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NASA astronaut says aliens do exist, he's seen them

Started by Raineyrocks, November 13, 2007, 05:31 PM NHFT

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Quote from: kola on April 21, 2008, 01:31 PM NHFT
at chiro school I dissected out approx 20 cadavers. Most human insides were very unpleasant...tumors, pus, rotten tissue, fat, sludge, digustingly foul smelling intestines, black lungs etc.

School cadavers aren't a representative example. They have a disproportionate sample of "unclaimed remains" from homeless or impoverished persons (who tend to have lived less-than-optimal lifestyles). Even the voluntarily donated cadavers almost all die of natural causes (meaning tumors, pus, rotten tissue, etc....). People who die tend to be unhealthy at the time. The exception are victims of accidents or murder, and the circumstances of their deaths means they're not usually available for student dissection.


Quote from: KBCraig on April 22, 2008, 01:43 AM NHFT
Quote from: kola on April 21, 2008, 01:31 PM NHFT
at chiro school I dissected out approx 20 cadavers. Most human insides were very unpleasant...tumors, pus, rotten tissue, fat, sludge, digustingly foul smelling intestines, black lungs etc.

School cadavers aren't a representative example. They have a disproportionate sample of "unclaimed remains" from homeless or impoverished persons (who tend to have lived less-than-optimal lifestyles). Even the voluntarily donated cadavers almost all die of natural causes (meaning tumors, pus, rotten tissue, etc....). People who die tend to be unhealthy at the time. The exception are victims of accidents or murder, and the circumstances of their deaths means they're not usually available for student dissection.

I didn't know they could take unclaimed remains and use them as cadavers, that seems wrong doesn't it? 


Quote from: raineyrocks on April 22, 2008, 05:06 PM NHFT
I didn't know they could take unclaimed remains and use them as cadavers, that seems wrong doesn't it? 

State laws vary, as I understand the situation. John Does will be buried anonymously in most cases, but when next of kin are identified and decline to claim the body, donation might (or might not) be automatic.


Quote from: KBCraig on April 22, 2008, 10:19 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on April 22, 2008, 05:06 PM NHFT
I didn't know they could take unclaimed remains and use them as cadavers, that seems wrong doesn't it? 

State laws vary, as I understand the situation. John Does will be buried anonymously in most cases, but when next of kin are identified and decline to claim the body, donation might (or might not) be automatic.

Oh, okay, thanks! :D

K. Darien Freeheart

Quote from: 'gu3st'What is the likelihood that living sentient beings do not exist in all of the galaxy, let alone universe, with trillions of star systems and even more planets?

I honestly don't think it's that simple. Of all of the stars in the universe, only so many have planets. Of those planets, the number of them in the range to support what we call "life" is much smaller.

Of them in that range, the number that have water and an atmosphere that would support what we call life is even smaller.

Of those planets, the number which would have spontaneously generated life is fractional. The number of planets that would have avoided cosmological events (like meteors or exploding suns) and still managed to sustain life is even smaller.

What then, would you say the odds of intelligent life existing (meeting the defintion of life, mind you) are. Small, but still there.

Now, consider how old the universe is and factor in that not only do the following conditions need to be met, but they need to be met in a time frame that would allow ANY individual of their species interact with one of ours (in order to know they exist).

I think the odds that an intelligent species exists within the cosmically TINY window that humanity has existed, far enough away from Earth we've not detected it, but CLOSE enough that they could be aware of life occuring on Earth AND travel that distance is EXTREMELY small.

Does that mean it CAN'T happen? No. It's possible.

It simply means that I don't think it's happened yet.


Has anyone heard of the ufos spotted in St. Augustine, Florida last week?  Also I'm going to write something that I haven't looked into yet but I've heard bits of information about it here and there.

Isn't there a govt. program call Project Bluebeam, (I think that's the name of it), where they are supposed to use holograms to make it look like we are being invaded by aliens to scare us into looking to them, (govt.), to save us, therefore letting them do even more of anything they want to do?