United States Supreme Court was once part of our firm.


Quote from: GT on July 14, 2005, 03:35 PM NHFT
We are proud that Justice David Souter of the United States Supreme Court was once part of our firm.

At least they're consistent in the philosophy of "If you want it, force someone else to give it to you."



I think my head is going to explode? I actually sat down and did some math in regards to how this whole state education issue is going to effect Merrimack since after all we?re one of the to towns contributing the most toward this lawsuit.

Based on the most up to date information from the town?s website our total taxable value in Merrimack is $1,643,048,010.  Also from a Union Leader article discussing the town contributing toward the lawsuit they pointed out that we will be losing 1.26 million in state aid because of the way the state change it?s formula.  I think looked up the change in local tax rate for education (dictated in RSA 76:3)? it went from $4.92 per $1000 to $3.33 per $1000?

Now do the math with me folks? this means by eliminating the state from the mix Merrimack is paying 2.6 million less in taxes to the state every year? so by NOT sending money to the state only to get some of it back the people of Merrimack end up paying LESS.

So why on earth would the school board want to continue playing the shell game with tax dollars?  I could only think of two conclusions?

A) Either they are clueless and really think we?d save money by having another level of government in the mix.  Or B) They do understand this but see it as a way of hiding how much is really being spent on education? after all if you pay $10 out of your right pocket and $10 out of your left you may not view it the same as if you are hit up for $20 all at once? it?s the ?ol late night shopping channel game of just 10 easy payments of $9.99 for that $20 item!


The Answer is B)

If the State pays they (school and town) can get away with spending more. That's why all the towns are contributing money to sue. State money allows them to spend more.

I agree it's very confusing. It would be much simpler if it were a local equation. If a town can't afford a school so be it. Then the residents of several towns get together and send their kids to a reginal school. Why is it that every town needs to have a schoolfor K-12?

Better yet privatize the schools and see how much education really costs.

These bloated school budgets are ridiculous. Unfortuneately most people cant see past the school Board propaganda showing up in all the local papers. When HB616 was still in the House Londonderry heard nothing but scare tactics coming from the School Board. Doom and gloom about how high are taxes were going to go up. I think it was as much as $5 per thousand is what they said. After checking into the numbers and contacting the budget committe the real number was just over $1.


Maybe another group should join the suit and make the same arguement, HB616 is unconstitutional because funding public schools via taxation is unconstitutional.

Russell Kanning

"So, if I read the bold parts in here, the state should be REWARDING me for writing my book on he history of science...... Hhhhhhhhm....."

Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 09, 2005, 12:50 PM NHFT

I run a computer repair business.? This is covered under "the cherishing of the promotion of commerce".? So I'll expect my $50,000 subsidy check to be in the mail on Monday!

I am going to fast and protest Jim and Mike >:D

Michael Fisher

Kat Kanning

That did the trick, Mike.  It was about a 5 minute fast.


Quote from: katdillon on July 18, 2005, 01:29 PM NHFT
That did the trick, Mike.  It was about a 5 minute fast.

So it was a quick fast? Or a fast fast?  ::)


Quote from: KBCraig on July 14, 2005, 05:01 PM NHFT
Quote from: GT on July 14, 2005, 03:35 PM NHFT
We are proud that Justice David Souter of the United States Supreme Court was once part of our firm.

At least they're consistent in the philosophy of "If you want it, force someone else to give it to you."


Well, you should all go to their website and post opposing views, including the constitutional interpretation of what the state is and isn't allowed to do!


Quote from: CNHT on July 18, 2005, 02:34 PM NHFT
Well, you should all go to their website and post opposing views, including the constitutional interpretation of what the state is and isn't allowed to do!

I just went to the NHCafe.org website and tried to visit their forum? the link doesn?t appear to be working.

On a side note after reading some of the entries under the Blog link? man oh man, I was expecting the hear the speech Bill Muray gave in Stripes when his girl friend was leaving him about all the plants are going to die!

One interesting blog is one going off about the state kissing 65 million good bye because they are no longer going to reap the benefits of taxing out of staters who own vacation property or have 2nd homes in NH.  In other words tax people for services they wont use or socialism.

While I support public education (disclosure, my sister is a public school teacher) I think it should be a fall back and consist of what would be considered a BASIC education.  All this enrichment of children?s education and lives should be put back on the parents (disclosure number two, I?m a parent of two).  There needs to be a line drawn in the sand as to what is expected from society as far as raising a child and what is expected from parents.  Unfortunately you have the knee jerkers who fall back on the argument of bad parents or poor parents who can?t afford the V-Tech education systems etc.  All the more reason to draw that line? at what point is making sure children who come from parents who don?t care or who don?t have money get an adequate education crossing the line and becoming society paying for luxuries?

We all know the poor will NEVER be able to afford the things the rich can so unless we want to just become an outright socialistic society (which I would hope most would reject) why play games and try to make kids believe they are all equal before sending them out into the real world where they are forced to suddenly hit that stark realization all at once?