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Big, bad news! Liberty Dollar offices raided.

Started by toowm, November 15, 2007, 09:04 AM NHFT

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I have been blasting them for

1) suggesting the coins are 'fake' when they are real metals

2) suggesting they are 'Ron Paul's' (there is a whole thread over at FR devoted to how Paul is going to get himself out of this)

3) suggesting that barter using personal property is illegal


That AP article has quite possibly crossed the line into libel. Tracking down the person at AP who allowed it to get out onto the wires like that would be a very good idea.

Russell Kanning

how can anything a private person does ... be unconstitutional?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Crocuta on November 16, 2007, 07:40 PM NHFT
Well, even more reason to get behind Dr. Paul.  If they do arrest BVN, or anyone else, President Paul can grant them all pardons in January.
by January of a Paul administration ... the government will be jailing the "lone gunman"


Holy shit!
That article on CBS is fucking retarded.
"FAKE coins, FAKE, it's FAKE, it's just shitty gold and silver, not real and worthless paper!!!!"
It also says nothing of the legal battles won by the LD. Great reporting as usual.

I couldn't see any of the comments though, and you have to register to make comments.
What a load of shit.  >:(


QuoteThat is good news, of course, for those already holding the coins. On eBay, the silver Ron Paul dollars that were purchased for $20 were selling for more than $170 last night.

More than that now



Quote from: Friday on November 16, 2007, 11:34 AM NHFT
Quote from: shuvom on November 15, 2007, 09:21 PM NHFT
Bald Eagle,

That's right- how's the "Forge of Freedom" sound to you?

Come by Ron's house tomorrow- that's exactly the idea I had. 

This is an opportunity.  The LD has always split freedom lovers because some loved the idea, some hated the large mark-up over spot.   We have a chance to do this right.

Imagine NH Freedom dollars, stamped rounds of silver, that we make here, with no to little mark-up over spot. 

Avenge the Liberty Dollar indeed!  In five years, when I pay for my Big Mac with silver and Euros, when the FRN dollar is worth as much as a peso, I'm going to buy Bernard a shake and we'll sit back and laugh. 

I probably won't make the meeting tonight, but I am very interested in participating in this venture.  I'm one of the ones who always had "issues" with the LD.  But I would love to help get our own alternative currency going in NH.  Please add me to your mailing list (if you have one) and let me know what you are looking for in terms of labor, investment, etc.

Seconded!!!  I just got done reading this thread for the first time.  Like Friday, I've never cared much for the LD's -- but this raid by the legitimacy-cloaked mafioso thugs calling themselves our "government" has got me very interested in participating in an alternative currency movement starting here in New Hampshire.  Let's make sure that out of the ashes a Phoenix arises that makes the former Liberty Dollar look like child's play! 

Please keep me posted on how I can help move this effort forward.  I will help in any way I can!

Also, where can I get my hands on one of those "The US Mint Can Bite Me" t-shirts?  I would pay good money for an original one of those (or even a reproduction) in small or medium.

:V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50: :V_mask_50:


Ron & Shuvom, are you guys gonna set up a discussion forum over at NHLibertyDollar.org for suggestions for the New-Hampshire Liberty "Medallion"?

Looks to me like the several "legal" issues with the ALD are:

1) Mint complaint about trademark issues: similarity to U.S. coinage, ie: Liberty Head image, slogans "In God we Trust" v. "Trust in God" causing it to be mist

2) nomenclature: people calling it a "coin", "currency", etc.

3) [edit add] says "Dollar"

Suggestions might include:

1) make it square or other shape

2) different image, such as Old Man in the Mountain

3) different slogan, such as "Live Free or Die" (or just "Live Free" - never liked that "die" part)

4) call it a "medallion", "barter token", or make up a completely new name, maybe derived from classical language or even science fiction or revolutionary political lingo.

[edit add] 5) DO NOT say "dollar".

[edit add] 6) get away from Troy ounce (who has a scale for that?), maybe go to grams, like the old "Volksmoney" (peoples' money) concept.

my $.02 -- hmm, or my 2 "live free tokens"

Dave Ridley

don't try to build some new system

just buy and sell with existing bullion at an agreed on price.
usually anywhere between spot and 10 percent over spot is appropriate...whatever the buyers and sellers can agree on.

There is not a one of you here who cannot easily buy hundreds of dollars worth of stuff with metal per month. 

If history runs on schedule they will come for bullion in a couple three years after making a lot of noise about it first.  In the meantime, there it is for you to use.


These are some great ideas, jaqeboy!  Being atheist, I especially like the "Live Free" slogan.  "Live Free or Die" may cross into a gray area, as that could cause the coin token to be mistaken by some as a state-issued currency.

I like the idea of depicting the Old Man.  Another good image to use would be a phoenix (see my previous post).

Are round shaped barter medallions illegal?  If so, they could be oval, or perhaps octagonal, to avoid sharp edges.

PattyLee loves dogs

This is good... the Feds say the Liberty Dollar violated the Constitution:


This is a very good thing... a conversation about money that refers to the Constitution.... which specifically forbids the Congress from making unbacked paper money!


Quote from: srqrebel on November 17, 2007, 10:31 AM NHFT
I like the idea of depicting the Old Man.  Another good image to use would be a phoenix (see my previous post).

The phoenix is already being used: www.phoenixdollar.com

Ron Helwig

Jack, you are spot on to what I was thinking. In fact, yesterday before the meeting I created this idea:
Of course the Old Man logo, stolen from signage, is probably not acceptable but the idea is good, IMHO.

The $10 face value on a 10 gram silver piece works out to about 50% of content. Not too bad. The size would be between a half ounce and a quarter ounce, so I think it would be quite handy.

Recommending Dick Marple as a "mint" is great, and someone at last night's meeting should have brought that up.

However, most people in the meeting last night were more inclined to try to work with weight only and not have a 'suggested retail price'. That leads to a profit model where we are more of a pure marketing organization. Create a list of merchants and advertise that to customers, create a mailing list of potential customers and sell that to businesses...

As far as Phoenix, the https://www.phoenixdollar.com/ has been around for a while. They do have a branding program, but only want to work with established "big name" organizations.

Russell Kanning

we can also use all the coins already out there.

but adding a shire or nh or something similar coin is fun. :)

seems like the right word for what you are using or making