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NASA astronaut says aliens do exist, he's seen them

Started by Raineyrocks, November 13, 2007, 05:31 PM NHFT

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Famed NASA Astronaut confirms Extraterrestrials are here

by Clark C. McClelland, former ScO, U.S. Space Shuttle Fleet, KSC, Florida 1958 to 1992
     STS-80 Lift off from Pad 39B

STS-80 Lift off from Pad 39B.

Space Shuttle Columbia during STS-80 took a crew of five astronauts into a 17 day, 15 hour and 54 minute mission around the earth, the longest flight in the history of this vehicle. During this lengthy flight a very strange event occurred that even had crewman Dr. Story Musgrave unable to explain what he observed from the shuttle windows.

A large disc shaped object appeared below the Columbia. The shuttle was approximately, 190 Nautical miles high.

The disc was first observed to miraculously appear from out of nowhere, flying through the clouds below and progressing from right to left as the astronauts stared in utter amazement. The outer rim of the craft appeared to be rotating counter-clockwise. It was very large (compared to common space junk and breakaway ice), approximately 50 to 150 feet in diameter.

Astronaut Dr. Story Musgrave, a Payload Specialist on the STS-80 Mission, was interviewed following the flight. As he viewed a videotape of the incident which showed lightning flashes in the atmosphere, the city lights of Denver, Colorado and other earthbound sights, he stated: "I don't know what it is. Whether it's a washer, debris, ice particles, I don't know. But it's characteristic of the thousands of things which I've seen. What is not so characteristic is it appears to come from no where. You would think that if it's facing the dark side or facing a side towards you which is not reflecting the sun, you would think that you would see something there. It's really impressive."
Story Musgrave (STS-80)    

Story Musgrave (STS-80).

During an earlier interview, Dr. Musgrave stated he attempted to communicate with ET life forms during each of his six missions. He actually asked them to take him with them. Now that's an astronaut with a lot of courage. Dr. Musgrave retired after this flight from NASA. Since then he's been spreading his considered opinion that alien life exists. When Musgrave speaks of this, it's no great leap for one to assume he's admitting knowledge of alien life. As the final slide of a "Grey" ET was shown during a recent astronomy presentation by Dr. Musgrave, he made this surprising comment: "These guys are real... I guarantee it!" Dr. Musgrave does know the truth. This author guarantees it!

Consider that carefully. These are world renown scientists making statements almost beyond belief. Dr. von Braun and others of his stature have the courage to disclose "sensitive" information, but obviously the leaders of the USA and the world do not. If billions could find a way of coping with the overwhelming threat of atomic annihilation for half a century, it is reasonable to assume we can cope with the knowledge of these "Other Intelligence's" from the stars. We can cope with the fact they are visiting earth, and have been since the beginning of history. We must. Those still asleep must open their eyes. We Are Not Alone.



LARRY KING: Friday's UFO Show . . . Bang or Bust?
Frank Warren

"In physics, as in much of all science, there are no permanent truths; there is a set of approximations, getting closer and closer, and people must always be ready to revise what has been in the past thought to be the absolute gospel truth."

- Carl Sagan -




Frank Warren
November 12, 2007

One of the things that Ufologists constantly yen for is "serious attention" by mainstream media in regards to the phenomenon; consequently when someone of Larry King's stature and or recognition addresses the matter we Ufologists tend to get a little "giddy."

It's a rarity that the "subject of UFOs" makes it to a platform as that of King's, or for that matter a "news" venue like "CNN." Even more exceptional is to be in such an environment and be devoid of the usual background organ music, stage fog and the "lighthearted manner" in which the subject is broached.

All can agree that King is no stranger to the phenomenon and has delved into it for decades (although very sporadically); no doubt he has a "personal interest." Moreover, most would agree that on average he gives Ufology a "fair shake"; however, after "his" last show back in July, as well as a recent airing by "respected" National Geographic, along with the debacle by Anderson Cooper on King's same network, "CNN," these exemplars give/gave rise to angst in regarding just how Larry would narrate Friday's show concerning this very important issue.

On King's last "UFO themed show" there seemed to be a predisposition on his part, reflected by at times his mildly sardonic attitude. Additionally, his meek administration as moderator of his own show precipitated unwanted squabbles, and confusion on the set. For those of us that pay attention, this was a big disappointment!

Worse yet was the show that his young colleague, "Anderson Cooper" hosted i.e., "Anderson Cooper 360°" on the "O'Hare Incident" of last year; although this involved an "unidentified aircraft" in the second busiest airport in the world, in a post 911 era, witnessed by dozens of airport employees, Cooper chose to "make light of it!"

Following "that debacle," when one thought it couldn't get any worse, National Geographic aired, "Under Cover History: The Real Roswell." This production was filled with innuendo, off-putting adjectives and point blank misinformation and falsehoods! The very people (Ufologists) "used" in the show rebuffed it, and further stated that had they known what the end result would have been, they wouldn't have participated!

This brings us to last Friday night's show, "UFOS: Are They for Real?" Right away the very title of the show gives the knowledgeable researcher pause; even the "studious layperson" is aware of the fact that the term, "UFO" was borne by the "Air Force."

For the ignorant the Air Force "officially" entered the term "UFO" into the military lexicon back in 1952 (although it was used often before that time). This replaced the more common term (then), "Flying Saucers" to describe what people were witnessing flying in U.S. airspace. That said, asking the question, "are UFOs real," is nonsensical! It would be akin to asking the question "is the Empire State Building real?" Neither makes sense!

Another curio, given the caliber of Ufologists Larry has interviewed over the years, as well as his experience on the topic, certainly Larry knows better to pose such a "silly question"; one has to wonder why he would allow this perplexity to continue.

The important signification of Friday night's show is that it was/is a slight prelude of what is to come tomorrow, Monday the 12th in Washington D.C.: According to a recent "press release":

    ". . . Experts from seven countries will divulge what they have discovered about UFOs at a November 12 panel discussion moderated by former Arizona Governor Fife Symington (R) at the National Press Club.

    . . . This panel consists of some of the most qualified people in the world with direct experience in dealing with this issue, and they will bring incredible, irrefutable evidence, some never presented before . . ..

    . . . The group, using previously classified documents, will discuss many well-documented cases, including two investigated by the US government . . ..

Readers may remember a similar event produced by the controversial, "Steven Greer." Although lines have been drawn in the "Ufological sand" in regards to Greer himself, most applaud his efforts vis-à-vis "his" press conference back in 2001. As it will be tomorrow, Greer assembled a group of very "credible, high caliber witnesses" who shared some very mind-blowing information. Moreover, that group declared they would give "every detail" to members of Congress, given that they would not be prosecuted for violating any security oaths.

Five of the participants in tomorrow's press conference appeared on Larry's show Friday night, they included:

    * James Fox – Documentary Film Producer (UFOs) and co-producer of tomorrow's event.

    * Fife Symington – The former governor of Arizona and witness to the huge "V-shaped craft" seen in the western US in 1997.

    * Colonel Chuck Halt – The former deputy base commander of Bentwaters Woodbridge, a U.S. military base in Suffolk, England and direct eyewitness to the "UFO encounter at Rendlesham Forest.

    * Jim Pennison – Retired Woodbridge security supervisor who at Bentwaters actually saw and touched said craft on the ground.

    * Nick Pope – Former government official for the British Ministry of Defence (MoD), who ran the British government's UFO project.

    * John Callahan – Former division chief of accidents and investigations branch of the FAA in Washington.

Admittedly, in the aftermath of Larry's previous show on UFOs, even though this episode had very competent guests appearing, I held my breath, and expected the worst! Suffice it to say the worst didn't come. This was by no means a "homerun for Ufology"; however, it was certainly a step-up from his last (Larry's) effort.

Most definitely the declarations from the afore mentioned panel was the highlight of the show. In particular the statements of "Halt & Pennison," regarding the "Rendlesham Incident," as well as former FAA division chief, "John Callahan's" report on the Japanese 747 being pursued by a UFO.

One would think that even from the layperson's perspective, that these "credentialed veterans" presented their respective declarations with great resolve and clarity.

Having "Nick Pope" a former "insider" if you will, concur with the thesis presented by Halt & Pennison certainly gives supplementary plausibility for the less informed. Nick literally investigated the UFO phenomenon for the "British Ministry of Defence."

During the segues there were snippets of UFO photographs, videos, interviews etc.; although some had nothing to do with the subject, and a few might have been detrimental to serious research, in toto it was palatable.

One thing I noticed, and I might add was a pleasant surprise: not once was there the video of the "flare drop" associated with what has erroneously been dubbed, "The Phoenix Lights." There was a snippet of Dr. Lynne's "lights" but the 10:30 flare drop was not aired—thanks Larry!

Regrettably, but not surprisingly, Larry and his producers were not neglectful in regards to the "fringe element" of his audience; this was evident by including actress, author, spiritualist, and for lack of a better term, all around paranormalist, "Shirley MacLaine." Now to be clear, I have nothing against "Shirley MacLaine; I respect her opinions, and admire her chutzpah! That said, she was a "square peg" for a "round hole" in this instance.

From the producer's standpoint, they were doing a show about UFOs, she's been in the forefront lately regarding her statements in her book concerning Kucinich's UFO sighting, and then the interjection of that into the last democratic debate. She is controversial, etc., I get "why she was on"; however, this certainly didn't help the Ufological cause, as we know the ignorant already have to contend with the stigmas surrounding the phenomenon by itself, much less the added controversy MacLaine brings to the table.

Since the premise of the show was, "UFOS: Are They for Real?" then of course Larry and his producers wouldn't leave out "the opposing view," or in this instance the "comedic segment of the show.

When Larry first uttered debunker "James McGaha's name, I cringed! Then I laughed as I caught myself thinking, "where's Michael Shermer" when you need him? Although Shermer spews the same flapdoodle as McGaha, his delivery is much more polished, and he is a likable sort; McGaha you just feel sorry for.

Initially, I was little perturbed that McGaha would be given the same consideration as these high caliber witnesses; however, as has always been the case with McGaha, he is his own worst enemy! In the aftermath I just found it improbable that any one rational individual would lend him credence.

Unfortunately, for those who are truly interested in the subject of UFOs, yet remain skeptical, and would have liked to have had intelligent questions and or debate for the witnesses, McGaha wasn't their man! He failed miserably!

After McGaha's display Friday night, one can envision even the most hardcore of Pyrrhonist's putting distance between he and themselves.

All and all I gave the show a C+. It certainly went past my expectations; however, rendered no positive surprises.

The value of the show is that of the "small window it provided" for tomorrow's event. This deed taken on by "James Fox" and Leslie Kean" is what should be applauded!

This effort by them, as well as the witnesses who join them to share their respective UFO experiences, and their quest to get the government's attention in regards to the seriousness of the UFO phenomenon is a cause that has been championed by those who have preceded them for the last 60 years!

It is uplifting to know that this "cause," i.e., the pursuit for "disclosure of the truth" is still alive in 2007!


Some people think that maybe the whole UFO thing is faked by the government and one day they are going to use hologram technology to make it look like earth is being invaded by aliens so everyone will be scared and look to all of the governments to save them.

I say, I really don't know! :-\






I couldn't resist reviving this.

I take it like this. What is the likelihood that living sentient beings do not exist in all of the galaxy, let alone universe, with trillions of star systems and even more planets?

Seriously, one should require a lot of balls to claim that "nope, they can't possibly exist".

So IMHO they do exist and I don't find it all that impossible that some of them might even know about us, but are following some "prime directive" that requires them to not interfere in the natural development of our civilizations. Besides, of all the "weirdos" who claim to have saw something they interpreted as "aliens", who the heck is to say that some of them weren't right?

Gosh.. it requires a really open and free mind to reject the government-centered paradigm of human interaction. Accepting a less Earth and Human centered view of the universe is just another paradigm to grasp. And I feel the results can only be incredibly liberating and mind-expanding.


i belive there is other lifeforms out there but i also believe our corrupt leaders could attempt to produce a coming invasion. they will do anything to try and get complete control.


Free libertarian

 It would be pretty boring if humans were the end all, be all.

  Who knows we might even be junk food for alien invaders some day... "mmm yummy they make squealing noises when you pop them into your food orifice "  (one alien talking to another)   :lil_alien:    :beer: :pizza:
  "Damn it, who ate all the humans!?"


Quote from: kola on April 20, 2008, 06:11 PM NHFT
i belive there is other lifeforms out there but i also believe our corrupt leaders could attempt to produce a coming invasion. they will do anything to try and get complete control.


That's what I believe too! :)


Quote from: Free libertarian on April 20, 2008, 07:27 PM NHFT
It would be pretty boring if humans were the end all, be all.

  Who knows we might even be junk food for alien invaders some day... "mmm yummy they make squealing noises when you pop them into your food orifice "  (one alien talking to another)   :lil_alien:    :beer: :pizza:
  "Damn it, who ate all the humans!?"

I hope that isn't true, I don't want to be someone's main course or appetizer! :)


i would think that most aliens wouldnt want to eat us because most humans eat such a poor diet and we prolly would taste like shit to them.

at chiro school I dissected out approx 20 cadavers. Most human insides were very unpleasant...tumors, pus, rotten tissue, fat, sludge, digustingly foul smelling intestines, black lungs etc.



Quote from: kola on April 21, 2008, 01:31 PM NHFT
i would think that most aliens wouldnt want to eat us because most humans eat such a poor diet and we prolly would taste like shit to them.

at chiro school I dissected out approx 20 cadavers. Most human insides were very unpleasant...tumors, pus, rotten tissue, fat, sludge, digustingly foul smelling intestines, black lungs etc.


Yuk!  I was just eating a piece of toast with red pepper sauce, now I'm grossed out! :P